Making Coaching Accessible Beyond the C-Suite l Sn2 Ep3
JUL 14, 2021
Description Community

Learn from Christine Noffz, Dawn Rowley, and Susan Gellatly, founders of BenchStrength Coaching, as they tell their story of how they were each building their own business, pursuing their passion in coaching, and recognized they could make a greater impact by joining forces. From sharing a passion for developing women leaders, they also started Women Rising, a women’s leadership development program, designed by women for women to offer you something they never had while in male-dominated industries.

Special Guests LN: Christine Noffz, Dawn Rowley, Susan Gellatly

Bench Strength Coaching LN: @BenchStrengthCoaching

Women Rising Web:

The program's mission is to prepare aspiring women for greater success by learning how to leverage strengths to drive results and overcome habits that may interfere with effectiveness. Designed and led by women, each participant leaves with an individual development plan based on learnings from the program.

For more information, visit or dial 888-312-0129 to talk to a coach!

Sponsored by Ascension Transformation Solutions

Partnership with Seasons Leadership Program

IG: @womeninleadership_podcast

LN: Women in Leadership Podcast
