Breaking Sales

Dan Lappin


Behind the scenes with one of America’s leading sales renegades, Dan Lappin, and his fanatic crew of disruptors from Lappin180. Listen as Dan, his sales training team, and their guests destroy everything you thought you knew about selling. A nonconformist take on rejecting the status quo, Lappin180 annihilates the tried-and-died sales tactics and techniques that have failed you, and your prospects.

Here is your chance to break free of convention and tedious sales rules top earners never follow. In interviews with business leaders and industry insiders, Dan will inspire you to think differently, stop selling, and break the sale. Join Dan on his unorthodox mission to shatter the dull monotony of performance stagnation.

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159 episodes

Bonus Episode: Meet the Lappin180 Team

Get to know the Lappin180 team in this bonus episode of Breaking Sales. In this candid conversation, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at coaching and gain insights on how teams operate and build relationships over time. Dan, Pam, and Kristy share their journeys to becoming coaches, the dynamics that allow them to function as a team, and reminisce about some of the successes and challenges they’ve faced together along the way.  

Apr 01
SNIPPET: Stop Being The Main Character in Your Prospect's Story

Sharing your credentials with prospects may seem like a strong way to demonstrate your value, but in reality, leaning on your past accomplishments to convey your worth stems from insecurity and scarcity. Worse, while your prospective clients may be able to gain a lot from your experience and expertise, putting it at the forefront of your conversations to prove your capability and worth may actually have a negative effect.   In this snippet, Dan explores why credentialing is a common pitfall for professionals, and how pitching your solution or expertise can unintentionally trigger the wrong reaction from your prospect. To hear the full conversation, scroll back to Episode 69,” Sharing Your Credentials Can Damage Your Credibility.”  

Mar 25
Competing When The Pressure Is On with Kirsten Markley

Assertiveness and persistence can add value to a conversation, but only if aligned with helping the other person assess their circumstances more honestly. Neither should be practiced to advance your agenda. How do you know when it is time to slow down and assert?    In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan continues his conversation with management consultant Kirsten Markley, to explore how curiosity, assertiveness, slowing down, and persistence all work together to create conversations that build trust and differentiate.  

Mar 18
How to Compete Against Goliaths and Win

It’s human nature to revert to our routines when under pressure. If you’ve been taught to sell or position value, then you’ve grown accustomed to defaulting to your expertise when pressured by the prospect. You lead with competency in hopes the prospect will eventually “get” your point. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work as often as we’d like, and it often leaves us feeling disconnected and chasing the prospect for a decision.   On this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan sits down with management consultant veteran Kirsten Markley to explore how she uses curiosity to learn and build trust, and take share of wallet away from the better well known competitors in her space.

Mar 11
Risk Perception Outweighs Risk Reality

Explaining why your product, service, or expertise is a better alternative isn’t enough. Decisions are not made based on benefits alone. There might be many “pros” in your prospect choosing to do business with you, but it’s the perceived risks, discomfort, and hurdles that will hold them back.  In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan and Pam continue their exploration into the psychology of decision-making. They share some personal experiences that have helped them better understand why it’s human nature to rationalize and avoid change, and provide examples of questions you can ask to slice through your prospect’s decision biases.

Mar 04
Powering Through Your Prospects Procrastination

The purpose of any traditional sales conversation is to help the prospect objectively assess and debate how or if they should make a change to your product, service, or expertise. This requires enough self-awareness to minimize their biases, identify their attachments, and control their fears. Does your current conversation process and strategy account for this? In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan and Pam discuss the psychology behind decision-making and explore how human beings approach and debate difficult choices. We’ll explore how facts alone are rarely enough to form a decision, and that it’s most often the relationship between perceived risks and gains that determine your fate.

Feb 26
SNIPPET: Discipline Overcomes Procrastination

In a world filled with endless distractions, willpower is our first line of defense against procrastination, and one of the greatest tools we have to accomplish our goals. But is willpower a finite resource, or one that we can learn to manage, grow, and expand?   In this snippet, Pam shares how she uses willpower to manage distraction, and offers an approach to discipline that you can use to stay focused and achieve your goals. To hear the full episode, scroll back to Episode 78: “Stress or Freedom—the Many Perspectives of Discipline.”

Feb 19
Strengthen Your Results Through Gratitude with Chris Schembra

What you achieve, create, or experience in your professional and personal journey is reflective of your mindset. When decoding the world around you - your thoughts follow a thinking pattern. This routine dictates the actions you take, or don’t take. So if you want to achieve, create, or experience something more or different - strengthen your mindset. Gratitude is a simple and powerful place to start.    In the final part of my conversation with Chris Schembra, a gratitude expert and the author of Wall Street Journal bestseller Gratitude Through Hard Times, we explore the connection between gratitude and how we think and the actions we take. As well as the impact of negative biographical experiences, and how to shift them to positive.

Feb 12
Deepen Your Impact on Others Through Gratitude with Chris Schembra

Is gratitude simply an altruistic way of thinking? Does it have a tangible impact on the challenges we face, and the relationships we attract and build each day?    The answer - yes! It strengthens you and those around you.    In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan sat down with Chris Schembra, a gratitude expert and the author of WSJ bestseller to discuss. Chris shares how and why you should begin your gratitude journey, and how a gratitude practice will strengthen your connection with prospects, clients, teammates, family, and friends.   

Feb 05
Resilience Through Gratitude with Chris Schembra

Rejection, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or simple uncertainty—any one of them can cause anxiety, hesitation, and frustration. All of them reside in your mindset, and it’s often very difficult to consistently shake them.    Enter gratitude.    Whether preparing for a big sales call, leadership moment, or family dynamic, gratitude is a practice that can calm your nerves, instill conviction, and strengthen courage.    Meet my guest, Chris Schembra, a gratitude expert and the author of “Gratitude and Pasta,” along with his latest book, “Gratitude Through Hard Times.” In this episode of Breaking Sales, Chris enlightens us on how practicing gratitude can reshape one's mindset to foster resilience and help us become more resolute in our actions.  

Jan 29
SNIPPET: Learning to Ask Questions

When in a conversation, the process of seeking to understand the other person is core to building trust.     In this Snippet, Pam and Dan discuss how to use questions to help your prospect become more objective as they evaluate your value and expertise.   To hear the full conversation, scroll back to Episode 91—Your Mindset Impacts Your Results Pt 2.  

Jan 22
How a Seasoned Veteran and Top Performer Changed His Mindset with Jeff Vertun

Changing your mindset is essential for growth, and yet it remains a vague process and destination for so many. Yes, the word is overused and misused.   It’s the absolute determining factor in how you perform and the trust you build in a conversation. It’s the crucial difference between the same results you’ve always experienced and moving into a realm of higher performance. In this episode, Dan continues his conversation with commercial real estate professional and Lappin180 client Jeff Vertun to explore what it took for him to analyze and evolve his mindset. They also look at how changing his mindset translated to the real world by breaking down a meeting that Jeff recently had between his team and a prospect.

Jan 15
In The Real World, Curiosity Outperforms Competency with Jeff Vertun

Theory, methodology, ideology: life’s full of intriguing concepts, but in the end, success comes down to the risk (and reward) of taking action.    In this episode, Dan speaks with commercial real estate professional and Lappin180 client Jeff Vertun to explore what it means to change your mindset, and how this directly impacts your ability to connect with your prospects by being curious (instead of hiding behind your competencies).  

Jan 08
Best Of: Making High-Intent Work For You

For the past three years, the Breaking Sales podcast has explored how sales professionals and leaders can develop a high-performance mindset. Now, we’re looking back at the most poignant moments to create the Best Of series, where we feature curated segments on select topics to help you approach your sales conversations and prospecting with more intentionality.    In this episode, we will take a look at several clips focused on how to conduct your sales conversations with the prospect’s best interests in mind, not your own. We call this high-intent or benevolence. It runs counter to the low-intent mindset that many sales professionals have as they try to persuade their way to closing the deal. We’ll visit conversations on asking tough and meaningful questions, the power of staying in the moment when listening, and give a real-world example with guest Stephen Shedletzky of how he applies benevolence in his own business.  

Dec 18, 2023
Best Of: Recognizing Scarcity to Achieve Abundance

The Breaking Sales podcast has released hundreds of episodes exploring how sales professionals and leaders can develop a high-performance mindset. Now, we’re looking back at our favorite moments to create the Best Of series, where we feature curated segments on select topics to help you approach your conversations and relationships with more intentionality.    In this episode, we will take a look at several clips focused on the relationship between abundance and scarcity, and how mastering these tactics can help you in your prospecting. We’ll examine the psychology behind scarcity and abundance and how to avoid falling into common pitfalls that signal scarcity to your clients.  

Dec 11, 2023
The Best of Detachment

The Breaking Sales podcast is looking back at our favorite moments from past episodes to create the Best Of series, where we will feature curated conversations on select topics that will help you approach your conversations and relationships with more intentionality. In this episode, we will be reviewing three conversations focused on Detachment - the ability to avoid labeling what you observe, hear, or experience as good or bad.    Dan and Pam will introduce Detachment and share mindful methods to activate it, before visiting conversations with Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell and Ken Mossman. For more information on Detachment, listen to these full episodes, and look out for future Best of episodes on topics such as abundance, scarcity, and more.  

Dec 04, 2023
Curiosity That Differentiates

If you are hungry for the sale, there’s a good chance you’re not curious enough to win the deal. In this episode, Dan and Kristie discuss the tight relationship between trust and curiosity, and how curiosity will outperform competency 80% of the time. 

Nov 27, 2023
SNIPPET: Mindset Helps You Stay the Course

Why do sales professionals burn out quickly? The missing piece: mindset. In this snippet, Dan and Pam reveal the key to consistent, successful outreach. They share approaches for how to adapt your mindset for success.  If you enjoyed this Snippet, listen to the full conversation in Episode 89 - Your Mindset Impacts Your Results Part 1.  

Nov 13, 2023
How To Activate Your High-Performance Mindset

Achieving the right mindset is one of the most important factors in business and sales, and yet sales professionals frequently misunderstand and underutilize it. In this episode, Dan and Pam break down what goes into activating that next-level mindset, sharing real-world examples and actionable tips in the process.

Nov 06, 2023
SNIPPET: How to Save the Deal: Ask Questions

In this Snippet, we explore the art of asking powerful questions. We'll see how these questions can guide your prospects on a journey of self-discovery, helping them gain a clearer understanding of what they gain or risk in their change or no change debate.  If you enjoyed this episode, scroll back to Episode 80: The Power of Questions to hear the full conversation.

Oct 30, 2023
Why Abrasive Outreach Fails

Abrasive outreach might capture your prospect’s attention, but it dramatically reduces the chances that they will respond positively. In this 180 Conversation, Dan shares with Pam an off-putting cold outreach email that he received. The two discuss why this tactic is reflective of scarcity and a low-intent mindset

Oct 23, 2023
Empower Yourself and Speak Up with Stephen Shedletzky

Author and speaker Stephen Shedletzky joins Dan for a discussion on benevolence, creating successful and long-lasting business relationships, and building a “Speak-Up Culture” in part two of this interview.

Oct 16, 2023
The Attributes of a Successful Leader with Stephen Shedletzky

In this episode, Dan explores the attributes that define successful leadership with author and speaker Stephen Shedletzky. Stephen is an expert on building “Speak Up Cultures,” which is the idea that a team is most successful when its members are willing to share their ideas openly and without fear. Stephen and Dan discuss this philosophy, as well as why self-awareness, benevolence, and curiosity are critical to successful leadership.

Oct 09, 2023
Don’t Confuse Arrogance with Confidence

One of the most common reasons that sales professionals struggle to reach their full potential is that many often confuse their own arrogance with being confident, and aren’t self aware enough to see the difference between the two.   Listen in as Pam and I break down what arrogance and confidence are in practice, and share ways to help avoid falling into this pitfall yourself.   If you enjoy this snippet, scroll back to episode 87, “3 Unique Barriers to High Performance”, to hear the full conversation.  

Oct 02, 2023
Exactly What Is Mindset?

In this episode of Breaking Sales, Dan and Pam discuss the concept of mindset as a setting. Expanding upon a definition provided by David Yeager and Andrew Huberman, which describes mindset as the way we collect, filter, and codify information, Dan and Pam take a deep dive into mindset and how it relates to routine, control, and safety. Listeners will also learn how to avoid common pitfalls that can lead us into a poor performance mindset, as well as why we need to practice the three foundations of a high-performance mindset regularly to make it a competitive strength.

Sep 25, 2023
SNIPPET: How Commitment Builds Resilience

You can develop and strengthen the muscle and skill of resilience, but many people don’t know how. Simply saying “I need to be more resilient” isn’t enough. So how do you become more resilient to achieve that next level of success?   In this snippet, Pam shares why commitment is important to building resilience, and shares a personal story about how she was able to achieve a goal despite a major setback.   Listen to this snippet, and if you enjoy it, scroll back to episode Ep. 83: “3 Ways to Build Resilience” to hear the full conversation.  

Sep 18, 2023
SNIPPET: Accomplish More by Being Thoughtful

Professionals struggle with creating work-life balance. How do we find it, and Is it even possible? In this snippet, Pam shares her own experience trying to create harmony between her personal and professional lives, and shares the tactics she uses to stay in the moment and make focused, quality time.   Listen to this snippet, and if you enjoyed it, scroll back to episode 62, The Myth of Work-Life Balance, to hear the full conversation.  

Jul 17, 2023
Saving Your Asks with Chris Tuff

Here’s a scenario that happens all too often: somebody reaches out to me without doing any prior research, engages with me in a low-intent manner, and then makes a big ask of me. No effort was made to deepen our relationship or make a genuine connection, and I’m instantly turned off. Why do so many people conduct their outreach this way, and how can you ensure you don’t fall into this trap? Enter Chris Tuff, Author of “Save Your Asks” and “The Milennial Whisperer.” Chris is an expert in building connections with high-intent, and shares his methodology to help you deliver value and build authentic relationships. Listen in as Chris and I discuss the give and take relationship that you need to master in order to maximize your network’s value, and why “saving your asks” is a the cornerstone of activating your network effectively.

Jul 10, 2023
How To Optimize Cross-Generational Connection with Chris Tuff

Every relationship requires the effort of both parties to work together effectively. While I’m not a big fan of customizing approaches to a particular generation, the reality is often that each generation’s set of values (in business and personal life) require professionals of all ages to understand one another and navigate differences.    Enter Chris Tuff, Author of “Save Your Asks” and “The Milennial Whisperer.” Chris and I don’t come from the same philosophy, and we have diverging opinions on numerous topics. However, by engaging in this debate, we explore new avenues of thinking that open us up to disagreement, but also allow us to learn from one another.   Listen in as Chris and I discuss millennial and Gen Z perspectives on technology, family, and interpersonal relationships, and share why you need to understand these to be effective in your business.  

Jun 30, 2023
SNIPPET: How Top Performers Deal with Emotional Pressure

As professionals, we can sometimes be put in situations where we experience a physical and/or emotional response when there is conflict between job demands and the amount of control we have over meeting these demands.This phenomenon, which Neel Doshi describes as “emotional pressure,” can be harmful to adaptive performance. Where does this phenomenon show up, and how can we recognize the signs to avoid succumbing to it?   Listen to this snippet, and if you enjoyed it, scroll back to episode Episode 24, “How Top Performers Self-Motivate with Neel Doshi,” to hear the full conversation.  

Jun 20, 2023