Episode 87 | Writer Rebeccca Stanfel on the Pain from Sarcoidosis and Legitimate Need for Opioids.
MAY 08, 2023
Description Community

Rebecca Stanfel is a Sarc Fighter who also happens to be a wonderful writer  -- to the point that national publications share her work.  She recently published a blog in the Huffington Post, where she talked about the pain from Sarcoidosis that was so bad, only opioids would give her relief.  In a world where we now often shudder at the mention of these addictive drugs, Stanfel wrote that they were her only path forward and that they serve a necessary purpose in certain situations -- including hers.

That is not to say it wasn't a struggle or that it was easy to wean herself from the medication.  It wasn't.  But in her writings, and during the discussion on the podcast she talks about how she fought to free herself from the drugs while still dealing with sarcoidosis.



Show notes:

Rebecca's post on Huffpost:  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oxycontin-fentanyl-opioid-crisis_n_63d1603de4b0c8e3fc7b72f6

More on aTyr Pharma: https://atyrpharma.com/

Participate in the aTyr Clinical Trial: https://bit.ly/3EUOxNq

Attend the FSR Crystal Awards Gala: https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/gala-2023/

Royce's Cycle4Sarc page: https://stopsarcoidosis.rallybound.org/cycle4sarc?tab=Dashboard&fbclid=PAAaa9zWEjpGVyS1Q5Swa8mm5JT0t7JH13dfxVxdW1QlBMmbiRmc00Ol-uu-c

Royce Robertsons original interview: https://beatsarc.podbean.com/e/episode-79a-royce-robertson-is-fighting-sarcoidosis-from-the-seat-of-his-bike/

Help FSR further its mission by becoming an Alliance Volunteer:  www.stopsarcoidosis.org/gsca-leaders/

Become a community outreach leader: https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/gsca-leaders/


John Carlin's Outdoors: https://www.wsls.com/topic/John_Carlin%27s_Outdoors/

Cycling with Sarcoidosis http://carlinthecyclist.com/category/cycling-with-sarcoidosis/

Do you like the official song for the Sarc Fighter podcast?  It's also an FSR fundraiser!

If you would like to donate in honor of Mark Steier and the song, Zombie, Here is a link to his KISS account.  (Kick In to Stop Sarcoidosis)  100-percent of the money goes to the Foundation.  https://stopsarcoidosis.rallybound.org/MarkSteier

The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/

Donate to my KISS (Kick In to Stop Sarcoidosis) fund for FSR  https://stopsarcoidosis.rallybound.org/JohnCarlinVsSarcoidosis?fbclid=IwAR1g2ap1i1NCp6bQOYEFwOELdNEeclFmmLLcQQOQX_Awub1oe9bcEjK9P1E

My story on Television https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/news-anchor-sarcoidosis/

email me  carlinagency@gmail.com

email Royce Robertson  roycelrobertson@gmail.com







