000 Welcome to the Superpowered Mind Podcast!
MAR 20, 2024
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Welcome to the inaugural episode of my new show, Superpowered Mind! This weekly podcast is for enquiring individuals who are tired of the struggle for peace, happiness and clarity. 

I'm Clare Dimond, a certified coach who has worked with thousands of people around the world and the author of nine books on the mind and its potential. I am also an NLP trainer, BA Psych, MBA, yoga and meditation teacher and master hypnotist. I’m ready to help you explore the principles of the mind, the self and reality to unlock ultimate mental freedom. 

Every day I speak with people with exceptional minds, who are highly intelligent, creative, imaginative, and very able to problem-solve and to think analytically. The one thing that these people have in common is some degree of struggle or suffering that shows up in their lives - whether in their relationships, career, finances, health, habits, their community or in their sense of being.

With my years of training and experience in helping the mind settle into its innate well-being, intelligence and creativity, I support individuals and groups in a deep exploration of where that struggle is coming from. Because always and without  fail, the struggle and suffering come from an attempt to find peace, freedom and happiness where it cannot possibly be found. 

Our minds are brilliant, but the brilliance of the mind and the struggle go hand in hand. It's my absolute privilege to untangle the misunderstandings, the insanities, the beliefs and the confusions, so that the mind is genuinely set free. On this show, we're going to look at all the different elements involved in the confusion and in the liberation of the mind.  

If you're ready to experience the capabilities of the Superpowered Mind, keep listening! 


-Download our exclusive recording Free Subliminal: Supporting the Enquiring Mind  bit.ly/podcastsubliminal 

-Learn more about me and my work at https://claredimond.simplero.com/ 

-Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/claredimondreal 

-Let’s connect on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/clare-dimond-b533007/ 

-Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/clare_v_dimond/   
