Reverse Swept Radio 143 - A Cricket Podcast
SEP 01, 2021
Description Community

THE TEN MINUTE FORTNIGHT: Back at Lord's post-pandemic, and rediscovering the joy of net sessions in lockdown

"It's the grabbing by the scruff of the neck that I particularly like. It feels like exactly the right way for an MCC member to express their disgust."

FROM THE ARCHIVES (8'00): Cricket and excuses

"The match reports talk about the excellence of the bowling, not the fact that none of the batsmen could lift their arms because their shirts were too tight."

THE REVIEW (19'05): Cape Summer and the Australians in England by Alan Ross 

"Describing the pitch, Ross reaches for an unexpected metaphor: 'perhaps as for tired businessmen who like a night out, a single frolic sufficed for a long time'."

Recorded on 30 August 2021
