Hello everyone!
Here’s our latest episode - Pondering Panspermia w/ Brian Selznick, Author of Big Tree!
NARRATOR: There are those who suggest that life on Earth began out there… Among the stars. Well, not the stars. Too bloody hot. Among the planets and asteroids, scattered throughout the Cosmos… With building blocks of life that may have been the forebearers of proteins, biopolymers, and peptides. Some believe there may still be the stuff of life floating around space searching for a planet or moon where they can, once again, ignite the process we call… life…
Welcome back to The Cosmic Companion. I’m James Maynard. This week we are Pondering Panspermia. This notion presents the idea that life on Earth — may have been delivered to our world — in whole or in part — by asteroids and comets. This same process could also spark life around the Universe...
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