Experience of an expert witness
MAY 08, 2023
Description Community
In the second episode supporting the Medical protection campaign to encourage more clinicians to take up the valuable role of expert witness, Sara Grewar talks with Dr Rebecca Whiticar about what it is like to work as an expert witness and why you might choose to do so.

Medical Protection launching a new campaign on expert witnesses

Your host today was Sara Grewar.

Our guest speaker today was Dr Rebecca Whiticar, Medicolegal consultant and expert witness.

If you are interested in more information, registering for the Expert Witness webinars on 10 and 24 May please visit:
10 MAY - Redefining the expert witness; your profession needs you! (MPS members only?).
24 MAY - Redefining the expert witness: preparing to take the stand (MPS members only?)

For more information about Medical Protection please visit