166: Integrating Embodied Intelligence with Somatic Coaching
NOV 27, 2023
Description Community

Rachel Blackman joins our host, Felicity Dwyer in an enlightening conversation to discuss somatic coaching. They explore how this approach can lead to a deeper sense of presence and a new understanding of the body’s intelligence. Rachel guides Felicity through three short somatic exercises to demonstrate the value of physical sensations and how to use the information provided in a coaching session. Discover the importance of agency, good contracting, and re-contracting in coaching – letting the client’s resonant sense guide the process.


You will learn:


·       The power of embodied intelligence and integration in coaching

·       How to use movement, body language and metaphor as a tool

·       How somatic coaching offers new perspectives, insights and ways of being for clients


“This idea of relating to the embodied experience as a sort of neck down experience and a kind of function rather than a territory of intelligence feels to me like a coming home and a deepening."


For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit: 

