Harnessing the Power of Social Listening: Using Customer Feedback to Improve Your Online Business
OCT 09, 2023
Description Community

It’s not a very popular topic in the world of social media but I feel like social listening is one of the number one things you can get better at to create irresistible offers, put out content your ideal client actually wants and make sales faster and I break this whole process down to make it easy for you in today’s episode! Btw-If you’re looking for 1:1 accountability & mentoring, I have almost a decade of biz experience and can help you accomplish anything you dream of so your next step is to watch this short video to learn more about my simple 4C formula, and behind the scenes of how mentoring works with me-Check it out here: https://www.sarahdhall.com/coaching. You can also find out your sales IQ by taking my free sales quiz, and then get actionable tips to improve your sales IQ! Take the quiz here www.sarahdhall.com/quiz Come Say “Hi” on Instagram @thesarahdhall: http://www.instagram.com/
