One Expert's Favorite Ways to Rebalance Your Body and Mind
NOV 11, 2023
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Tonight, we welcome back Roberta Mittman L.Ac, CNC, PLLC, a renowned alternative healthcare practitioner and wellness coach. In this informative conversation, Roberta shares two favorite ways to realign your body and mind toward wellness and balance.

First, we chat about acupuncture, a traditional Chinese method utilized to relieve a variety of health issues and symptoms, such as stress or pain. While the exact mechanism behind how it works is not yet entirely understood, there is evidence that it can impact the nervous and other bodily systems and acupuncture has been shown to have a calming effect.

Acupuncture provided by a licensed, trained professional has been shown to be safe and effective. It can help achieve a relaxed state and encourage the release of your body’s innate ability to combat the stressor or symptom, and it’s also been said that it balances your body’s energy or ‘qi.’

Roberta also shares a detailed explanation of Rescripting, her proprietary comprehensive mental-strength training method. She developed Rescripting with an aim to help clients overcome stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed by leveraging over 25 years of experience in acupuncture and health coaching. Rescripting helps boost clients’ confidence and enables them to make better choices, leading to a more peaceful life.

More About Our Guest: Roberta Mittman L.Ac, CNC, PLLC, founder of the Park Ave Center for Well-being in NYC, is a dedicated alternative health care practitioner, wellness coach, speaker, author, licensed acupuncturist, and certified nutritional consultant. Roberta brings decades of medical, scientific, and holistic knowledge to her holistic life coach practice to help her clients from the inside out. She can help you get to the root cause of your challenges with a unique blend of modern psychology, Chinese medicine principles, and an emotional component called Rescripting, her proprietary technique. Learn more at

You can read more about acupuncture at

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* Your host is neither a doctor nor a medical professional. In the capacity of this presentation, both host and guest are speaking as everyday people trying to make sense of the world, and IS OPINION ONLY. The information presented in this interview cannot substitute for the advice of your physician or other trained medical, healthcare, legal, or other professionals. Host(s) and guest(s) are not diagnosing specific conditions during the show. This show is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat autoimmune diseases or other conditions or illnesses. The information provided on, Life Interrupted, and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only and opinion only. It is not a substitute for your own medical, legal, or other professional advice and care.
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