Jury Duty
SEP 11, 2023
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Editors - Diana Fishman, Adam Lichtenstein and Mary DeChambres ACE

The JURY DUTY editing team had plenty of experience cutting unscripted tv before taking on the hit Freevee series.  But is it actually an unscripted show?  To hear their fellow JURY DUTY editor Steven Rosenthal tell it, they were "using the techniques of a reality show for the purposes of a sitcom".  The end result is a series unlike any in either the unscripted or scripted comedy genres.

JURY DUTY is a reality/sitcom tv series that chronicles the inner workings of a U.S. jury trial through the eyes of juror Ronald Gladden, a solar contractor from San Diego.  Ronald is unaware that his jury duty summons was not official.  Everything that happened, inside and outside the courtroom, was planned.  And everyone in the courtroom, aside from him, was an actor.  The series was produced by; Ruben Fleischer, Nick Hatton, Cody Heller, Gene Stupnitsky, Todd Schulman, Lee Eisenberg, David Bernad and Andrew Weinberg.  Jake Szymanski also produced and directed.

Diana Fishman

Editor Diana Fishman is known for her work on the shows; GRACE AND FRANKIE (2015), THE UCB SHOW (2016-17) and SOUTH SIDE (2019-21).

Adam Lichtenstein

Born with a natural love for time code, Adam showed an early preference for non-drop frame, then rose through the editorial ranks pretending to enjoy sports, overusing terms like "shots on goal", "swish", "in your face" and "that's what I'm talking about" without the slightest idea what he was talking about.  He recently completed work on the documentary, FILM GEEK (2023) directed by Richard Shepard.

Mary DeChambres, ACE

In addition to her work crafting the finale of JURY DUTY, Emmy®-winning editor Mary DeChambres is known for cutting unscripted hits such as; PROJECT RUNWAY (2008), AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR (2013-23) and THE REAL WORLD (2002-03).


In our discussion with the JURY DUTY editing team, we talk about:

  • Using reality tv techniques for a sitcom
  • Managing billions and billions of hours of footage
  • Never making fun of the hero
  • One assistant, no waiting
  • Breaking down the big reveal

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