WrestleRant Radio - March 28, 2024: The Solomonster Interview + Reviewing the Best WWE Raw of 2024!
MAR 28
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After almost a decade, Jason "The Solomonster" Solomon returns to WrestleRant Radio to chat with Graham "GSM" Matthews about ​House of Glory hitting the road and coming to Philadelphia for WrestleMania weekend, what to expect on the card, partnering with Wrestling Revolver, becoming commissioner and his extensive work with HOG, not portraying the stereotypical heel authority (and the brilliance of MLW's Dario Cueto), who to keep an eye on from the HOG roster, favorite match he's called, and more!

RJ Marceau and GSM then rave about Monday's Raw and if it was among the strongest shows WWE has produced in recent memory, what worked about the show-closing angle with Cody Rhodes and The Rock, concern over Roman Reigns being overshadowed, if we could see "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and John Cena show up during the WrestleMania 40 Night 2 main event, CM Punk creating chaos with his return to Raw and how he'll factor into the World Heavyweight Championship match, if Bronson Reed beating Sami Zayn guarantees an Intercontinental title win for Zayn at 'Mania, upcoming SummerSlam and WrestleMania locations, where Ronda Rousey went wrong in WWE coming off her recent controversial comments.
