S5 - E7.4 - How MASH patient advocates plan to support Rezdiffra
MAR 24
Description Community

This conversation focuses on how the role of MASLD patient advocates might change and expand in the aftermath of Rezdiffra being approved.  

To Wayne Eskridge, this “raises an entirely new field of education and outreach,” because now advocates can do more than merely be supportive emotionally. Advocates can, quoting again, “refresh our message and have broader perspectives and share a more hopeful outlook to the future” and talk about clinical trial participation and other drugs coming down the line. Also, he notes that advocates can provide the education to bring new patients into the system and help deliver the information providers will need to know in order to treat them. Jeff McIntyre adds that this will raise a new set of questions for advocates to ask companies and the healthcare system in terms of support for patients with cirrhosis, more patient-friendly dosing, reimbursement…a range of issues. 

Roger Green shifts focus to ask how advocates can help slow the flow of patients into the system by reducing the rate of MASLD growth. Tony Villiotti says education is key and notes how NASH kNOWledge starts by educating children. Jenn Jones adds that education and promotion can give hope to patients with alcohol-related liver disease and those with the new category MetALD. She also notes that the label gives advocates new leverage to stress the importance of nutrition and physical activity. 
