Episode 73: Anthony Fernandes: Teaching Mathematics Methods for Social Justice through Statistical Investigations of Systemic Racism
FEB 01, 2023
Description Community
Learning to teach math teachers better with Anthony Fernandes, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of North Carolina - Charlotte, as he shares his experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator. Anthony also shares his experiences with languages/communication and how he and colleagues have considered how to use data to help preservice teachers investigate systemic racism within their mathematics methods courses.
Interested in using the modules Anthonly described in the episode send him an email to afernan2 AT uncc.edu
Links from the episode:
Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (https://cemela.math.arizona.edu/)
AMTE Equity Committee Site (https://amte.net/content/equity-committee-0)
TODOS 2023 Conference (https://www.todos-math.org/conference)
Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guest: Anthony Fernandes.