CrossWalk Church

CrossWalk Phoenix


CrossWalk Church is a rapidly growing church in the Laveen and South Mountain Village areas of suburban Phoenix, AZ. Starting with a single service and about 35 people in the fall of 2004, CrossWalk has grown to two services with nearly 500 people worshipping each Sunday. The core of CrossWalk's vision is to be a "church for unchurched people." That means that we're all about meeting people where they're at. This attitude toward church actually goes all the way back to the earliest days of Christianity. Paul, the apostle, talks about it numerous times, for instance, in his first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 9:19-23, 10:31-33, 14:24-25). It's for this reason that on Sunday mornings we provide worship in "a casual atmosphere."

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