Unearthing the Supernatural with Hero
NOV 06, 2023
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🧙‍♀️🐕‍🦺🎙️Dive into the fascinating world of Native American supernatural with our latest Witching Hour podcast episode! On this episode of The Witching Hour, Patti Negri welcomes Hero, co-founder and leader of the Native American paranormal team 'Unearthing the Supernatural'. Hero shares his experience as a paranormal investigator, indigenous warrior, healer, and cleanser. It's an episode that will leave you spellbound. ✨  Plus the Willow Report, a Tea Magic Lesson, and catch up with Patti’s amazing adventures in our 'Where's Patti?' segment! 🔮✈️ Don't miss out!

#WitchingHour #Podcast #PattiNegri #psychicmedium #unearthingthesupernatural 

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