2024 FedEx & UPS Residential Surcharge Fees
JAN 24
Description Community

UPS and FedEx define a residential surcharge as a residential delivery made to a home, including a business working out of a home. Furthermore, an added shipping charge will apply for each residential delivery. However, this fee applies in two cases. If either the delivery address entered or the actual delivery address is deemed residential by UPS.

Read more about FedEx Residential Fees

Read more about UPS Residential Fees

Since 2006, Refund Retriever has been auditing FedEx and UPS packages for late deliveries and billing mistakes. We assist shippers in maximizing carrier discounts and achieving best-in-class pricing through a complete logistics analysis. Are you paying too much for your shipping?

Refund Retriever also offers a solution to all your Amazon FBA reimbursement problems. We manually check the whole inventory lifecycle to guarantee all inventory is available for sale. To learn more about FedEx/UPS auditing, contract negotiation, or Amazon FBA reimbursement services, visit: https://zurl.co/ZUqV
