Shifting Silver-Lining-Thinking and Other Success Strategies
OCT 06, 2023
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Have you ever heard that proverb about “be careful what you think?” Tonight’s guest, Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist, Coach, and International Teacher Jill Fischer, asks us to consider what would happen if we flipped ‘be careful what you think... including silver-lining’ness’ on its head and choose to come from forward momentum intentions and positive outcomes. Jill calls it “High Vibe Living.”

Jill shares how to cultivate and incorporate a high-vibe lifestyle that brings joy, abundance, and fulfillment into every area of your life, honed from over the past 15 years as she has supported thousands of people to transform their lives.

Jill shares her tips and tools for
• Prioritizing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, even when you don’t think you have time,
• User-friendly tricks for keeping your momentum up for meditation and gratitude journaling
• Why ‘making meaning’ and ‘silver-lining thinking’ can slow your recovery down, plus so much more...

About Our Guest: Jill Fischer is an Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist, Coach, and International Teacher. She is the President and Founder of the College of Holistic Healing and has a Masters in Energy Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy.

After a lifetime of sacrificing herself to please other people, Jill reclaimed and took charge of her life. She created a multiple six-figure healing business while raising two healthy children independently.

Jill’s mission is to promote holistic healing so everyone can experience optimal health and live a joy, love, and laughter-filled life. She works with people who struggle with chronic illness, weight, relationship issues, grief, stress, and anxiety. Her unique deep healing process helps people feel healthier, calmer, lighter, and happier than ever before so they can live a more fulfilling life.

Jill is graciously offering her Free ‘Self Worth Meditation at the Beach’ to support you in aligning with how amazing, brilliant, beautiful, smart, and attractive you are.
If you’re struggling with your health, weight, relationships, or life direction, click here to connect with Jill for a free I Love My Life Discovery Session.

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  • Your host and guest(s) are neither a doctor nor medical professional. In the capacity of this presentation, we are everyday people trying to make sense of the world. The information presented in this interview cannot substitute for the advice of your physician or other trained medical, healthcare, legal, or other professionals. Host(s) and guest(s) are not diagnosing specific conditions during the show. This show is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat autoimmune diseases or other conditions or illnesses. The information provided on, Life Interrupted and The Autoimmune Hour is for educational purposes only and opinion only. It is not a substitute for your own medical, legal, or other professional advice and care.

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