Creating a Vibrant Life: Embracing Your Journey with The Mojo Maker Pamela Sylvan
JAN 06
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Sharon Sayler, host of 'The Autoimmune Hour,' welcomes Pamela Sylvan, the Mojo Maker. Their free-ranging chat covers plenty of ground, from kicking off the new year embracing a positive outlook on life, the power of self-reflection, living passionately, and the importance of taking care of 'it' now... They also dip into her life-changing experiences traveling.

Pamela also shares valuable insights into
• How our life's programming holds us back and how to harness its energies,
• Implementing systems for success, including the benefits of strategic laziness,
• Easy ways to create self-accountability,
• The importance of a Manifestation Wall,
• Discover the benefits of being unapologetically enthusiastic
Plus so much more…

More About Our Guest: Pamela Sylvan is a highly accomplished personal development 'whisperer' primarily for midlife women who know they are 'not done yet' and would like to express and flow more vibrancy in their lives. With over 35 years of experience in self-improvement, Public Relations, training and development, and leadership, Pamela has established herself as a respected expert and sought-after speaker.

Pamela's journey began with her transformation, overcoming challenges and adversity that began with debilitating messages from within her family to emerge as a confident and booming individual. Inspired by her growth, she embarked on a mission to help others unlock their mojo, spiritual energy, vibrancy, and inner strengths and achieve their dreams.

As the founder of Pamela Sylvan PR and Mojo-Midlife Vibrancy Consulting and host to a weekly TV series, Natural Mojo, Pamela works with women to develop influential self-leadership skills and boost courage, confidence, and resiliency to enhance a joy-filled journey for the 2nd and 3rd half of life. Her dynamic and results-oriented coaching style always focuses on actionable strategies and a sense of fun and style that is incredibly contagious.

Pamela's unique approach combines a deep understanding of psychology and human behavior with practical tools and techniques from her extensive training and experience. She believes in the power of self-awareness and mindfulness and encourages her clients and audience to cultivate these qualities to drive personal and professional success. Learn more at and

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* Your host and guest(s) are neither a doctor nor medical professional. In the capacity of this presentation, we are everyday people trying to make sense of the world. The information presented in this interview cannot substitute for the advice of your physician or other trained medical, healthcare, legal, or other professionals. Host(s) and guest(s) are not diagnosing specific conditions during the show. This show is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat autoimmune diseases or other conditions or illnesses. The information provided on, Life Interrupted, and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only and opinion only. It is not a substitute for your own medical, legal, or other professional advice and care.

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