Ep 87: Bitcoin's Peaceful Revolution with Peter St Onge PhD
E SEP 25, 2022
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Peter St Onge, Research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, fellow at the Mises Institute and contributor at Zero Hedge.

In part 2 of the series, we managed to finally dig into his piece.

We tackled:

- Human history being a long battle of centralization vs decentralization, of Power vs People.

- Why, and How Bitcoin fundamentally changes this.

- Our current 400-year golden age beginning with the decentralization of the printing press

- What elements of this 400yrs were most golden?

- What evidence do we have to the contrary?

- We even looked at Chinese history.

Fascinating Stuff.

The piece itself can be found here:


You can download the Bitcoin Times PDF for free at:



I also want to thank The Bitcoin Times partners for making this publication possible:

- Unchained.com

- Foldapp.com

- BlockwareSolutions.com

And of course, follow Peter's work on twitter:



Thanks again for listening.

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You can follow my work at:

- Linktree.com/Svetski

- Twitter @SvetskiWrites

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- https://svetski.medium.com

- https://bitcoinmagazine.com/authors/aleksandarsvetski

Check out the new book:


More coming soon!
