Get to know me!
MAR 05, 2022
Description Community
Hi, I'm Melissa.
I am an Integrative Health Practitioner for women focused on optimizing health and longevity.

I work with women around the country who are not feeling well but not quite sick.  I like to say I am the stop before your diagnosis.

I hold a Master's Degree in Acupuncture and an undergrad in Education.  I am a wife, mother, athlete, author, speaker, entrepreneur, daughter and friend.

I am so passionate about wellness because I spent my 40's super sick.  I saw 12 doctors to diagnose and treat what turned out to be Lyme Disease but it wasn't until I undertook a lengthy detox protocol that I fully healed myself.

I want to help you heal yourself at the deepest level. 

We will work together to figure out why you aren't feeling vibrantly healthy. Comprehensive specialized functional medicine lab tests will help us pinpoint the root cause of your health issues.  We will remove what's not needed and add what your body is calling for.  With simple changes and better choices we can restore wellness and vitality to your life.

The world needs you to take better care of yourself and I'd love to help you.

Listen in today to learn about how I practice.

Find me on TikTok @melissaklepackiwellness 

and Instagram @melissahallklepacki

and visit my new website

