Episode 96 | How effective is methotrexate? And Royce braves the miles and the weather for your cause!
SEP 12, 2023
Description Community

In Episode 96 of the FSR Sarc Fighter Podcast, fellow Sarc Fighter Royce Robertson returns to talk about his epic adventure while raising money for the cause.  Meanwhile a small study in Japan suggests methotrexate may not be the answer for some Cardiac Sarcoidosis patients.


Show Notes

The Methotrexate article: https://sarcoidosisnews.com/news/methotrexate-no-better-than-prednisolone-cardiac-sarcoidosis-poor-responders/

Royce's Cycle4Sarc page: https://stopsarcoidosis.rallybound.org/cycle4sarc?tab=Dashboard&fbclid=PAAaa9zWEjpGVyS1Q5Swa8mm5JT0t7JH13dfxVxdW1QlBMmbiRmc00Ol-uu-c

Royce Robertsons original interview: https://beatsarc.podbean.com/e/episode-79a-royce-robertson-is-fighting-sarcoidosis-from-the-seat-of-his-bike/

email Royce Robertson  roycelrobertson@gmail.com

Help FSR further its mission by becoming an Alliance Volunteer:  www.stopsarcoidosis.org/gsca-leaders/

Become a community outreach leader: https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/gsca-leaders/


Cycling with Sarcoidosis http://carlinthecyclist.com/category/cycling-with-sarcoidosis/

Do you like the official song for the Sarc Fighter podcast?  It's also an FSR fundraiser!  If you would like to donate in honor of Mark Steier and the song, Zombie, Here is a link to his KISS account.  (Kick In to Stop Sarcoidosis)  100-percent of the money goes to the Foundation.  https://stopsarcoidosis.rallybound.org/MarkSteier

The Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/

Donate to my KISS (Kick In to Stop Sarcoidosis) fund for FSR  https://stopsarcoidosis.rallybound.org/JohnCarlinVsSarcoidosis?fbclid=IwAR1g2ap1i1NCp6bQOYEFwOELdNEeclFmmLLcQQOQX_Awub1oe9bcEjK9P1E

My story on Television https://www.stopsarcoidosis.org/news-anchor-sarcoidosis/

email me  carlinagency@gmail.com

