FedEx Shipments Exceptions 2023
JUL 12, 2023
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FedEx shipment exceptions are not fun for recipients or shippers. The ability and promptness of a courier service operator to deliver a package without a hitch are at the top of the requirements list for most clients. In a world that prioritizes swift delivery of both services and packages, FedEx ranks as one of the best courier services, with a few delivery exceptions.

Since 2006, Refund Retriever has been auditing FedEx and UPS packages for late deliveries and billing mistakes. We assist shippers in maximizing carrier discounts and achieving best-in-class pricing through a complete logistics analysis. Are you paying too much for your shipping?

Refund Retriever also offers a solution to all your Amazon FBA reimbursement problems. We manually check the whole inventory lifecycle to guarantee all inventory is available for sale. To learn more about FedEx/UPS auditing, contract negotiation, or Amazon FBA reimbursement services, visit:
