S1 E2 - Start Right To 1M - Art Of The Sell
FEB 17, 2024
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In this episode of 'Start Right to 1M,' we confront the real challenges that creative parents encounter on their path to entrepreneurship. Acknowledging a common truth, many creatives initially struggle with sales, yet possess the undeniable potential to master this skill and sell their services at a premium. We're talking transformative figures: 1K, 10K, to 100K deals.

The journey from full-time parenting and creative work to launching a successful business is fraught with obstacles, chiefly among them the belief that creatives can't sell and the seemingly insurmountable time constraints faced by parents. This episode dismantles these barriers, offering hope and practical strategies for parentpreneurs aiming for financial freedom and a better life for their families.

Highlighting the power of targeting an audience that reflects your past self, we delve into the advantages of your unique perspective. With over 20 years of personal growth and professional development, you're perfectly positioned to connect with, inspire, and elevate your audience. Tune in as we guide you through leveraging your creative talents and parental experiences to build a thriving business with Start Right.