Taking a Quantum Leap With TTSAO 2024: Event Recap
#events #ttsao #conferences #transportation #quantumleap
We offer a recap of the recent TTSAO conference from February 2024 called Taking a Quantum Leap. The Truck Training School Association of Ontario (TTSAO) held their latest conference on a Leap Year date of February 29th. The conference is focused on the truck driver training industry with a variety of speakers and presentations. Find out what happened at the conference and how much of a leap they took for 2024. You can learn about TTSAO at www.ttsao.com
This episode is sponsored by RIMS Transport who is looking for owner operators and drivers to work cross border operations out of Hamilton Ontario. You can learn more about the opportunities at www.rimstransport.com
This episode is sponsored by C.A.T. Transport offering flexible work options, pet friendly programs, and is one of the Best Managed Carriers in Canada. Learn more at www.cat.ca or call 1-800-363-5313
This episode is also sponsored by Ontario Truck Driving School has a number of courses to help you be successful when starting a career in transportation from heavy equipment to over the road trucking. You can learn more about starting your career at www.otds.com
About the Show
LISTEN TO THE PODCAST- The show is available at www.theleadpedalpodcast.com , ITunes, Stitcher, Spotify, Tunein, iHeartradio, SoundCloud, and other popular podcast platforms. Thanks for listening
LISTEN TO LEAD PEDAL RADIO at www.LeadPedalRadio.com
The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers talks all things trucking for people in the transportation industry helping them improve their business and careers. Interviews with industry professionals and truck drivers, trucking information, and other features on the industry are meant to be helpful for truck drivers and those in transportation. The Lead Pedal Podcast for Truck Drivers has main episodes released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with bonus material on other days. You can learn more about the host and show on our website and make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favourite podcast platform. www.theleadpedalpodcast.com
What does The Lead Pedal Podcast mean? The Lead (pronounced - Led) stands for acceleration or fast-track of your career or business. It is a play on words and we certainly are not here promoting speeding in the industry. We are hoping this information will help you become a professional driver faster than if you didn’t know about many of these topics.
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