Disability and ability coexist
JUL 23, 2021
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A full show, we have several current topics and two brilliant guests. Author Victoria Scott has written a book that is, influenced by her relationship with her sister (who is disabled) and the family dynamics when deciding if medical intervention is the right path. Geoff Adams-Spink tells us about Netflix smash, Lupin plus a new Radio 4 show, The Confessional where celebrities admit to behaviour they are not always proud of. 

And of course, you have Phil and Simon rattling through topics that have got them thinking. Simon cites disabled lawyer, Gregory Mansfield, whose insightful tweets show disability and ability happily co-exist and blasts those who get stuck at the ‘dis’ part. Phil wonders if Ambassadors actually have power and influence. We also discuss the seemingly more easy question of compulsory vaccinations for people working in care or support roles. 

Links to everything are below. We hope you enjoy the show. 

 Gregory Mansfield on Twitter 

FT  Vaccine compulsory for some jobs   Paywall

BBC New disability Ambassador 

Netflix Lupin trailer on YouTube

BBC Radio 4 The Confessional 

Victoria Scott on Twitter 

Patience by Victoria Scott  Bookstore

Patience by Victoria Scott Goodreads
