City Harvest Church Weekend Sermons

City Harvest Church


Welcome to City Harvest! Here you will find the audio version of the messages from the weekend services at CHC. We hope you will be blessed and encouraged by the message from God’s Word. If you have a testimony to share, write to us at

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444 episodes

Kong Hee: 24-hour Healing Ministry of Jesus

In a faith-building sermon, Pastor Kong Hee shares from the Gospel of Matthew on a 24-hour time frame of Jesus’ ministry.In 24 hours, Jesus healed many—a leper, a centurion’s servant, Peter’s mother-in-law, two demon-possessed men, a paralytic, the woman with the issue of blood … and many others. Jesus is a healing Jesus who has a healing presence!  God is the source of all healings. He loves to heal!

Mar 27
Wu Yuzhuang: My Cup Overflows

Continuing with his sermon series from Ps 23, Ps Zhuang shares that God, true to His extravagant love and generosity, wants to pour into our cup till it overflows. The keys to having an overflowing cup is being thankful for what we have, having faith for what we need, and staying close to God’s presence. May we position our hearts and lives to be ready to receive all that God wants to pour out on us!

Mar 20
Kong Hee: Love of God the Father (Part 2)

In John 17, Jesus prays that we will experience the same love that God the Father has for Him—a deeply intimate love. The more we taste of His love, the more we are freed from the spirit of bondage and the spirit of death. The more we experience His love, the more we are healed, restored, and made whole! 

Mar 13
Jeffrey Rachmat: Through God's Lens

Sharing from the parable of the prodigal son, Ps Jeffrey Rachmat delivered a message on the topic of self-image. When the prodigal son was at his lowest, he discounted his value and saw himself as nothing more than a hired servant with no purpose. Self-image is the lens through which we see ourselves; the value we place on our worth. Just as the father embraced and honoured both his sons, may we have a revelation of how much we are loved and valued by God the Father.

Mar 06
Kong Hee: Love of God the Father

One major issue that many people struggle with is rejection. Pastor Kong Hee shares on how rejection attacks our identity, distorts how we look at life, and hinders our ability to receive from God. The only permanent cure for rejection is the love of God the Father—it is the only power that can overcome the spirit of rejection!

Feb 28
Kong Hee: Word of God (Part 3—Ehud)

Sharing from the story of Ehud in the Bible, Pastor Kong Hee challenges every Spirit-filled believer to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Word of God because the Holy Spirit moves to the extent of our knowledge and understanding of the Word. As we penetrate the Word deep into our lives and leave it inside, it drains out the life of the flesh. If we have the Word—our double-edged sword—unlikely heroes become world shakers and history makers!

Feb 21
Dag Heward-Mills: Those Who Forget

Guest preacher from Ghana, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills cautions against the dangerous practice of forgetting the good that has been done to you. Some Christians forget God when they prosper—they become proud and take credit for their blessings instead of remembering and thanking God. The unrighteousness who forget God and provoke Him (Deut 9:7). Three key things that make people unfruitful are found in 2 Pet 1:9—blindness (not seeing that millions need Jesus), shortsightedness (not having far-sightedness) and forgetting one’s salvation. Let this message encourage you to catch the vision to reach out to the lost and not be barren but fruitful for the Lord.

1h 7m
Feb 07
Dag Heward-Mills: Losing, Suffering, Sacrificing And Dying

Guest preacher Bishop Dag Heward-Mills from Ghana delivers this powerful message about four spiritual appointments for every Christian. Losing is part of following Christ— Jesus said “whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it”(Mt 16:25). Suffering is part of the Christian’s calling; tribulation is a door through which we enter the Kingdom of God. Sacrificing is an inherent part of Christianity; we are to present our bodies a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1). Dying to self, taking up one’s cross is a daily practice for the Christian. It is through these four appointments that a Christian, having lost, suffered and died, bears fruit for God. Be encouraged by this word to pay the price for God.

Feb 07
Bobby Chaw: Let The Redeemed of the Lord Say So

From records of the Bible and church history, everyone who had ever walked closely with God had made prayer the top priority of their lives. Prayer must be our priority because it brings us into a continuous communion with God.  As we commit ourselves to a life of prayer, we will see Jesus redeeming our lives because prayer is effective and creative. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so!

Jan 31
Kong Hee: The Word Of God (Part 2)

When God brought Israel out of Egypt, he did so many signs and wonders among them. However, they had unbelief and did not receive the Word by faith. As such, they couldn’t enter the Promised Land. Pastor Kong Hee shares that if we are willing to humble ourselves and open up our hearts to receive God’s Word, it can produce 8 powerful things in us.

Jan 24
Kong Hee: The Word Of God

Everything that we need for life and godliness is found in the Word of God. Through the promises of Gods Word, we participate in the divine nature—every time we experience the fulfilment of a promise, we come one step closer in our union with God! In this sermon, Pastor Kong Hee encourages us to not neglect the Bible because it is the key to our well-being and success. It is the most precious gift that God has ever given us!

Jan 17
Kong Hee: Receiving By Faith

Building on three accounts in the gospels, Pastor Kong Hee shares a powerful message on what faith is about— trusting and acting on God’s guidance, receiving by faith every step of the way. Our challenge is to stay in faith, to keep on receiving the promises of God in our hearts, and acting like the miracle is already happening, even when nothing seems to be happening. The miracles we desire are already in motion. Keep receiving by faith!

Jan 10
Kong Hee: Strong Confidence in God

In this sermon, Pastor Kong Hee encourages us that as we end each year and enter a brand new year, we can fully place our trust in Jesus, who always goes before us. Whenever He asks us to step out in faith, He has already gone weeks, months, or even years ahead of us in advance, to prepare everything for us. We simply need to trust in this God who always goes before us. His timing is always perfect. His ways are higher than our ways!

Jan 03
Kong Hee: What Time Is Christmas?

Christmas is known to be the most wonderful time of the year. But really, what time is Christmas? From four statements that the angels made to the shepherds on that first Christmas night (Luke 2), Pastor Kong Hee shares an encouraging message: (1)Christmas is the time to RELEASE your fears. (2)Christmas is the time to RENEW your faith. (3)Christmas is the time to RECEIVE your forgiveness. (4)Christmas is the time to REBUILD your relationships.

Dec 20, 2023
Kong Hee: Mary's Dream

The Holy Spirit gives us visions and dreams (Acts 2:17). Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary was pregnant with a vision and dream inside her—Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world! Through Marys story, Pastor Kong Hee shares five things about the journey of a dream. As you step out in faith to trust and obey God, He will bring you into an incredible journey, which will manifest Jesus to your world!

Dec 18, 2023
Bobby Chaw: I Will Come To You

This is the season of Advent, which reminds us that Jesus is coming! When Jesus promised to "come to" the disciples, He was referring to three things — His resurrection, the Holy Spirit, and His Second Coming — the same three things that will empower us with faith and hope to overcome our most severe troubles.

Dec 06, 2023
Kong Hee: The Spirit-Baptised Life

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is the “crown jewel” of Pentecostal spirituality. Spirit baptism is not a baptism into tongues, power, or missions; it is a baptism into divine love, coming into union with the Triune God in their loving embrace. Love is at the centre of Spirit baptism—it is all about being filled, transformed and overflowing with divine love!

Nov 29, 2023
Audrey Ng: Love To The End

Preaching out of Hebrews 6:10-12, Pastor Audrey Ng assures believers that God will not forget our work and our love for him, and reminds us to continue in this love to the end. There are two keys to fulfilling this call: one is faith, which is to lean on the entire personality of God in Christ in absolute trust and confidence (Heb 6:12 AMP), and the second is to exercise patient endurance with good temper, to be steadfast as we wait to obtain the promises of God. As 2023 draws near to an end, Pastor Audrey encourages us with Ecclesiastes 7:8, "The end of a matter is better than its beginning." If we keep moving forward and refuse to give up, we will finish well by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Nov 22, 2023
Kong Hee: The Glory of Transfiguration

For Peter, James and John, their encounter with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration forever transformed their lives. It radically shifted how they viewed Jesus and how they viewed their lives in him.  After a glorious event and encounter, we must change. Our transformation must affect everything about our lives, until we see "no one but Jesus only" (Matthew 17:8).

Nov 15, 2023
Prof Byron Klaus: Lost Hope & Transforming Words

As part of the Global Pentecostal Summit, Professor Byron Klaus preaches a powerful message out of John 5, where Jesus meets a sick man sitting by the pool of Bethesda. The pool, where healing occurred when the sick entered it at a certain time, was a place of anticipation, but also of dashed hopes. It was a place of last resort. The sick man had been there for 38 years, trapped in his own prison of pain, set free by Jesus who simply told him to get up, take up his bed and walk. Likewise, Jesus comes into a believer’s nightmare and breaks every bondage with His word. Just as He did more than 2000 years ago, Jesus continues to do this transforming work—that is the guarantee of Pentecost. Let this sermon bring hope into whatever situation you may be in today.

Nov 08, 2023
Prof Doug Petersen: Children's Stories In The Gospel of Mark

As part of the Global Pentecostal Summit, Professor Doug Petersen brings a message about Jesus’ deep love for little children, which are chronicled in five stories in the Gospel of Mark. Sharing how he was called to help children and how God used that obedience to turn Latin America Child Care (now ChildHope) into an international programme that has helped over 2 million children in poverty. The fact that children are precious to God is recorded over and over again in Mark, emphasising how children belong to the Kingdom, and when believers touch the life of a child, they touch the heart of the Heavenly Father. Listen to this sermon and be encouraged to make a difference to a little one. 

Nov 08, 2023
Kong Hee: The Highest Goal is Love

Love must be our highest goal because when love is no longer our priority, and when love has been drained out of our hearts, the measure of God in our lives will start depleting. Without love, everything we do is meaningless.

Nov 01, 2023
Mosa Sono: Time, Our Most Valuable Resource

Guest preacher Bishop Mosa Sono from Grace Bible Church in South Africa brings a power-packed reminder that time is finite and Christians need God to help us life a life worth something. Preaching out of Psalm 90, Bishop Sono highlights that if we let it, time can be a tyrant, which causes us to be chasing time instead of being in the present. So how can one maximise his time? By not wasting it on the unimportant things, like carrying yesterday’s problems and worries into the new day God has given; by increasing the value of every day; by putting God first and by leaning hard on the grace of God. Listen to this message and learn how not to waste another day.

Oct 25, 2023
John Avanzini: Lift Up Your Eyes

Guest preacher Dr John Avanzini returns after eight years with this powerful message for City Harvest Church. Faith and fear come from the same place—David ran away from Goliath with the army, but when he heard about King Saul’s reward, he returned and killed the giant. When God wants believers to do something, He gives us motivation. Jesus was motivated by the reward of saving the world. To take hold of what God has in store for us, we must lift up our eyes to see what He sees. Just as Jesus always looked to see what the Father was doing, believers must learn to see it and get hold of it in the spirit. Then, with our mouths, we speak our miracle and breakthrough into existence. Listen to this message and be encouraged to be a person who speaks and sees the things of God.

Oct 17, 2023
Kong Hee: Love ... Unto The Lord

The Holy Spirit conforms us to the image and likeness of Christ when we serve people. In Jesus’ context, the people are often the poor and needy, especially the little children. Jesus is saying this – we are to put aside our self-importance and busyness in total abandonment to God. By serving the poorest of the poor, we purify our faith and in the end, we are the ones who are blessed and changed on the inside!

Oct 11, 2023
Kong Hee: A Dynamic, Generous Life

The Holy Spirit has given us the Antioch Church model for a purpose. Generosity was the hallmark of the Antioch Church. The more generous they were, the more dynamic they became! People who give sacrificially to strengthen the local church—to care for the poor and needy, especially the little children—will become the most dynamic, powerful and blessed people around!

Oct 04, 2023
Phil Pringle: Given

Guest preacher Phil Pringle delivers a powerful reminder in this sermon that unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain (John 12:24). Being a follower of Jesus involves death, pain and suffering. It is only when a Christian completely surrenders what he has to the Lord, when his vision and dream dies, that God brings life to that dead situation. This happened when the little boy gave his small lunch to Jesus and wound up feeding the multitudes. This also happened when Abraham brought Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him in obedience to God. Be encouraged by this message to not withhold what you have from God. God will take you if you give yourself to Him.

Sep 27, 2023
Aries Zulkarnain: The Race of Faith

Endurance and resilience were the hallmarks of Jesus’ ministry. As Christians, our lives must likewise be defined, not by our achievements, but by how we overcome failure, keeping an attitude of never giving up and always desiring to bounce back from setbacks. Preaching out of Hebrews 12:1, Pastor Aries Zulkarnain teaches that while supernatural miracles are great, if we only look out for the spectacular, we may miss out on the “ordinary” revelation from an extraordinary God. Two truths: one, we are called to run a race of faith that is given by the Lord, not our own “fantasy run”. The race of faith builds endurance, not a way of escape. Two, we are to lay aside every weight that hinders our run: addictions, toxic behaviours, anything that is not pleasing to the Lord. As we run our own race set for us by God, we can finish it well by the power of the Holy Spirit.

2h 6m
Sep 20, 2023
Kong Hee: Inhaling & Exhaling Love

God the Father, through the Son, pours out the Holy Spirit on all flesh as “the breath of life”. As God “inhales”, the Holy Spirit draws us into an ever-deepening communion and intimacy with the Father. As His love overwhelms us and overflows out of us, God then “exhales”—sending us out by the power of the Spirit, to share His love with others. God has greater things in store for us—so more than ever, we need a revelation of His love, which is the secret of the Christian life!

Sep 13, 2023