Welcome back to the Think Bigger Actors Podcast!
I’m going to tell you right now…if you have aligned yourself with the struggle of “Actors always get taken advantage of when it comes to money.” or the “starving artist trope…” this is not the podcast for you.
Because your toes will be stepped on…in the most loving way.
So I’m going to ask your permission – should you choose to keep on…that your toes might get a little hurt. Cuz, Baby…we’re talking money.
Today’s guest we have Miata Edoga the CEO and Founder of Abundance Bound, actor.
For over two decades, she has been helping individuals of all backgrounds establish a healthier, more compassionate relationship with their money – whether they are just starting out, starting over, or starting to wonder how they should handle their growing wealth.
Watch the video podcast on Youtube + Subscribe: DaJuan Johnson - Think Bigger Coaching for Actors.
Follow me on the ‘gram! @thinkbiggercoaching and @dajuanjohnson
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