MBA1469 How Many Support Agents Do You Need?
FEB 25, 2020
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At our software company, we pride ourselves on customer support. We differentiate ourselves with it, and always have.

It’s kind of our thing.

So we weren’t surprised to field several questions about customer support when we attended a recent conference. What many people wanted to know was how many support personnel are really necessary. For new small businesses, it’s an important question. 

After all, a lean startup can’t afford to idle hands. That said, they can’t afford anything less than top-tier support, either.

Today, we discuss our formula for keeping the right amount of support on hand. It varies from business to business, and depends on the amount of support requests you typically field, but there is a way to analyze your business’s needs. 

Spoiler alert: responding to tickets is the only thing great support agents do. not

See how we keep pace with our customers’ support needs, as we continue to add agents to our growing team. See how our “Support Ninjas” take ownership of our customers’ success, and why that makes all the difference. Click Play!


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