WS1618: Taking Action to Achieve Goals | Whitney Sewell
MAR 27, 2023
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Avoid the "Someday Isle" and achieve the success you desire. In this solo show with Whitney Sewell, he shares his experience and emphasizes the importance of attending conferences, building relationships, and mostly, taking action to achieve your goals. He shares how he and his wife made the decision to sell their farm and take massive action to change their lives.

In today’s episode, Whitney reminds us that taking big steps may seem crazy to other people, but it's crucial in changing our future in a big way. He even discusses with us the importance of self-discipline in achieving goals. Tune in now and grab the power to change your future!

Key Points From This Episode:  

  • Whitney shares the best-ever real estate investing conference he’s attended.
  • How do conferences ignite relationships and partnerships?
  • The importance of choosing to take action and putting your foot forward.
  • Whitney talks about the big action he and his wife took to change the trajectory of their life.
  • The book ‘No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline’ and how it can help people to take action now.
  • Whitney reminds that just going with a crowd leads you exactly to where they are going and explains what self-discipline is.
  • Why does self-discipline require delayed gratification?
  • The importance of making sure that what you do in the short term is aligned with what you want in the long term.


“I can look back, and even at some key relationships that I have today, that came from relationships that started five years ago at specific conferences like this.” - Whitney Sewell

“You gotta keep going, you gotta get out there and put your foot forward and make some decisions.” - Whitney Sewell

“If you're going to look for excuses, you're always going to find one.” - Whitney Sewell

“We knew we had to take some action, do some big things right now to change the trajectory right of our lives moving forward.” - Whitney Sewell

“Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it whether you feel like it or not.” - Whitney Sewell

“Successful people make sure that everything they do in the short term is consistent with where they want to end up in the long term.” - Whitney Sewell

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

The 4-Hour Workweek Book

No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline Book

Life Bridge Capital Website
