Jesus People Church Podcast

Pastor Gerald Kiner: Life Coach, Christianity, Self-help, Training


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20 episodes

PKG 001: Why the Wicked Prosper and Most Christians Do Not

Just like the laws of farming, prosperity is based upon God's principles not how nice and kind you are. Oddly, it appears more none believers implement God's principles than Christians do. Thus, Christianity is in a state of flux. More Christians search for Christian Mingle than they search for God, yet they wonder why the wicked prosper.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 010: The Maker of the Undeniables

The God who made the dynamic prophets of old, is still in the dynamic people making business. Jesus said to His disciples ( us) “ greater works” ye shall do. Is it any wonder Paul said “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” If Christians return to their maker, they can return to such power. The church desperately needs it. In this message you will be reintroduced to the Maker of the Undeniables.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 002: The Power of Praying for Yourself

The church, the Body of Christ as a whole, is facing an epidemic of prayerlessness. Christians should follow the example of Jesus Christ who was a man of prayer. Jesus, in His earthly state, prayed to God without fail. No one knows you better than you, therefore, no one knows your needs better than you.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 003: The Mouth of the Fool, the Wise, and the Worshipper

Jesus mastered selected His choice of words better than anyone. In Christianity, God forbids idle talk. In a day and age when Christian dating sites like Christian Mingle draw millions, this message will help you identify if any person you meet, whether online or off line is a fool, the wise, or a worshipper.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 004: You Can't Afford to Second Guess God

Jesus never second guessed God. In Christianity, double-mindedness and disobedience is at an all time high. The Christian Church is suffering from this lack of faith. This message will strengthen our walk and obedience to God and in doing so, we will see our joy and peace return.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 005: God Was Leading Me Even in My Past

God has always been an active participant in your life. Jesus just didn’t show up and discover who you are once you got saved and became a part of the Church. He was leading, guiding, and directly towards this path all along. Your faith in the power of the Lord presiding over your life will never be the same after this Word

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 006: The Power of A Non-Offended Church

Jesus commanded the Christian Church to take no offense. Nevertheless, God has to see the Church torn apart by division, discord, and disobedience. However, the church that is as unified as the serenity prayer, comes up shining as a bright star.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 007: Praying with the Clock

Jesus told the Church that we should always pray and not to faint. Nonetheless, Christians find prayer time, the hardest time to schedule. It is obvious that prayer is not a national priority. Our faith in God is suffering because we fail to pray. It appears the Body of Christ spends more time on websites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Christian Mingle than we spend with Jesus Christ in prayer. The divine insight and revelation found in message will help swing the pendulum back to prayer.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 008: Spiritual Warfare Against Demons

Naturally, Jesus did not have the struggle with satan, and his demons as we have. The Saints of old did not have Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Christian Mingle to help steal away their devotion time. Therefore, the church is way behind on its knowledge of successful spiritual warfare tactics and principles. By the grace of God, this message will bring you up-to-date on how to win any battle you face against the enemy.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 009: Spiritual Warfare Against Discontentment

Paul said I have learned that whatsoever state I am in to therefore be content. Jesus was the master of contentment. Dating sites likes Christian Mingle and friendship sites like FaceBook and Google + thrive mainly because people are discontent with being alone. Because of that fact, sexual predators abound on such sites. But what a friend we have in Jesus Christ. God create the Church so we could be content from the things of the world. This message will give you power to be satisfied and content with whatsoever state you are in.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 001: Why the Wicked Prosper and Most Christians Do Not

Just like the laws of farming, prosperity is based upon God's principles not how nice and kind you are. Oddly, it appears more none believers implement God's principles than Christians do. Thus, Christianity is in a state of flux. More Christians search for Christian Mingle than they search for God, yet they wonder why the wicked prosper.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 010: The Maker of the Undeniables

The God who made the dynamic prophets of old, is still in the dynamic people making business. Jesus said to His disciples ( us) “ greater works” ye shall do. Is it any wonder Paul said “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” If Christians return to their maker, they can return to such power. The church desperately needs it. In this message you will be reintroduced to the Maker of the Undeniables.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 002: The Power of Praying for Yourself

The church, the Body of Christ as a whole, is facing an epidemic of prayerlessness. Christians should follow the example of Jesus Christ who was a man of prayer. Jesus, in His earthly state, prayed to God without fail. No one knows you better than you, therefore, no one knows your needs better than you.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 003: The Mouth of the Fool, the Wise, and the Worshipper

Jesus mastered selected His choice of words better than anyone. In Christianity, God forbids idle talk. In a day and age when Christian dating sites like Christian Mingle draw millions, this message will help you identify if any person you meet, whether online or off line is a fool, the wise, or a worshipper.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 004: You Can't Afford to Second Guess God

Jesus never second guessed God. In Christianity, double-mindedness and disobedience is at an all time high. The Christian Church is suffering from this lack of faith. This message will strengthen our walk and obedience to God and in doing so, we will see our joy and peace return.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 005: God Was Leading Me Even in My Past

God has always been an active participant in your life. Jesus just didn’t show up and discover who you are once you got saved and became a part of the Church. He was leading, guiding, and directly towards this path all along. Your faith in the power of the Lord presiding over your life will never be the same after this Word

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 006: The Power of A Non-Offended Church

Jesus commanded the Christian Church to take no offense. Nevertheless, God has to see the Church torn apart by division, discord, and disobedience. However, the church that is as unified as the serenity prayer, comes up shining as a bright star.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 007: Praying with the Clock

Jesus told the Church that we should always pray and not to faint. Nonetheless, Christians find prayer time, the hardest time to schedule. It is obvious that prayer is not a national priority. Our faith in God is suffering because we fail to pray. It appears the Body of Christ spends more time on websites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Christian Mingle than we spend with Jesus Christ in prayer. The divine insight and revelation found in message will help swing the pendulum back to prayer.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 008: Spiritual Warfare Against Demons

Naturally, Jesus did not have the struggle with satan, and his demons as we have. The Saints of old did not have Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Christian Mingle to help steal away their devotion time. Therefore, the church is way behind on its knowledge of successful spiritual warfare tactics and principles. By the grace of God, this message will bring you up-to-date on how to win any battle you face against the enemy.

Jul 17, 2013
PKG 009: Spiritual Warfare Against Discontentment

Paul said I have learned that whatsoever state I am in to therefore be content. Jesus was the master of contentment. Dating sites likes Christian Mingle and friendship sites like FaceBook and Google + thrive mainly because people are discontent with being alone. Because of that fact, sexual predators abound on such sites. But what a friend we have in Jesus Christ. God create the Church so we could be content from the things of the world. This message will give you power to be satisfied and content with whatsoever state you are in.

Jul 17, 2013