SIP 092: Are you comfortable teaching?
OCT 05, 2020
Description Community

What should you do if you are comfortable? What should you do it if you're not comfortable?

Covid-19 and the coronavirus pandemic is real. We just saw this week that the president got infected and foolishly hosted events without face coverings that subsequently infected many other people at a White house event. I know. This is insane. Right?

If the white house can't stay safe, how can we expect to remain safe while teaching swimming lessons?

We live in a world that requires us to go to work. Aquatic professionals need to bring in revenue. We need to have people taking lessons, using the pool, and participating in our programs.

How can we make ourselves feel safer?

  1. Set up a system.

  2. Wear face coverings the entire time you're coaching or teaching.

  3. Space participants apart with a good distance.

  4. Have regular airflow across the pool surface and expel it.

  5. Limit your exposure.

  6. Ask your staff what they're comfortable with.

  7. Screen your participants.

  8. Require parent involvement.

  9. Kick people out that don't follow your rules; be unapologetic about your own safety.


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