Jennifer Leib and Megan Anderson Brooks on the intersection of precision medicine and politics
MAY 14, 2021
Description Community

Jennifer Leib and Megan Anderson Brooks, Founder and Principal respectively of Innovation Policy Solution, joins us in this episode to discuss some of the most important US policies that relate to precision medicine, how COVID-19 has impacted the discussions surrounding the intersection of precision medicine and politics and the upcoming policy decisions that will shape the landscape of precision medicine in years to come.

Show Notes: 

1:04 - What does Innovation Policy Solutions do?

2:56 - What were your respective journeys to IPS?

7:45 - Politics and progress: what can regulations do?

15:20 - Recent changes in the regularization of lab-developed tests

25:46 - Pharmacists: how has COVID changed their role, and how does that affect PGx?

28:44 - The regulatory story behind value-based care

33:15 - The implications of gene patenting regulations

38:00 - Keep an eye out: the landscape and future of data sharing regulations

45:30 - Precision medicine and politics: The most important takeaways
