How to Persuade Your Instagram and Prospects Effectively - Paul Ross
DEC 09, 2021
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Todays guest is steven ross an expert in persuasion.  Persuasion is one of my favorite topics because everyday in multiple ways we play persuasion games.  According to game theory everything we do is an act of persuasion---we do this at work, at home, with our kids and with our partners.  For most of us---trying to get another to see the world as we see it is the most important thing and that is never truer than in business.  Whether its on our instagram or on facebook we are trying to persuade others to see the world as we see it or the way we want them to see it.  I would make the argument that persuasion is the single most effective thing we can learn to master in order to shape our lives in a way that we are ultimately happy.

Persuasion starts with our body---our facial expressions extends to our tonality and pace of speech and ends with the content we are delivering.  Often we get into sales pitches and deliver our pitch perfectly only to walk away with a blank contract-------why?  Effective persuasion is part psychology, part sociology and to be effective we need to understand both game theory and be able to be an illusionist knowing what to reveal and when. 

Today I have Steven Ross on the show and if you havent heard our first interview a few years ago I would encourage you to go back and find the episode I think its number 276 we get into doublespeak and subtle words can effectively put people into a more receiving state---we also talk about how to use the power of touch.
