Bob Cargill’s Marketing Show

Bob Cargill


Bob Cargill’s podcast, ”Bob Cargill’s Marketing Show,” is a series of commentaries and conversations on the trends, developments, topics and issues that are on the minds of marketers, advertisers, social media and PR professionals today.

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157 episodes

AMA Boston, Leadership, Marketing, Social Media and More with Emilee Cocuzzo

Episode 185 - AMA Boston, Leadership, Marketing, Social Media and More with Emilee Cocuzzo In this episode of my podcast, I talk to Emilee Cocuzzo, Service Delivery Lead at Valere, Adjunct Professor at Clark University and President-Elect at AMA Boston. She tell us about her career journey up to this point, what it's like to serve on the board of directors of the American Marketing Association's Boston chapter, what leadership looks like to her, what she honestly thinks about social media and much more.  About Emilee Cocuzzo Service Delivery Lead at Valere leading AI and digital transformation work and projects. Previously a senior consultant at Booz Allen working on cyber security, enterprise data management, IT and digital modernization, DE&I strategy, and financial management projects. Adjunct professor at Clark University teaching about entrepreneurship. President-Elect at AMA Boston. 

Apr 02, 2024
How Can Your Products and Services Bring People Together?

Episode 184 - How Can Your Products and Services Bring People Together? Brands and businesses, marketers and advertisers, how can your products and services bring people together? That's the premise behind a ridiculously awesome ad I saw recently for Australian Lamb called the Generation Gap, "the impassable chasm that's divided Australia." It's a very entertaining and enjoyable spot, if you ask me, fascinatingly and humorously alluding to all the obvious differences between generations except for the fact that they all like lamb. It's a compelling and captivating short story with a very happy ending. Apparently there's no difference of opinion about lamb. As everybody comes together over lamb in this campaign, how can you follow the same recipe for success, illustrating that what you have to offer is universally, unanimously even, acclaimed?

Mar 16, 2024
Personal Branding: Encourage People to Take Pictures of You

Episode 183 - Personal Branding: Encourage People to Take Pictures of You A great way of getting the word out about what you have to offer your community is to have someone else do it for you. That's one reason why it's so easy for celebrities to grow their personal brands. Everywhere they go, their pictures are taken and shared with the world. They have no privacy. And in most cases that's okay with them. That's life in the public eye. That's free publicity. In rare instances, however - certain live performances such as the two I saw recently, by Dane Cook, the comedian, and Jethro Tull, the rock band - photographs and video recordings are forbidden. They don't like the distraction, for one thing. They also want complete control of their intellectual property. Not to mention...they're so ridiculously successful, they can afford to take that position. Most of us, though, not so much. We don't want to be like them if we're in marketing, advertising and sales of any sort. We don't want to be like them if we want the opportunity to reach an exponentially larger audience. We don't want to be like them if we want our followers, friends and fans to spread the word about us to their own respective social media networks, making it possible for us to get in front of people we would never have the chance to connect with otherwise. We want to increase our chances of going viral and extending the reach of the messages we share with our constituents and stakeholders. If we care at all about personal branding, we don't just want to allow people to take pictures of us, we want to encourage it.

Mar 01, 2024
Are You a Double Threat on Social Media?

Episode 182 - Are You a Double Threat on Social Media? It's one thing to have the skills to navigate your way around the digital world, to utilize social media effectively behind the scenes. It's another thing - and it's a big thing, too - to be able to be in front of the camera, behind the microphone, to be a content creator as a personal brand, either representing yourself as an individual or on behalf of your employer, a brand, business, etc. That's a double threat. Yes, if you can do both, if you can be both behind the scenes and in front of the camera, you would be considered a double threat, an invaluable asset to the organization for which you work. So I encourage all my students, all my clients to have both the skills to manage social media, to leverage digital technologies behind the scenes, as well as the confidence and talent to put yourself in front of the camera and behind the microphone. All that will make you especially invaluable during the course of your career as both a personal brand and employee. All that will be a win-win. #SocialMedia #PersonalBranding #Marketing #Success

Feb 02, 2024
The Continuation of My Teaching Journey, AMA Boston, the Domino’s Free Pizza Campaign, Coach Prime and More

Episode 181 - The Continuation of My Teaching Journey, AMA Boston, the Domino's Free Pizza Campaign, Coach Prime and More In this episode of my podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I talk about everything from the personal branding power of University of Colorado Boulder football coach Deion Sanders (also known as Coach Prime) to the great strategy and creativity behind Domino's recent Free Emergency Pizza campaign, from my work as a professor of marketing and social media to my role as president of the American Marketing Association's Boston chapter. 

Dec 31, 2023
Answering Questions about Social Media from Northeastern University Grad Students

Episode 180 - Answering Questions about Social Media from Northeastern University Grad Students In this episode of my podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I take a few great questions from the wicked smart, ridiculously awesome students in the course on social media I teach at Northeastern University. We talk about how the emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) has changed how we create content today, how I personally am able to effectively consume a seemingly endless stream of online information and more. Listen. Enjoy. Thanks. 

Dec 03, 2023
Teaching Marketing, Social Media, Business and Other Things on My Mind

Episode 179 - Teaching Marketing, Social Media, Business and Other Things on My Mind  In this episode of my podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I talk about how much I enjoy my role as an adjunct professor at three outstanding universities in Boston this fall (2023), teaching marketing, social media and business. Need some insight and inspiration about personal branding, thought leadership and thriving, not just surviving in this digital era day and age? This episode's for you. Do you know what it means to reach for the brass ring? I also talk about what that has meant to my career so far - and what it can mean to yours. Who's with me? I hope you are. 

Nov 17, 2023
Teaching Marketing, Social Media, Business and Other Things on My Mind

Episode 179 - Teaching Marketing, Social Media, Business and Other Things on My Mind  In this episode of my podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I talk about how much I enjoy my role as an adjunct professor at three outstanding universities in Boston this fall (2023), teaching marketing, social media and business. Need some insight and inspiration about personal branding, thought leadership and thriving, not just surviving in this digital era day and age? This episode's for you. Do you know what it means to reach for the brass ring? I also talk about what that has meant to my career so far - and what it can mean to yours. Who's with me? I hope you are. 

Nov 15, 2023
A Great Football Coach, A Great Personal Brand

Episode 178 - A Great Football Coach, A Great Personal Brand Deion Sanders. Coach Prime. Great football player and baseball player back in the day. And now he's a great head college football coach at the University of Colorado Boulder. He's a great personal brand, too. He's not afraid to speak freely and frequently. He's always in the headlines, always on social media, always in the news, always on our minds. And because he's such a strong personal brand, his words carry weight. He has a huge impact on all of those around him. Me, you, all of us can be like Coach Prime. We just have to speak up, put ourselves in front of the camera, share our knowledge and expertise with our followers and fans, and be conspicuous in our presence whatever we do, wherever we go. That's how to be like Deion Sanders. That's how to have a winning personal brand.

Oct 15, 2023
Personal Branding, Marketing Trends, Social Media and More

Episode 177 - Personal Branding, Marketing Trends, Social Media and More  In this episode of my podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I talk about a number of timely, relevant topics and issues related to social media and marketing - from AMA Boston ( to my book (Twenty Jobs, Twenty Lessons - a Long, Strange Journey in Marketing, from Junk Mail to Social Media), personal branding to marketing trends (for instance, pumpkin spice-flavored coffee in the fall here in New England) and more. Enjoy!  

Sep 14, 2023
Let Go of the Message

Episode 176 - Let Go of the Message  Many people, for personal and professional reasons, are afraid of letting go of the message on social media. Yet ironically, if they shared what they had to say loosely and liberally on social media, chances are the message - THEIR message - would reach more people, people they might not have reached otherwise. So letting go of the message can be a good thing on social media because you can let others respond to that message, interact with that message, help you spread that message further, faster to many more people. You can be afraid of letting go of the message, but that means your message has very little impact if any at all. On the other hand, if you let go of that message - by the way, a message just like this one of mine - on social media, you just may see exponential growth in terms of friendships, fans, connections and customers, whatever it is that you would like to have more of on social media. All of that - and, yes, more - could be yours if you were just willing and able to let go of the message.

Aug 29, 2023
Lift Others Up on Social Media

Episode 175 - Lift Others Up on Social Media I saw Dennis Yu of BlitzMetrics speak recently at the DigiMarCon conference in Boston. He gave a ridiculously awesome presentation...during which he said something that meant so much to me that I shared it with my students in class and I talk about it in this episode of my podcast. And that was something like...your personal brand is a reflection of how you pick others up. So share other people's content, like their content, engage with their content. Give them props, kudos and congrats. The more you do that on social media, the more likely those people will be to reciprocate. It's such a positive reflection on you when you help others. And the likelihood is that over time, you'll earn their trust, respect and friendship. Mutually beneficial relationships will ensue.

Aug 10, 2023
Threads, AI, Personal Branding, Church and More

Episode 174 - Threads, AI, Personal Branding, Church and More In this episode of my podcast, Bob Cargill's Marketing Show, I talk about a number of timely, relevant topics and issues related to social media and marketing. I talk about the new app, Threads, the fastest growing app in history, which I am not as enamored with - at least not yet - as you might imagine. I also address the fact that AI has taken the world by storm in the last few months, the importance of personal branding, the Franklin United Methodist Church's successful usage of social media and more.

Jul 13, 2023
Teaching, PR, Inspirational Stories and More with Kim Ring

Episode 173 - Teaching, PR, Inspirational Stories and More with Kim Ring  In this episode of my podcast, I talk to Kimberley Ring about her very inspirational career journey from founding her own PR agency, Ring Communications, over 15 years ago to her unbridled passion for teaching today as a faculty member at Suffolk University.  About Kimberley Ring Allen Kimberley Ring is the founder of Ring Communications - one of the fastest growing integrated marketing firms in Boston. She is known as one of the leading public relations professionals and social media influencers in Boston and is known for her work with high profile brands in the lifestyle, hospitality, and sports industries. A self-made publicist and business owner that has built a successful career around joining “old school ethics” with “new school techniques,” she has been delivering creative, innovative and successful marketing, public relations and social media campaigns for almost twenty years. She founded her own consultancy in 2007 and has built the business to represent an impressive client roster that includes national and global brands including the UFC, ISlide, Actress Eliza Dushku, MLB pitcher Pedro Martinez, Chef Michael Schlow, the Gronkowski brothers and many, many more.   In addition to growing her business and leading her team of up and coming marketing stars, she serves as a professor at Suffolk University in Boston, where she teaches various courses on marketing.

Jun 01, 2023
The Boston Marathon, a Megaphone, Weather Forecasts and More

Episode 172 - The Boston Marathon, a Megaphone, Weather Forecasts and More  In this episode of my podcast, I talk about a number of topics related to social media and marketing. Using the finish line of the Boston Marathon as an example, I point out the importance of creating social media places for your audience members to take pictures for sharing online. I compare using social media to speaking with a megaphone. Then there are the weather forecasts I see being recorded by TV meteorologists especially for social media, which I think is a great trend. Thanks for tuning in to another informational and insightful episode of Bob Cargill's Marketing Show.  

May 19, 2023
The Importance of Having a Personal Brand

Episode 171 - The Importance of Having a Personal Brand People are always questioning the importance of having a personal brand. Why do I have to be on social media on a regular basis? Why do I have to share content about myself and what's going on in my my personal life and professional lives? I don't want to be a public figure. I just want to keep things to myself. Well, hey, that's okay. That's your choice, that's your prerogative. But if you're using social media and you'd like more attention for both personal and professional reasons, then share who you are, ALL of who you are, the best and the worst, the ups and the downs, the good and the bad (within reason, of course😊). Because the more authentic, the more genuine, the more transparent you are, the more likely people will be to say, hey, I can relate. I like this individual. And over time, hey, I respect this individual. They're just like me. They're going through the same stuff. And then over time, that affection, if you will, that affinity for you turns into respect and turns into - when it comes time, when the opportunity arises - it turns into business. Yup, a win-win, mutually-beneficial relationship arises all because you decided to jump on social media and share all of who you are as an individual, personally and professionally. That's the importance of being on social media day in and day out, of being conspicuous, ubiquitous in your presence on social media, of having a strong personal brand.

Apr 26, 2023
Selling Ice Cream, Attending Church, Teaching Marketing and More

Episode 170 - Selling Ice Cream, Attending Church, Teaching Marketing and More In this episode of my podcast, I talk about everything from an autobody shop in Florida to a dog walker in Boston, driving an ice cream a long time ago to running the Boston Marathon next month, attending church in my hometown to teaching college students in Boston. Listen in to a good half hour of stories, lessons, tips and updates. Enjoy.   

Mar 21, 2023
Making It a Pleasure, Not a Pain, for Your Customers and Clients

Episode 169 - Making It a Pleasure, Not a Pain, for Your Customers and Clients I was on the MBTA Commuter Rail Green Line recently heading home from work from Boston's Government Center station to Woodland in Newton. I've taken this route home, this train, the MBTA's Green Line, a lot, but never had I heard the driver of the train announcing the stops the way this particular driver was announcing them. She had a ridiculously awesome personality, a tone of voice that was making me feel like we were on a happy, celebratory tour of all the stops along the route of our luxury ride home, like those stops actually meant something to us as commuters about to call it a day. She wasn't reciting those stops in a listless, monotone voice like it was just another part of her job. Quite the contrary. She was enthusiastic. She was passionate. She was really giving it her all. She just had a positive, upbeat tone in her announcements that made me feel good about riding the T, that lifted my spirits after a long, hard day at work. And I told her so when I disembarked. And I tweeted about it. And now I've recorded a podcast episode about it. What can other businesses and brands learn from the driver of that train that night? Give your customers and clients an extraordinary experience, a pleasant surprise. Give them the experience of their lifetimes. When they're engaging in one way, shape or form with your products and services, give them your all. You want to leave your constituents feeling good about themselves and their decision to engage with you, one way or another. The better they feel while they're engaging with whatever it is you have to offer them, the more likely they'll be to think highly of you, not to mention to spread the word about how favorably impressed they are with your products and services. A little enthusiasm on the job can go a long way towards making it a pleasure, not a pain, for the members of your audience to do business with you.

Feb 27, 2023
Agency Life, Qualitative Research, Walking, Flying and More with Casey Mohan

Episode 168 - Agency Life, Qualitative Research, Walking, Flying and More with Casey Mohan In this episode of my podcast, I talk to Casey Mohan-Schulz, VP, Qualitative Insights & Strategy at CMB, a full-service custom market research and strategy firm in Boston, and President of AMA Sacramento Valley in California.  About Casey Mohan Casey leads CMB’s qualitative practice and brings over a decade of qualitative research experience to the CMB team. During her career she has overseen numerous initiatives for Fortune 1000 clients, delivering insights and strategic recommendations that help clients connect with their target audiences and understand business context in meaningful ways. Her experience includes designing and conducting research for global clients across a broad range of industries and among a diverse range of audiences in both B2B and consumer spaces. Well-versed across qualitative methodologies, Casey has successfully conducted and overseen traditional and online focus groups, 1:1, and ethnographies, online discussion boards, innovation and ideation, co-creation workshops, as well as led employee focused meeting facilitation and activation workshops to help companies communicate research insights across their organization. Casey’s work spans a range of clients/industries: Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Fiserv, Bank of America, Schwab, TD Bank, GoDaddy, Clover, Meta, Google, Activision Blizzard, Microsoft, Disney, Dignity Health, Geisinger, MD Anderson, SC Johnson, Restaurant Brands International, Taco Bell, Enterprise and more. ​ In her free time, Casey volunteers with the American Marketing Association.  In 2021 she was nominated as a national Volunteer of the Year for her contributions to developing DEI educational resources for the organizations’ 1000+ professional chapter leaders, and her work co-authoring a national DEI framework and strategy. She has also led the Sacramento Chapter serving as Chapter President from 2019-2022. Casey also volunteers with local aviation related organizations throughout Sacramento including the California Capital Airshow, with her past volunteer work focusing on insights to support the International Council of Airshows.​ Casey graduated from California State University in Sacramento, earning a Bachelor’s Business Administration with concentrations in Marketing and International Business.

Jan 28, 2023
Social Media, Samuel Adams and More

Episode 167 - Social Media, Samuel Adams and More In this episode of my podcast, which celebrates its five-year anniversary next month, I talk about a number of topics. I start off by talking about how I'll be running the Boston Marathon again this year, the 15th time I have run this historic race for a charitable cause. I then share my feelings about how much I love teaching, something I've been doing a lot of at this new stage in my career, and being involved as a member of the leadership team - as president - of the American Marketing Association's Boston chapter. I talk about my new book, Twenty Jobs, Twenty Lessons - a Long, Strange Career in Marketing, from Junk Mail to Social Media. I go on about the importance of knowing how to use social media effectively in 2023 and beyond, finally finishing my monologue with my take on a great, new ad from The Boston Beer Company for its non-alcoholic beer, Samuel Adams Just the Haze. 

Jan 12, 2023
How to Crush It on Social Media with Kris Bryant

Episode 166 - How to Crush It on Social Media with Kris Bryant In this episode of my podcast, I talk to social media strategist, UGC (User-Generated Content) creator and public speaker, Kris Bryant, about personal branding, marketing, TikTok and much more.     

Dec 28, 2022
Embrace Technology Now

Episode 165 - Embrace Technology Now This time around, I talk to you about the importance of Lesson 12 in my new book, Twenty Jobs, Twenty Lessons - a Long, Strange Career in Marketing, from Junk Mail to Social Media, which is "Embrace Technology Now." Turn up the volume. And enjoy.

Nov 26, 2022
Episode 164 - My Marketing Monologue

Episode 164 - My Marketing Monologue  In these 30+ minutes or so, I talk about my teaching, a great presentation I saw by Google's Head of Industry, Don Batsford, recently at an event co-sponsored by Suffolk University and the American Marketing Association Boston, some good example of brands that have successfully "humanized" themselves and the need for all of us as human beings to be good to each other, among other things. Turn up the volume. And enjoy. 

Oct 22, 2022
Carhartt: A Great Brand in More Ways Than One

Episode 163 - Carhartt: A Great Brand in More Ways Than One Workwear. Work clothes. Work gear. All of the above is what Carhartt makes. All of it is very high quality and very popular. Popular because it is so good-looking and long-lasting, but also because the brand itself is just so damn cool. I mean, I feel like I'm always seeing the logo somewhere on what people are wearing, from complete strangers on the street to the college students I teach to my own two sons. And now I'm proudly displaying it on a new hat I recently bought. Now I'm one of the cool kids. My point is this. Carhartt may say what they have to offer is for the tough and hard working among us, but I'm sure they know that their stuff is being bought for its looks as well by people from all walks of life. I'm sure they've taken the pulse of their brand and audience enough times to know why they're so super successful. To a great degree, their brand is not what they say it is, it's what those who are scooping it up left and right say it is. Right? I'm sure they know that, but what about you and every other brand out there? How close are you to those who practically worship (hopefully) the products and services you have to offer Listen to your audience. Observe how - and why - your brand is being consumed so much (or not) and take it from there. Don't ever lose touch with those on whom you depend.

Sep 25, 2022
The Dairy Queen Brand Extension

Episode 162 - The Dairy Queen Brand Extension My wife, Barbara, and I recently had lunch recently with my mom at the same Dairy Queen in Bellingham, Massachusetts that my family went to back in the day. Only now it is a Dairy Queen Grill & Chill, not just a place to get soft-serve ice cream, milk shakes and other frozen treats. Talk about a big brand extension. I mean, this company has been around since 1940 and has over 7,000 locations today. When I was a kid, we'd get whatever we wanted for our birthdays. That was awesome. This time around, we got whatever we wanted, too.🙂 And I thought it was great. And the service, too. We got cheeseburgers. No ice cream. Times have changed. We went there for a meal, not dessert. The consumer in me was certainly pleased. The marketer in me observed how much this place has changed over the years, expanding and rebranding to become the perfect example of a successful brand extension. Good for Dairy Queen. Good for their customers, too.  

Sep 03, 2022
Attracting the Attention of your Audience

Episode 161 - Attracting the Attention of your Audience If you don't attract the attention of your audience in advertising and marketing, you won't have any customers and clients. It's that simple. And in this day and age, it's more difficult than ever to stand out among the competition and clutter, to get people to notice what you have to offer them. However, I couldn't help but notice a truck recently that was conspicuously parked in the huge, empty parking lot along Sudbury Street outside of Mill & Main, the old, historic mill complex in Maynard. Bull Spit. That was the name on the truck. Bull Spit. Catchy name for a business. Right? Attention-getting to say the least. Both the double entendre of the name of this brewing company and the fact that this truck was so strategically parked in that lot where you couldn't miss seeing it certainly captured my attention. I'm sure many others have noticed it as well. Turns out that by no coincidence, of course, one of their locations is situated right there in the mill, so this truck serves as a convenient call to action, a reminder that they're there and open for business. That's no bull. That's outstanding advertising and marketing.

Aug 19, 2022
What’s Your Current Situation?

Episode 160 - What's Your Current Situation?  What's your current situation? That's a thing on social media...telling people where you are and what you are doing now. You may already know that and even do that in your personal life, share your current situation with those who follow you on social media. But do you do that in your professional life? Documenting your days in real time is an easy and effective way for brands, businesses and professionals to establish a strong, steady presence on social media. It shows you care enough about your audience to share your life with them. It satisfies their curiosity. It deepens the relationship you already have with them. It leads to greater engagement and unlimited possibilities for bigger and better things between you and those who look up to you. It's a win-win. Keep those who follow you abreast of your whereabouts and goings-on. Share your current situation on social media as often as possible.

Aug 01, 2022
Be Like Kevin

Episode 159 - Be Like Kevin Kevin Cronin is the lead vocalist and front man for the ridiculously awesome rock band, REO Speedwagon. He's a great performer and a great guy. But that's not why I want to talk about him today. I want to talk about how great he is on social media. Brands, businesses, professionals, people...everybody likes listening to Kevin and his legendary band perform, right? But not everybody knows how much they can learn from Kevin about how to use Facebook, Twitter and the like. It was more than 40 years ago when I saw REO Speedwagon at the Boston Garden. They put on a spectacular live show then, as I am sure they still do today. Yes, they're still touring, and I would love to see them again in concert. But in the meantime, I enjoy following Kevin on Facebook where he is as much a star online as he is on stage, documenting where the band is on the road, what they're doing and how he's feeling. That's how to do it on social media. Give people a look behind the scenes, an up-close and personal view of your life, both personally and professionally. And yes, believe it or not, whether you're a rockstar like Kevin or not, people are interested in your everyday goings-on. That's the lesson to be learned here. That's branding. That's marketing. That's the bonding that comes along with the fact that you're sharing what you're doing day in day out on social media with those who care so much about you.

Jul 25, 2022
Making My Book with Maria Antonia Silva and Morgan Hume

Episode 158 - Making My Book with Maria Antonia Silva and Morgan Hume  In this episode of my podcast, I talk with Maria Antonia Silva and Morgan Hume about the making of my new book,  Twenty Jobs, Twenty Lessons - a Long, Strange Career in Marketing, from Junk Mail to Social Media. Maria was the designer of the book and Morgan the editor. Both of them are recent graduates of Suffolk University in Boston, where I am an adjunct professor. I can't thank them enough for their skills, talent and support.  

Jul 13, 2022
Using Twitter Spaces in a College Classroom

Episode 157 - Using Twitter Spaces in a College Classroom Wait! What? You're not using Twitter Spaces yet? My students and I hosted a Twitter Space recently, and it was such a ridiculously awesome educational experience. In hosting this Space - a discussion about what's new in social media - we built a community, we positioned ourselves as thought leaders and we learned a lot from those who partook in this public conversation online. Hosting your own Twitter Space is a great way to engage with your audience and develop long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with like-minded professionals. See for yourself. Host one today.

Jul 06, 2022