Incandescent Tarot Podcast

Gina Wisotzky


Tarot, magic, and spirituality for modern life

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37 episodes

April 2024 Monthly Forecast

What a fascinating group of cards for April! This month is animated by the call to move towards peace and fulfillment via the SIX OF SWORDS, and it seems as if our environment card, the TEN OF CUPS, isn’t just giving us a green light, it’s giving us a full-on, resplendent rainbow. This is a long and poignant journey, however, and we’ve been preparing for it for some time. The World from last month gave us a peek at the landscape we’ll be traversing and now our job is to wade into it and stay the course, trusting in our emotions, intuition, and deeper wisdom. Our challenge will be to resist the urge to turn this moment into one of practicality and caution like the KNIGHT OF PENTACLES. This is not a month to reason away our joy, wishes, or values. Luckily, the KNIGHT OF SWORDS is rising to the challenge and shows us using or words, wit, and conviction for good; choosing what matters to us, trusting in the meaning we make of our lives, and defending our dedication to connection, sweetness, and community. Listen in for the full forecast, including an enthusiastic deep-dive into these two knights, rapturous explorations of the swords suit done right, and lots of impassioned musings on spring as a season for new beginnings. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Apr 01
March 2024 Forecast

This month we shift from the analytic, sharp swords and into the feeling world of the cups. The TWO OF CUPS sees us reaching out and being received by others. What insights can we gift to those close to us? What can be revealed to us in turn? THE HIEROPHANT suggests that there’s profound wisdom to explore in this space and the energy to make headway in areas of our life that give us a sense of meaning and purpose. Our challenge card, the TWO OF WANDS, shows a desire to turn away from all this and keep things light, but in doing so we’d just be hiding in our actualization, healing, and self-expression as shown in our opportunity card: THE WORLD. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 01
February 2024 Monthly Forecast

February’s reading features a bevy of swords cards. We’re poised to step into the shoes (and throne) of the discerning and stoic KING OF SWORDS while struggling against “KNIGHT OF SWORDS impulses” in ourselves and others to rush to conclusions, have the first and last word, and figure it all out. Yet underneath it all, we’re undergoing a slow and steady journey away from ideas and expectations we’ve outgrown. The SIX OF SWORDS shows a deliberate choice to take responsibility for ourselves remain open to input from the world around us. Think sailing across the river vs. sweating to build a whole bridge. All this complexity, if we choose to engage with it, steers us towards the fertile shore of THE STAR where wisdom and peace await. Sounds alluring! And well worth the pointedness of the rest of our reading. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 01
January 2024 Monthly Forecast + A Look at the Card of the Year

Listen in as we explore the cards for the first month of 2024! But first, a look at our transition from a Chariot Year (2023) to a year animated by Strength (2024). It’s been a wild ride, and this jump seems both exciting and grounding. The year starts out with a serious zesty batch of cards. January’s theme is THE HERMIT, where we travel inward to uncover animating truths that give our lives meaning. The environment is supportive of this quest along with many others touching on themes of romance, connection, and spiritual meaning. The KNIGHT OF CUPS shows our enthusiasm and more than a little potential to be “extra.” We’ll be challenged to resist the assumption that we have to go it alone like the EIGHT OF CUPS, yet the gravitational pull of THE LOVERS reminds us that life is sweet and exciting when we find people who support, understand, and expand what really matters to us. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 31, 2023
Ask a Tarot Reader: Surviving the Holidays & Navigating Reversals

Listen in to the latest edition of “Ask a Tarot Reader,” a segment where we explore two listener-submitted questions: one about how to read tarot and the other a personal question or issue to invesitagate with a two-card tarot reading. This month, we’re starting with a reading about how to survive/endure/thrive in the challenging holiday season, and we finish with a perennial concern: reversed card. To read with them or not? To submit a question // Click here More on Reversals // Click here A few quick podcast annoucements: * I will no longer be sending out emails for each new episode. This is a spam-free space! To stay up to date, be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts (and while you’re at it, do leave a rating and review ;) * In case you missed it, transcripts are available for all episodes. Simply click the transcript bar below the audio player to read the episode in its full glory. (Caveat: the transcript is AI-generated and sometimes I miss ridiculous mistranslations. I hope they’re entertaining!) Our Cards from the Mini-Reading: This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 14, 2023
December 2023 Monthly Forecast

December is here! In this last forecast for 2023, we’re visited by the introspective, questing HERMIT who invites us to go inward to find authentic, actionable, and realistic ways to navigate tradition, structure, and lineage represented by THE HIEROPHANT (and the entire holiday season). We may find ourselves tempted to overindulge and distract ourselves with celebration and socialization through the THREE OF CUPS; however, healthy expansion can be found in recognizing the meaningful actions we’ve been taking individually and collectively so that we can continue to practice them moving forward. Listen in for the entire reading and be sure to leave a rating and review or share if you found this forecast helpful. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 01, 2023
Ask a Tarot Reader: Staying Positive with Tough Cards & a Reading about Career Dissatisfaction

Welcome to the latest installation of “Ask a Tarot Reader” where we dive into listener-submitted questions about 1) how to read tarot and 2) personal questions for an answer via a two-card tarot reading. This month, our question about tarot comes from a listener who asks: “How do you read challenging cards without falling to either 'they are good/bad'? Some cards can be seen as so challenging (from knowledge or past experience), yet you seem to be able to read each time with curiosity and openness, without your intuition being cluttered by challenging experiences with the cards. Would you say that comes with practice with the cards/self-care routines/personality trait? What would be your advice(s)? (I ask because I can sometimes feel 'overwhelmed' by certain cards when I read to myself, and it can take away my initial enthusiasm and intuition.)” The question for our tarot reading comes from a listener named G, who asks: “Will I ever feel fulfilled by my professional career again?” Listen in as we discuss their card: The Eight of Cups and The Tower. To submit a question // Click Here This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 16, 2023
November 2023 Monthly Forecast

I had several moments of pause when recording this episode. 1) To reshuffle or not reshuffle? This spread has a wild repeat, but after a busy event, I knew the draw was thoroughly random, and as much as I’d have loved to talk about this card again, I do believe that the reading in front of you is exactly the reading you need. And 2) should I re-record? I may not have reacted so elegantly to our repeat visitor! Again, I decided no: this podcast is all about authentic, live tarot readings, including incredulous pauses, hemming and hawing, and all. So listen in for the whole reading where we grapple with the Five of Pentacles once again, yet are joined by the tender and intrepid Page of Cups who asks us to practice positivity and some joyful creative thinking. We may be tempted, however, to distract ourselves from tough spots with newness, achievement, and a full schedule via the Page of Wands. Ultimately, we have the opportunity to retreat into a place of deep knowing - the Two of Swords - where we’ll be able to approach a long-held decision with poise and clarity. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 01, 2023
Ask a Tarot Reader: Advanced Decks & A Mini-Reading about Love and Work

Welcome to a new segment of the Incandescent Tarot podcast, !These used to be snuggled in at the end of regular episodes, but they’re too much fun to keep in the corner. In Ask a Tarot Reader, I’ll answer two listener questions each month about: * Tarot! how to read, troubleshooting issues, anything that’s been nagging you as you explore this wonderful and, let’s be real, often-confusing practice. * Life! Submit a personal question for a mini-reading at the end of each episode. To submit a question of either stipe visit or send an email to This month, we explore a question about INTUITIVE READINGS AND ADVANCED DECKS: I read intuitively using a RW deck. The Prisma Visions Tarot deck draws me. I worry, though: is a deck with such sophisticated imagery too advanced for me? Perhaps I will not be able read intuitively with such a deck? How can I tell whether the deck is too advanced for me? To take a gander at the stunning Prisma Visions Deck // Click Here …and answering a question from lovely subscriber, Lisa, who asks: what should I expect through the end of the year? Will I close any business or find any love interest? See her cards below: This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 12, 2023
October 2023 Monthly Forecast

We’ve finally done it! Our two month exploration (expedition? ordeal?) of the Five of Pentacles is over. This month, we’re in a state of natural focus and determination illustrated by the Following this card’s dedicated work ethic is opening up a world of joyful connections via the , not to mention a dose of much-needed levity and tenderness. Oh, and did I mention traction? We’re being given the unique opportunity to learn more about the tempting dreams that have lured us off our path in the past as the appears in our ‘challenge’ section, showing us how we may want to use newness, potential, and fantasy to avoid the success we’re working towards. Instead, these cards encourage us to adopt the stance of the deep enduring awareness of our resources, pride in our ability to structure our lives, and devotion to maintaining what we have and staying the course. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 01, 2023
September 2023 Monthly Forecast

September brings a rare repeat of our central card from August: The Five of Pentacles. We’re tying up loose ends to this challenging card, yet there’s a welcome source of (unpredictable) change on the horizon as The Wheel of Fortune spins through the areas of our life reflected in the Five of Pentacles, bringing changes of fortune, surprising opportunities, or even rapid breakthroughs. We’ll feel challenged to walk back some of our ambitious plans and dreams with regards to money and career via the Two of Pentacles, yet the Six of Swords shows us how we can move forward slowly, deliberately, and armed with lots of hard-won wisdom. Listen in for the full reading, of excited exclamations (still can’t get over the Five of Pentacles 2x in a row!), and my thoughts on the poignant, autumnal nature of the Six of Swords. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Sep 01, 2023
August 2023 Monthly Forecast

This month’s reading is tender and intriuging. The hardship of the FIVE OF PENTACLES sees us grappling with material restrictions - what is enough? How do we support our lives? - while occupying a much different role than we’re used to via the KING OF WANDS. We may have more resources at hand than we realize, especially those that center our agency, creativity, and energy. Playing it safe like our challenge card, THE QUEEN OF PENTACLES, may be tempting, but in reality, our opportunity lies in grieving and integrating the messages around scarcity and capability that have held us back in the past through the FIVE OF CUPS. Listen in for the full reading, including my odd appreciation of the fives as a group, the confrontational nature of the King of Wands, and the importance of reading “between” the cards. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Aug 01, 2023
July 2023 Monthly Forecast

This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 03, 2023
June 2023 Monthly Forecast

The cards in play for June represent a shift into a period of cultivating balance in our work and material lives. The Six of Pentacles appears as our card of the month, showing us motivated to get in touch with our resources. It’s a practical and calming energy that stands in contrast to the world around us, as The Wheel of Fortune brings some change, chaos, and opportunity our way. We’ll be challenged to make sense of it all and drawn to managing our stress through planning and rationalization via the Queen of Swords; however, our true path forward is in the much more free (and fun) Four of Wands. Listen in for all the details, including a comprehensive rant on the weirdness of the Six of Pentacles and my love of tarot “odd couples.” This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jun 01, 2023
Preparing for Change with Agility

This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

May 15, 2023
May 2023 Monthly Forecast

May is illuminated by the thoughtful glow of The Star, a card that invites us to carve our space for healing, reflection, and vulnerability. We may need to channel the discernment of the Two of Swords, guarding access to our soft underbellies, while remaining wary of our propensity to get carried away or just plain run away from growth like the Seven of Swords, our cautionary tale for the month. Sitting with ourselves via the Four of Cups, especially in moments of boredom or dissatisfaction, holds a mysterious key to our exciting next steps. Listen in for the whole reading and consider subscribingb elow for access to more material working with this reading as we work our way through the month. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

May 01, 2023
April 2023 Monthly Forecast

April is all about the feelings as we figure out how to steer our lives with the determination of The Chariot. The Queen of Cups provides essential advice as our card for the month - how can we take gentle and joyful responsibility for our dreams as we work towards actualizing them? The Emperor as our challenge card shows us just how difficult it can be to remain open, receptive, and flexible, yet the opportunity of the Seven of Cups invites us to trade in fear and avoidance for a healthy dose of weirdness and inspiration. Listen in for the whole forecast and consider subscribing for extra reflections, prompts, and a video check-in throughout the month. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Apr 03, 2023
March 2023 Monthly Forecast

Listen in as we explore a unique tarot landscape. Yes, THE TOWER is rising up in the center, drawing our eye, but all is not what it seems. The enduring theme of March is newness - what are we excitedly seeking out right now like the energetic KNIGHT OF WANDS? It may bring up some criticism via the QUEEN OF SWORDS who wants to frame our mistakes and misfortunes as catastrophe. Yet the KING OF PENTACLES tells us the world isn’t ending at all; in fact, it’s quite delightful. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Mar 01, 2023
Seriously Committing to Serious Plans

We break from tradition this week for an audio version of the Weekly Forecast. Exciting! Life got a little intense, hence the change, and we’ll be back with our usual written forecasts next week. Until then, listen in for insights into the serious drive of THE CHARIOT, the deep search for meaning of THE HIEROPHANT, and the KNIGHT OF PENTACLES’ welcome practicality. This week, embrace: * Focus * Determination * Openness to new perspectives, the wisdom of tradition * Committing to actionable steps This week, avoid: * Distraction * Obsession with the exact details of your original plans * Avoiding responsibility and/or change This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 26, 2023
February 2023 Monthly Forecast

Hello Lovely Listeners, It’s February already, which means it’s time for our monthly tarot reading. What’s in store in the weeks to come? Listen in as we discuss the nuances of our card of the month, Strength, its clashes with our context-card, The Emperor, and how being The King of Wands isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I’m trying valiantly to embrace imperfection (which, as it turns out, is another theme that falls under the Strength card, ha) but have to add that the audio quality of this episode is not what I’d like it to be! Still figuring out a new recording configuration, so thank you for bearing with me. As always, do share any comments, questions, or observations in the comments below. If you’d like more insights and reflections on this month’s reading, do subscribe to the paid version of the newsletter. In addition to supporting this work, you’ll get access to additional essays, readings, and *announcement time* a sneak peek at the cards for next month’s reading. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Feb 02, 2023
Monthly Forecast January 2023

What a welcome to the new year! Listen as I try and fail to contain my excitement over The Fool and its presence in our reading, especially since it’s bolstered by the emotional maturity of the Queen of Cups. This is a time for new beginnings rooted in personal authenticity and joyful interconnectedness. Our challenge for the month is represented by The Hermit, as we may want to turn away from the brightness of a radically new beginning. Solidity and plenty, however, are to be found in the world around us, as The King of Pentacles shows us an opportunity for growth, both in terms of our material resources and personal power. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jan 03, 2023
December 2022 Forecast

This month we have an energetic and focused reading to guide us. What happens when we find ourselves warmed and supported by our communities and creative endeavors? The Four of Wands directs us to celebrate and enjoy what’s working in our lives while seeing what we can do to amplify it with the determination and grand vision of The Chariot. We’d be wise, however, not to overburden ourselves with ambition for ambition’s sake or a hefty workload just because we can. Following a speedy path via the Eight of Wands, no matter how tempting, will just bring us right back to where we started. Instead, this reading asks us to embrace restriction and our empathy and humility in order to be sure we’re doing what really matters to us. Listen in for all this and: semi-unabashed self-promotion, an extensive & rambling bonfire metaphor, and lots of rueful chuckling about wands enthusiasm. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Dec 01, 2022
November 2022 Monthly Forecast

Explore the themes at work for November as we dive into a curious reading. Two nines show us that the central theme of the month is culmination, accomplishment, and taking the responsibility to end portions of our own stories. We’ll be challenged by a desire to wrap everything up in tidy bows, make strong declarations, and hide behind absolute statements as the Knight of Swords brings their bluster and hidden insecurities into the picture. Meanwhile? A powerful call is pushing us towards facing our true self and doing the next big thing, if it’s intimidating and requires us to leave our small and simple ideas behind. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Nov 01, 2022
Chasing Certainty

A rambling deep-dive into the topic of certainty and its place in tarot. Can we achieve certainty in our readings? Do we even want to? Listen in to hear what the Strength card has to teach us about looking for answers in tarot, Gina’s “bro voice,” and a story about someone pulling The Tower before a first date. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 19, 2022
October 2022 Monthly Forecast

This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Oct 01, 2022
September 2022 Monthly Forecast

We have a uniquely clear and galvanizing forecast this month, dear listeners. Join us for September’s collective tarot reading as we discuss how personal authority and leadership (The Emperor) can inspire satisfying action (The Seven of Wands) while steering us away from distracting hedonism (The King of Pentacles) and towards mental clarity (The King of Swords). So, you know, really low-key themes at play for the month! It should be a pivotal and exhilarating time, so be sure to listen in to find out how The Emperor embodies “back to school energy,” whether the person in the Seven of Wands is as angsty as they look, and why lazing around in your grape-patterned robe a la the King of Pentacles isn’t actually the best move at the moment. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Sep 01, 2022
August 2022 Monthly Forecast

A glorious and slightly nerve-wracking group of cards greets us this month, but in a “butterflies before you go on stage” way (instead of“buckling under tons of external pressure”). The Queen of Cups represents the themes of the month: emotional wisdom, dedication to love (romantic and otherwise), and a connection to beauty. The Knight of Pentacles, however, wants to keep things on the straight and narrow, but how could we when The Lovers card shows us a tantalizing and transformative opportunity? The Two of Cups lets us know that piddly distractions may tempt us to sidestep an important choice. Listen in for the whole forecast, tips on how to navigate the energies of August, and why I call the Knight of Pentacles “the dirt knight.” This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 30, 2022
Practice, Practice, Practice

Let’s talk about practice, shall we? In this episode I dive into the how’s and why’s of practice, discuss how a tarot practice differs from, say, a meditation practice, and ways to make your practice more magical sustainable. This episode centers on personal tarot practices and gently touches on practicing as a way to learn the cards themselves. Come for the helpful tips, stay for the musings on my middle school tarot readings. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 13, 2022
July 2022 Monthly Forecast

We’re back with a new forecast for July, dear friends. Don’t be fooled by the fact that I emphatically state that it’s in the audio - once again, the concept of time has gotten the best of me! This month - the month of - we have a Major Arcana card giving us focus: The Chariot. Willpower, action, and trust in our path merges with the helpful structure of the Four of Wands. Taking risks leads to community and a home for our deepest convictions. We may struggle with wanting to initiate new plans constantly via the Ace of Wands, but there’s room for growth in pondering what’s working for us in our daily lives a la the Seven of Pentacles. Tune in for the whole forecast here or anywhere you get your podcasts, and thanks as always for listening. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jul 02, 2022
Surprise! A weekly audio forecast

Hello lovely readers and listeners, I was running out of time to write out a weekly forecast for you all and thought I’d plug in my microphone and record one instead. I hope you enjoy this spontaneous experiment - the regular written forecasts will be back next week. Until then, listen to hear: How the Four of Swords and Knight of Swords are the ultimate power team Compelling thoughts on the Four of Swords: Is that a crypt or cozy stone bedroom? All the ways the Three of Cups can rain its magic on us this week (and our friends as well) The reading has all the features of the forecasts of olden thymes: a full reading, themes to embrace, themes to avoid, and ways to creatively explore and express each card. Thank you as always for listening and reading and have a lovely week. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

Jun 12, 2022