Coffin Talk

"What do you think happens when you die?"


Coffin Talk explores how our views on death affect the way we live our life. Join Mike Oppenheim as he interviews people from all ages and cultures to explore The Meaning of Death.

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192 episodes

Hate is a Strong Word

HI! I’m going to start giving premium subscribers TWO essays a month, instead of one essay and one bonus podcast. If this horrifies you, please write me and let me know. Since you normally get a bonus podcast on the first of the month, I am re-releasing a video from 2017 that is very much tied into yesterday's essay on coping with sadness. Enjoy! This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Apr 01
#167 - Organizational Psychologist - Emerson Souza - "Hear Some Evil"

Emerson Souza is an Organizational Psychologist by trade, working as a government consultant in the field of Human Capital, Human Centered Design, and Tech Integration and Development. He's an overtly curious person with a profound interest in people. For example, he went to five colleges, intentionally, to diversify the type of people he could meet, and now runs a successful podcast, Hear Some Evil, where he interviews the interesting, the weird, the knowledgeable, and the controversial. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 31
#166 - Angel Communicator - Seph Deitlein - "The Souvenir of Expansion"

Seph Deitlen is a human potential activator and a new thought leader.  He is also a conscious filmmaker, content creator, certified hypnotherapist, angel psychic medium, and energy healer. He facilitates courses and events that empower others to access higher levels of consciousness through communication with their angels and the quantum field of intelligence. Visit his website: PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 24
#165 - Psychic Medium - Jaime Lynn - "Volcanoes, Airplanes, and UFOs"

Psychic medium Jaime Lynn is a distinguished 4th generation Psychic/Medium, certified and tested for her exceptional abilities. Beyond her psychic gifts, she is also a Medical Intuitive/Energy Healer, Clairsentience/Empath, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, and a seasoned paranormal investigator. Holding an MBA and an alumna of Michigan State University, Jamie is spiritually attuned intellectually accomplished. She extends her reach as the host of The Electric Spirit Podcast, where she shares insights and discussions on metaphysical and spiritual topics. Learn more at PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 17
#164 - A Clown - Cyrus Zavieh

Cyrus Zavieh has worked for more than 30 years in New York City’s busiest hospitals as an administrator, and on weekends he is CiDO the Clown. He became CiDO 25 years ago after visiting sick children and geriatric patients during his time off. He has taught and traveled all over the world helping to spread the art of clowning. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 10
#163 - Civil Rights - Curtis Chin - "Riot Baby"

Curtis Chin is a co-founder of the Asian American Writers’ Workshop in New York City and served as the non-profits’ first Executive Director. He went on to write for network and cable television before transitioning to social justice documentaries. He has screened films at over 600 venues in 16 countries and has written for CNN, Bon Appetit, the Detroit Free Press, and the Emancipator/Boston Globe. Check out his memoir from 2023, "Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant.” PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 03
Casual Conversations #23 - UFO Expert - Preston Dennett

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he found out that his friends, family, and coworkers were having dramatic encounters. He has since authored hundreds of articles and 32 books on the subject, 10 of which are Amazon UFO bestsellers Join us as he explains his take on UFOs, ETs, astral projection, and seeing his mom'…

Mar 01
#162 - Brian Barrick - A Young Widower- "I’m Not a Good Actor”

Brian Barrick is an active duty servicemember in the United States Navy. An avid toy collector, he spends much of his free time participating in and supporting that hobby. He’s travelled all over the globe and seen many things but still loves to come home and relax with an iced tea. He lives in San Diego, California.  He’s a tragically young widower who lost his wife, “but gained one hell of a guardian angel.” PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 25
#161 - A Special Ed. Teacher - Eric Thurston - "Infinite Universes"

Eric Thurston was raised in Indiana then moved to Wyoming where he worked on a cattle ranch. When it started snowing in August, he headed south and fell in love with Arizona. He then spent a year reading the classics and journaling, went to ASU, got married, and had kids. He worked in the printing industry then taught special education for 20 years. Learn more at: and read his ghost story! PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 18
#160 – An Industrial Engineer – Tarek Taha – “Organized Effort”

Tarek Taha is an engineering leader with more than 25 years of experience in the Transportation industry. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from the University of Arkansas. After nearly dying from a lung infection that spread to his brain, Tarek’s life took a turn, and he has begun to investigate self-awareness and growth. He was recently certified by Maxwell Leadership as a coach, speaker, and trainer. He resides in Northwest Arkansas with his wife of 32 years, Susanna. They have one daughter, Sarah, who is an occupational therapist in Kansas City, Missouri. Please sign up for his weekly inspirational blog, Grow Yourself First It’s amazing! PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 11
Casual Conversations #22 - How to Argue about Not Arguing

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Sam and Mike talk about arguing, marriage, impasses, how to tell children they are wrong even if they’re right, and Sam drops a work story that might get him canned…

Feb 01
#158 - A Funeral Celebrant - Colin Finch - "Cartoons and Funerals"

Colin Finch is a Humanist (non-religious) Funeral Celebrant. He has been doing this for 4 years, carrying out 2-3 services per month. He finds Celebrant work incredibly rewarding from an emotional perspective, but the downside is being exposed to grief on a regular basis, so he maintains self-awareness to protect his mental health. His unique approach to life and death are complemented by his sense of humor and wit. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jan 28
#157 – Podcast Pioneer – Bob Lement - “You Just Never Know”

Bob Lement has produced thousands of shows and is a pioneer of online media.  He co-hosts and was one of the first 50 podcasts on Adam Curry's original list of podcasts at the beginning of the now-famous media format he coined.  Bob has also been interviewed by traditional media outlets over the years in the US and abroad about producing media for the Internet. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jan 21
#156 - End-of-Life Activist - Dayle Adams - "Plan Ahead"

Dayle Adams began formulating an idea to enable people to leave behind information, memories, and messages after the suicide of a great friend. She felt that regardless of how people died, there was information that could be helpful to those left behind. When her Mum was diagnosed with dementia, she realized how unprepared people were, including herself, to face dying and death, so she trained in end-of-life facilitation and created Planning Ahead of Time where she is a PAT consultant. This episode features conversations about suicide.  If you or anyone you know needs help with this subject, please visit The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline online or @ 988 talk or 988 text.  PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jan 14
#155 - A Mortician - Brie Smith - "The Grief Journey"

Brie Smith is responsible for overseeing all operations and services at Return Home, a death care facility, where she ensures that every process is optimized and organized. She is also the “voice” of Return Home, delivering their message of sustainable death care to both traditional media and social media alike. She has been a licensed funeral director and embalmer in Washington State since 2014. She currently lives in the PNW with the love of her life, Zach, and their dog Pepper who both bring her to her center when she's feeling overwhelmed by this incredible journey she's on!  For more, please check out: PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jan 07
Casual Conversations #21 - A Paranormal Investigator - Barbara Nelson

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Barbara Nelson combines her own psychic sensitivity with knowledge of paranormal activity to "follow her own leads" and validate information with various paranormal investigating tools. She and her husband Mark have investigated high-profile paranormal sites across the country and they have been featured on every famous ghost show. They are known togeth…

Jan 01
#154 - Akashic Healer - Tiffany Chan - "Spiritual Awakening"

This week’s Coffin Talk features one of the five most influential people I’ve ever had the privilege of learning from. Her name is Tiffany Chan, and she’s a Master Akashic Healer, and her life story is fascinating: After working with the World Economic Forum, she was crossing a busy street in South Africa and was nearly killed by a car. This wake-up call led her to becoming a Spiritual Advisor, and she now helps leaders embody higher consciousness, teaching clients how to access the Quantum field. Book an appointment and/or find her on LinkedIn She'd love to help you. It's her calling. I had a session with her, and it was life-changing. You will not regret it. And if you want a FREE primer, no problem! Just listen to her episode, right here! IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO THE OTHER FOUR INFLUENCES ARE, I’VE INTERVIEWED THREE (SO FAR): The fourth is my former boss, EUGENE GRAY, who for some reason keeps delaying his recording, but that’s probably because capturing his essence is harder than getting lightning in a bottle, so I’ll continue to HOPE and PRAY that he commits to coming on… This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 30, 2023
#153 - An Author - Vin Jensen - "My Own Mind"

Vin Jensen is a split personality who publishes under the name Ien Nivens. His available works include a re-imagining of the ancient divination system known as the I Ching, and a novel called He is currently working on a trilogy of Mesopotamian stories called the dealing with the destruction of the Tower of Babel and the legendary confusion of human language, and a series of fantasy novels about a portraitist and his subjects, beginning with the man who raised him in .  PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 24, 2023
#152 - A Catholic Convert - David Ross - "The Gadfly"

In 2009, David Ross converted from Atheistic-Satanism to Catholicism. In 2016 he launched Catholic Versus (CVS) Podcast, where he interviews guests of all walks of life in order to share various perspectives on faith and philosophy. He lives in Montréal, Québec, Canada, with his beautiful wife Anna, and their 5 wonderful house-plants who shall remain unnamed to protect their identities. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 17, 2023
#151 - A Management Specialist - Jay Cone - "Occupational Hazards"

Jay Gordon Cone has spent the past 35 years supporting leadership development and organizational change. His current focus is helping leaders deal with uncertainty and complexity. Jay is on a mission to put a little daylight between people and their assumptions. He’s a founding partner of the consulting firm, Unstuck Minds PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 10, 2023
#150 - My Mom - Dena Oppenheim - "I Vascillate"

Dena Oppenheim was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. She then lived in seven cities in five states before moving to Arizona where for the last 14 years she has lived in the same house in Scottsdale, the longest ever in one home. Her beliefs and reflections have changed as easily as her residences, but her inner core is always steadfast in trying to be loving and kind.  She’s never had a “Bucket List” because her bucket has always been full. She’s Mike’s Mom, and you’ll love her! PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 03, 2023
Casual Conversations #20 - Two Jews, None Kvetch

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit Sam and Mike talk about being raised “Jewish” by two meditating hippies in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 90s, and how that panned out as they enter their forties and raise families of their own. It’s philosophical and silly, and we do not spend even one second on politics (this means it’s fun). Enjoy! Thank you for being a premium subscriber to mikey…

Dec 01, 2023
#149 - A Psychic - Mark Christopher Nelson - "Seven-Minute Vacations"

Mark Christopher Nelson is a talented psychic medium who discovered his ability following the murder of his father. His father appeared to him after the funeral, and Mark asked him to stay away. However, 25 years later, his father returned, showing Mark that he could see and hear spirits. Now, Mark works as a psychic medium and paranormal investigator. Find out more at PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 26, 2023
148 – A Film Critic – Josh Larsen – "Common Grace"

Josh Larsen is the co-host of the radio show and podcast Filmspotting, author of Movies Are Prayers and Fear Not!, and editor/producer for Think Christian, a website and podcast exploring faith and pop culture. He’s been writing and speaking about movies professionally since 1994. A veteran of the Sundance, Toronto, and Chicago International Film Festivals, Josh has given talks on film at various colleges and conferences. Since 2017, he has led “Ebert Interruptus,” a tradition established by Roger Ebert, which analyzes a single film scene by scene over several days at the University of Colorado’s Conference on World Affairs. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 19, 2023
#147 - An Ex-Jehovah's Witness - Scott Homan - "The Formula of Coercion"

Scott Homan was raised in Wisconsin and recorded two indie albums with his bands while being influenced by The Jehovah’s Witness religion. He left and went on to run camera and sound for a local news station while studying photography, film, and digital media. Today he runs Banana Island Films and has made an incredible documentary about his and other’s experiences as Jehovah’s Witness members. is available now at (and it’s amazing!) PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 12, 2023
#146 - An Educator - Nahreya Seoane - "Squeaky Wheels"

Nahreya Seoane is a wife, mother of 2, and a teacher of 15 years, specializing in Special Education and English Language Arts for grades 7-12. In her youth, her biracial background, upbringing below the poverty line, and depression kept her hyper-aware of her marginalized status, leading to self-consciousness and generalized anxiety. To counter and process these emotional traumas, she learned to embrace inclusivity, empathy, and kindness. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 05, 2023
Casual Conversations #19 - Trunk or Treat Is...

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit My brother Sam is back on the show to discuss the history of Halloween, and how weird our culture has become when it comes to kid safety and rules and fun… PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE AT MIKEYOPP.COM We released this a day early, for Halloween, but this is the bonus episode for November. ENJOY! :)

Oct 31, 2023
#145 - Former Stress Junkie - Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell - "Good Stewardship"

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell is the Intuitive Business Coach™ who leads her clients to Live Life on FIRE for the Ultimate Successful Life with peace, joy, and fulfillment! Lynita has built an award-winning law firm and publishing house, is a #1 Bestselling Author, CPA, an ordained New Thought Minister, and recognized nationally as an outstanding community leader. Wait until you hear about her near death experience! PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 29, 2023
#144 - A Cult Kid - Amrit Evans - "Blended Soup"

Amrit Evans was born and raised in San Francisco and is the manager of SF Puppy Prep, a training school for puppies. Amrit grew up as a Sikh in the 3HO community but slowly faded from the practices by her twenties. In her free time, she is a gamer, athlete, dog-mom, singer, and spends time with family and friends. PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 22, 2023
#143 - A Physical Therapist - Melissa Maker - "This Boss Mare..."

Melissa Maker is a pediatric physical therapist living and working in the SF Bay Area. She is a lifelong equestrian who has combined her many passions in life by working at a therapeutic horseback riding program for more than 25 years.  PLEASE RATE US ON APPLE AND SPOTIFY AND SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE AT MIKEYOPP.COM This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 15, 2023