NOV 26, 2023
Description Community

This Soul A:M Sunday I would like to invite you to Feel the Reel! No Spell check needed as I take you on our Soul Unique journey reminiscent of an era seldom experienced or even remembered as many of today’s Player’s embrace Soul-less Tech of modern times in search of the glow of Love…

But do not realise to really embrace this feelin you must be at one with your Music through the Magic of Memories Experiences living the Goodness of the Groove.

To the many dedicating our lives towards Preserving the original Audiophiles  Media and Production houses that served our genre’s so well from back in our days to this very day. 

That is the Real! My Real… Positive Soul’s Let me take you deeper!

When I play My records as like many of you… My senses tingle on overdrive, We formally called the term Goose-Pimples on Goose-Pimples, Soul’ly due to the inbound assault of uplifting memories mixed with encounters around the dance-field also known back then as Floors, coupled with the priceless syncronicty experienced when you first encountered these melodies, This unnapologetic yet blissfully satisfying Uphoria is reserved for those in the know! But thankfully due to the power of our Podcast, I feel emboldened to revive in a style seldom go… deep into the Groove to the rhelm that resides inbetween DJ & Music where the mix is not created by the studio Mixer! But navigates through the  inner core between record and memory in line with your hearts beat where once in-line for Feel Fine, passion 

re-writes music law,

Welcome back to our Soul-Space where Music is Grace and Feeling good, is as Standard… All you need to do is Press PLAY…to Uplift your day.

Revew Like and Share,

Enjoy MJ.
