We wanted to know the best pranks you've witnessed and Sandy, Jasmine, Suzanne and more have some great ones!
Some things that are happening today are hard to tell if they are pranks or not. But, Adam and Allison got into it over one product!
Happy Monday! Hope you like the show!
A French Bulldog is in love with Ryan Gosling, and cats give off Eminem energy!
A new study revealed the Gen Z wants to talk about past intimate experiences with their partners more than millennials. Adam has a hot take!
Not only can you get the ick when dating, but you can get it with friends too! Joe, Leia and more want to throw down!
A bride's day was ruined when her fiancee left her dress on top of the car, drove off, and now the dress is no where to be found. What have we left on top of the car? Emily, Kristen and Brittany are all guilty.
A story got Adam all in his feels because he realized he's not motivated by spite. Adrienne gave the ultimate pep talk!
Lay's released some regional chip flavors and we wanted to know what a Mississippi chip flavor would be. Hayley, Chris and more have thoughts!
People are sharing the moments that made them instantly quit. Jessica has a crazy story!
Good Friday good vibes from Cassie, Rachael, Shirley and more!!!
Happy FRIDAY!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
Allison has been accused for being a pot stirrer when she thought she was being a good friend. Chloe has the answer!
Fake name "Betty" got time off work approved for her procedure. The bosses didn't ask what kind of surgery she was having and she doesn't plan on telling them but her friend is making her feel bad! Olivia brings up a great point and Mary and Jesse are divided!
We had a big help in the Good Vibe Tribe from Kayla and Kimberly!
Today we listed to singing French Bulldog, Robyn and Chris shared thoughts on this new Camilla Cabello song, we solved a DM Dilemma about boob jobs and time off and we learned why Allison has no friends!
Mary and John Michael were the stars of this Hump Day Good Vibe Tribe!
Jennifer had us checking out "The Gentleman" on Netflix and instantly Adam was out and Allison was in!
Yesterday's DM Dilemma had Jesse calling to tell us a game he'll play with his wife, and we wanted to know what other games people play with their s.o.
Enjoy the Wednesday Show!
Allison thought she had something creative for National Make Up Your Own Day but she's a day early! Jerry has a way better suggestion!
After the storms last night, we needed the good vibes from Kristin, Becky and Joshua!
Fake name "Hank" thought when he mentioned cleaning his apartment to his girlfriend that they would do it together. She literally had other plans. Jesse, Chris and more had thoughts!
How did Adam's 5th grade teacher ruin his life?
Happy Monday, enjoy the show!
A new survey reveals most school bullies are doing better than the rest of us but that's not Brittany's case!
If mom & dad help you make a BIG purchase, should you have to disclose that when people congratulate you? Adam says yes, Allison says no!
Jenese and Craig showed up for this Monday round of good vibes!
A new study revealed a lot of kids start swearing at age 10, but what are the rules? Jennifer has the answers!