Maternal influences on childhood obesity levels | Unpacking the science and scripture the lifestyle choices your make today could impact your childs future health.
JUN 19, 2023
Description Community

Did you know that your influence as a mother extends beyond nurturing and emotional support? Studies have shown that a mother's lifestyle choices can impact her child's health, including the risk of obesity. 🍎🚶‍♀️

As a role model, your choices matter! By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can positively influence your child's well-being. Today learn some tips to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce the risk of obesity in your children.

We dig into the science and the what the bible says about our roles as mothers and how the choices you make now can impact generations to come.

Ready to take control of your time and make your health a priority?


✅ Reduce stress by taking control of your schedule 

✅ Have the time for meal prep and exercise

✅ Know what foods to eat for your goals

✅ Know which works outs are best for your body and goals

✅ Balance your hormones to optimise your health and weight loss

✅ Learn how-to live-in sync with your hormones and cycle to feel energised

⭐️ An online course to work through at your own pace

⭐️ 4 x 1:1 30 minute coaching sessions via zoom

⭐️ 2 x Electronic Planners to help you plan and stay on track with your goals

⭐️ Accountability via Voxer for 3 months with SJ

