S5 - E7.1 - Rezdiffra is approved! How patient and their advocates processed the news about the first MASH drug
MAR 23
Description Community

This conversation focuses on advocates' reactions throughout the day on Thursday, March 14, the day Rezdiffra became the first MASH drug approved in the U.S. 

Specifically, panelists discuss their thoughts and feelings as they reflected on Rezdiffra’s approval in the context of their personal experience. While no panelist is eligible to receive Rezdiffra as indicated, some thought back that day on their earlier patient experiences, while others thought of the patients for whom they advocate. 

During the day, all the panelists describe themselves as having reflexively refreshed their screens, waiting for news, and a few described real concern over seeing the announcement that morning from AASLD withdrawn a little while later. Once the announcement came out officially, reactions varied.

Wayne Eskridge was the first to reflect on his reactions. He recalled his initial diagnosis in 2014 or 2015, a “very emotional” event in his office because, at that time, the diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. Tony Villiotti says the approval did not resonate with his experience, but that he felt a surge of hope for those who might benefit today and in the years ahead. Mike Betel seconds his statement, mentioning that the lack of a biopsy requirement was an excellent benefit for patients. Jenn Jones likes the idea that the drug is non-invasive and believes "this is the start of a new era" for MASLD patients of all kinds.
