Join the GET HAPPY challenge - Part 1
FEB 16, 2022
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Today I want to get into mindset & motivation. Today it's my job to remind you that no one is coming to rescue you; it’s on you to find your happiness.
No time like the present, so today is the day we start.
Pick one thing and make a change. Pick the thing that makes you unhappiest. Is it something when you look in the mirror? If you said yes, is that really what makes you unhappiest.?  Just ask yourself gently. Or is it something in your relationship? Or is it situational? Maybe there’s something that you’re currently doing that’s not making you happy and you continue to try to do it and are continually unhappy? Perhaps you need a shift in that behavior? Whatever it might be, today is the day to start. And we’re not looking to make quick fixes here. Rather simple changes and better choices.
Perhaps you need one fix to get the job done or, perhaps it’s something that needs to be worked on daily. Only you can decide. Your job today is to take five minutes to figure it out. You already know what the answer is so you shouldn’t even need the whole five minutes.
Then you’re gonna go do two things. 1. Write it down in a clean book or pad of paper. This will serve as your goal journal. And we’re going to talk about the purpose of this goal journal next week.
2. Call your best friend in the whole world and tell them what you’re working on. We all need accountability partners so ask this friend to help you stay on track.
I’m going to give you an example:
I really feel unhappy about my weight and I’d really like to lose some fat and gain some muscle before my next trip in six weeks. The first thing I do is grab a fresh notebook on the first page I write out that sentence. The next thing I do is call my best friend and tell her that I’ve decided to make some changes, specifically to exercise more and eat healthier and that I would love her support.
For the sake of time in this 3-minute podcast,  the next episode will include both how to use that goal journal and what that conversation with that friend looked like.
Your job this week is to uncover what’s making you unhappy and get excited about changing it.
Remember: I work 1:1 with highly motivated individuals on a comprehensive program to uncover the root of what ails you and live a more vibrant lifestyle.  More information can be found at