#217 Three For Thursday | Bandcamp Sold Again | Remote & Resilient
OCT 05, 2023
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Jay has something old, something new, and something blue-ish…it’s Three For Thursday. We hear a track from the 1969 album Ahead Rings Out by Bloodwyn Pig, a new song Tyler Childers, and another impressive new track from The Rolling Stones.


Bloodwyn Pig - “The Modern Alchemist”

Tyler Childers - “Rustin’ in the Rain”

The Rolling Stones - ‘Sweet Sounds of Heaven (feat. Lady Gaga & Stevie Wonder)”

Nick learned late last week about the decision by Epic Games to sell Bandcamp a mere 18 months after acquiring it. Purchased by the Australian based music distribution service Songtradr, the fate of the site remains unclear but Nick is optimistic that Bandcamp could be a great fit.

Song: Animal Collective - “Broke Zodiac”

Due to scheduling issues and some technical issues, Greg recorded his segment remotely this week. After performing with The Resilient at a wounded veteran 5K event in Pennsylvania, the band headed down to Maryland to record some tracks at Stages Music Arts. Greg will be back next week but we appreciated the update and can’t wait to hear the new music.
