In this stirring episode of "The Elkhart Tapes," host Derek takes you through the shadowy life and surprising end of a man once woven into the fabric of Southern Illinois's most notorious criminal history. Chapter by chapter, we unravel the enigma of Charles Bryan Harris, a figure whose early life was marked by infamy but whose final days were spent in the quiet town of Elkhart, Kansas. "End of the Line" explores the juxtaposition of a life lived on the edge and the tranquil redemption found in an unexpected place.As we delve into the past, we also remain grounded in the present and the connections that hold our community together. Today, we share not just stories of old but also the story of a young boy, Brody Martin, engaged in the bravest battle of all. Brody, the son of our cherished community member Ashley Powell, is fighting leukemia. The courage he shows each day is a beacon of true grit and resilience.In the spirit of unity and support that defines our listeners, we ask you to join us in sending Brody your love and encouragement. Let's fill his world with hope through letters and care packages that will brighten his days as he undergoes chemotherapy. Please send your heartfelt messages to "Brody Martin" at Box 102, Healy, KS, 67850.Join us in this episode as we bridge the gap between history and hope, narrative and action. "End of the Line" isn't just a look back at a life of notoriety but a call to bring light to one of our own during his darkest hours. Tune in, get involved, and let's show what our community is made of—compassion, connection, and unwavering support for each other.#ElkhartTapes #CommunityStrength #BrodyStrong