John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast | A pastor's insights on leadership for the whole church

Pastor John Nuzzo - Christian speaker and founder of Victory Family Church


A monthly discussion of essential church leadership skills including communication, delegation, creativity, and flexibility.

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85 episodes

The Punctuation of a Life

In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo enlightens us regarding the importance of the punctuation mark we place on our lives.  Through personal experiences, he reveals the domino effect of our using the correct punctuation in life.  The domino effect is not only up to God; it depends upon our choices as well.  When we choose to place a period in our lives rather than a comma, it can be devastating—not only to our own lives, but to countless others also.   Listening to this message will help you to see that no matter the present circumstances you face; no matter why the periods may be trying to drop in your life—you matter!  Your obedience matters!  Choose your punctuation mark today as a leader.  It matters!  Only eternity will record the domino effect of your decision to fight the good fight of faith, to finish your course, and to remain faithful.   PLEASE JOIN US FOR ENCOUNTER CONFERENCE, JUNE 19 – 21, 2024, AT VICTORY FAMILY CHURCH IN CRANBERRY TWP., PA.  THIS CONFERENCE IS FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS AND THEIR LEADERS.  REGISTRATION IS ONLY $29 PER PERSON AND IS OPEN NOW WITH THIS LINK

Apr 01
In Search of Apollos

__ __ In this podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo delves into a new season he believes is coming into the Body of Christ.  He believes we are in a season to help the next generation to be prepared to build the Church and to hear God’s voice.   In Acts 18, Aquila and Priscilla took Apollo aside and explained to him, “the way of God more accurately.”  They nurtured him, and ultimately, released him into his calling.  They to invite someone into their lives to create an environment for Apollos to grow spiritually.  Small groups are a mechanism for us to invite people into our lives whom we can nurture.  It’s the responsibility of every believer to find his or her Apollos and nurture him or her.  This is God’s method of multiplication:  sheep nurturing sheep.  When you release your Apollos into his or her purpose, you multiply the Kingdom of God.    Take action steps today.  Intentionally invite someone into your life to nurture and find someone to be Aquila or Priscilla in your life.   There’s always a place for someone to fill the gaps in your faith and explain the way of God more accurately.     PLEASE JOIN US FOR ENCOUNTER CONFERENCE, JUNE 19 – 21, 2024, AT VICTORY FAMILY CHURCH IN CRANBERRY TWP., PA.  THIS CONFERENCE IS FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS AND THEIR LEADERS.  REGISTRATION IS ONLY $29 AND IS OPEN NOW WITH THIS LINK:

Mar 06
Three Elements Necessary for Multiplication

In this month’s podcast, Pastor John speaks to leaders about multiplication in your sphere of influence.  He shares a personal experience that brought him to the realization that there are three elements necessary for multiplication.  Multiplication is available for all of us—no one is disqualified!   In the world, people are celebrated because of what they’ve achieved; in the Kingdom of God, we’re celebrated because we’ve been received and rescued by the love of God.  Love is the ultimate multiplier!  If you’re going to multiply, you are not working God but partnering God.  Listen to this profound teaching, humble yourself to God’s purpose, and see multiplication in your life!   PLEASE JOIN US FOR ENCOUNTER CONFERENCE, JUNE 19 – 21, 2024, AT VICTORY FAMILY CHURCH IN CRANBERRY TWP., PA.  THIS CONFERENCE IS FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH STUDENTS AND THEIR LEADERS.  REGISTRATION IS ONLY $29 AND IS OPEN NOW:

Feb 01
The Power of a God-Sized Vision

Do you see what God sees?  Are you blinded because you can’t see beyond your past, your pain, even your successes?  In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo shares some things that are deeply meaningful and intimate to him that will bless you immeasurably.  Learn from his experience of having a God-sized vision and being fully flooded with light that illuminates his path in changing lives for eternity.  Hear about the revelation he had regarding laborers, as well as a testimony of a single mom who became a multi-millionaire.   We have the privilege of laboring together with God.  Learn the importance of having a God-sized vision. Do you see what God sees?  Will you obey once you do see?  Be fully flooded with light and see like you’ve never seen before!  

Jan 03
God Who Intervenes

Pastor John Nuzzo interviews Pastor Keith Tucci in this month’s podcast.  Pastor Keith is the author of , which is the amazing story of his life.  He also founded the Network of Related Pastors—a gathering of pastors from all over the country.  They have planted 14 churches in Ukraine, and through this ministry provide fellowship, care, and encouragement to pastors.    Visit for more information. Pastor Keith grew up in the Pittsburgh Projects and was running the streets at age 14.  He describes his family as “cutting edge dysfunction.”  Yet, Pastor Keith’s message is that nobody is beyond the reach of God.  See what God can do with someone who gives his life away.  

Dec 03, 2023
Interview with Peter Piñón Part 2

In part two of this interview with licensed counselor and coach, Peter Piῇon, Pastor John Nuzzo delves into the process of transformation Peter experienced after he met Jesus.   It is the goodness of God—through God and people—which leads us into repentance and totally changes the trajectory of our lives.   Mental health issues are rampant in our culture today.  One in five adults experience a health issue such as anxiety, depression, PTSD.  Peter offers a free course online at where tools are available to assess these issues so you can get help.  We are transformed by the renewing of our mind.    Pastor John shares his personal experience of realizing that he needed help on an issue and sought it, but only after he listened to people who love him and care for him.  We need the Body of Christ in our lives.   Avail yourself to these resources on MINDSCONNECTED.COM   There’s no shame in getting help—even as a leader.  

Nov 01, 2023
Interview with Peter Piñón Part 1

In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo interviews licensed counselor and coach, Peter Piñón regarding the mental health crisis in our country.  We live in a culture where there is a broad range of what truth is.  Mental health is based on us having truth in our belief system, and truth will set us free. Peter’s story is heartbreaking yet hopeful.  Hear how at twelve he was suicidal.  He couldn’t even look in the mirror, he loathed himself so much.  Yet, when he heard that God values his life, everything changed!  God can do amazing things, but freedom doesn’t come in a moment.  It’s a process over your life of transformation.  There is a way out of your circumstances.  Listen to this podcast to discover the way. Ladies, please join us for our on October 20 & 21. Click on the link below to see all the details.  We hope to see you there.  

Oct 02, 2023
The Training Camp of Generosity Part 2

In Part 2 of this podcast, Pastor John continues with the third and final point of this message regarding the training he has received on generosity, which has been critical to his ministry.  Can God trust you?  Your divine destiny or purpose is imbedded in God’s ability to trust you.   Pastor John shares the story of his book-ended experience over a 28-year period regarding generosity that has been critical in his ability to walk in faith when things looked impossible.  Discover how you can take bold steps to multiply the Kingdom of God and get on the other side of the training camp of generosity to a place where you can truly experience a great harvest of righteousness and peace—not just for you but for your generation.

Aug 31, 2023
The Training Camp of Generosity

__ __ Training camp for athletes is painful yet productive.  It requires discipline.  It is for game time.  As a young minister, I thought the painful training was for a short season, and then life would get easier.  I learned, however, that anything of value is an uphill battle.  Most Christians live and die and never take one step into their purpose for God because they give up during training.   They see the pain and run from it.  If you stick with it, it reaps a great harvest for God’s Kingdom.   Leadership is never about steps taken for your own life.  They are steps intended to impact your generation.  You can leave a mark in a generation.  It will take training, it will take discipline, it will take faith.  Listening to Pastor John’s podcast this month will outline the steps necessary to apply not only to your personal life but to your leadership as well.  The training camp God uses is designed to enable us to trust God and to walk by faith in an ever-changing world. Learn how to apply these principles to your leadership; there is a world desperately waiting for you to fulfill your purpose!

Aug 03, 2023
The Awe of God Part 2 - with John Bevere

In Part Two of this topic, Pastor John Nuzzo and John Bevere continue their profound discussion on the book The discussion begins with the answer to why most of us get stuck with our head in our hands with shame when the manifest presence of God appears.  Using biblical examples, John Bevere expounds on this reaction with our flesh.   Discover how the fear of the Lord opens our lives to His blessing—to joy, gladness, longevity, fruitful days.  You can experience all that God wants for you—the abundant life—because of your holy awe.  Know what it means to live in the power of the awe of God that is the empowerment to live a holy life.  Open the door to intimacy with God.   SAVE THE DATE FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 FOR JOHN BEVERE’S WITH KIM WALKER SMITH. 

Jul 05, 2023
The Awe of God Part 1 - with John Bevere

In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo interviews John Bevere about his newest book,  This is one of the most misunderstood topics in the Bible.  The fear of God has nothing to do with being afraid of God.  In fact, understanding the fear of God will give you a deeper understanding of the love of God and will cause you to have a more intimate relationship with Him.   __ __ Stay tuned.  The book discussion will continue in next month’s podcast.  In the meantime, purchase John Bevere’s book and delve into the holy fear of God.  As you read, you will realize a more intimate relationship with God.  What are you waiting for?    SAVE THE DATE FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 FOR JOHN BEVERE’S WITH KIM WALKER SMITH.  DETAILS ARE COMING SOON.   

Jun 01, 2023
The Two Aspects of the Workings of the Holy Spirit in the Leader’s Life

God uses people in amazing ways—even while the leader is in complete meltdown.  There’s a reason meltdowns happen, and it’s avoidable. Longevity in ministry is about not confusing two different aspects of the Holy Spirit in your life as a leader.   Pastor John Nuzzo distinguishes between two aspects of the Holy Spirit in your life, using personal ministry examples and stories to further explain.  __ __ In this month’s podcast, you will learn the answer to these questions, as well as the difference between the and the Both aspects require a yielding. Gain perspective of the workings of the Holy Spirit so you can make use of the power God has made available to you.  

May 03, 2023
Multiplying Through Longevity

__ __ In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo reviews longevity in ministry and answers the questions above. In 2 Timothy 4: 7-8, Paul referred to his longevity There is one central requirement of longevity that is critical to your personal journey.  Your gifting alone is not the answer. Listen to this profound insight on longevity and discover that key requirement. Look further than your own life, needs, and joys. Apply this wisdom to your life, and it will benefit you and your ministry. Live the life you were meant to live. Your leadership is truly multi-generational.  

Apr 05, 2023
Five Things Jesus Did to Multiply the Kingdom Part 2

In Part 2 of this podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo unveils the final three methods Jesus used to multiply His Kingdom.  If you take the time to process the questions Pastor John asks, you will literally see God’s Kingdom multiply under your leadership. Learn how to intentionally plan so that you have more time than you can imagine, yet there is more being done in your ministry than ever before.  It’s amazing how Jesus lived His life.  Using five practical practices, Jesus gave the Great Commission to only 11 people who changed the whole world! If we want to expect to multiply the Kingdom, we can’t violate the leadership and methods of Jesus. We must study and follow His practices to enjoy the success He enjoyed. Don’t weary in well-doing. Reflect on what you have and build your calendar toward these five practices of Jesus. Your church or organization will never be the same.  “There’s a compounding impact of obedience when you follow Jesus, and when it shows up, it’s a multiplier!” (John Nuzzo)  

Mar 01, 2023
Five Things Jesus Did to Multiply the Kingdom of God

In Part One of this two-part series, Pastor John Nuzzo deep dives into two of the five primary things Jesus did to multiply the Kingdom of God.    As you listen, you will hear Pastor John ask process questions that will lead you to answers that will literally multiply God’s Kingdom under your leadership.  They are not difficult; they are things that anyone can do.  As leaders, we are called to live within the principles of the Kingdom of God just like Jesus did.  Humble yourself; submit yourself to God; ask yourself a few simple questions and begin the process of lining up your practices with those of Jesus.  You will discover answers to the following: __ __ Most of us have been trained to do the opposite of the ministry practices of Jesus.  Listening to this podcast will help you to lead like Jesus did.  

Feb 02, 2023
The Boast of Humility, Grace, and Faith

Leaders, discover the answers to the following questions: __ __ In this month’s podcast, Pastor John Nuzzo examines the type of boasting we are commanded to do in the Bible.  He defines and expounds on three types of boasting that every leader must have in their lives:  the boast of humility, grace, and faith.  Understand the difference between the different types of boasting and discover the one in which you are most experienced.  What is the key to living in this impossibility triangle of humility, grace, and faith?   Leadership isn’t just about making good decisions or empowering people to do their part.   It’s the ability to go where your physical eyes can’t see. Leadership must be born out of vision greater than the possible! As Kingdom people, it must be born out of what God says through you!  Begin 2023 by living within the impossibility triangle of humility, grace, and faith; submit to God in humility.

Jan 04, 2023
Three Keys to Navigating Politics in the Kingdom of God

Ask yourself one question:  Would you rather see someone come to Jesus or vote a certain way, so a political outcome becomes your hope? Think about what your primary purpose is as a leader, and then listen to Pastor John Nuzzo expound on this topic.  He gives three keys to help you discern the balance between reasoning and rage.  He uses a personal example of a time he was invited to the White House to meet with a President; he explains what God ministered to him, and why he declined the invitation.  Listen to the wisdom God imparted to him so that you can help others choose to put God’s Kingdom first.   Pastor John removes the controversial nature of this topic by using God’s Word as the foundation of this podcast.  You will be glad you took the time to listen.

Dec 01, 2022
An Interview with Dr. John Maxwell

In this podcast episode, Pastor John Nuzzo is privileged to interview Dr. John Maxwell, who is known as the # 1 leadership authority.  A number one New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker,  John Maxwell has sold more than 24 million books in several languages. More than that, he is a devout Christian who intentionally uses his gifting and skills for a higher purpose. __ __ Listening to this interview will change your perspective forever.  Learn how John Maxwell has transformed nations by simply adding value to people, then ask yourself one question:  Do you live such a life that people want that life?  

Nov 09, 2022
The Gift of Repentance

By listening to this podcast, you will discover: __ __ “We are living in a distressed and totally ‘out of breath’ generation, which I have not seen in my 41 years of ministry.  Waves of national trauma are unending, and it is not going to get better.”  Pastor John Nuzzo uses Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah to explain how Lot was deceived by placing his confidence in the wrong thing.  Even though Lot was a righteous man, that deception ruined his life. How can we avoid this same deception?  Pastor John gives us the answer in easy, practical steps. Please listen and allow the Holy Spirit to awaken you to see that what happened to Lot can happen to us.  We can avoid that outcome.  It’s an important time in the history of the nation for God’s people to be refreshed in His presence and fulfill the calling on our lives.   

Oct 31, 2022
Vexed or Refreshed

__ __ In this month’s podcast, Pastor John helps us to understand why so many people in our world today are vexed—anxious and depressed.  He uses three Bible stories:  Samson and Delilah, Job, and Lot, to explain how so many of us are trapped in circumstances.  There is an avenue by which we can overcome the bombardment of the wickedness in our world.  Pastor John additionally addresses how our culture impacts our belief systems regarding sexual behavior. Through real situations and real biblical solutions, Pastor John offers a remedy.  Listen today to discover how to go from being vexed to being refreshed.  Please join us for our Reawakening Women’s Conference Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24, hosted by Pastor Michelle Nuzzo.  Guest speakers are Pastor Sharon Daugherty and Sarah Wehrli, who are also mother and daughter.   We also invite you to join us for our services on Saturday, October 15 or Sunday, October 16 when John Maxwell will be at Victory as our Guest Speaker.  For service times visit

Sep 02, 2022
The Deposit of Grace that Jesus Has Given You

__ __ God has given each of us a measure of grace for which we are accountable.  This month, Pastor John Nuzzo approaches an aspect of grace that has not been widely studied: accountability for the grace you’ve been given.  Ask yourself this question: Pastor John offers a practical method of charting what you are graced to do and what you are not.  You will discover the amount of time you have invested in the grace God has placed on you and what things you need to empower others to do so that you see explosion in your ministry!  Let’s go reach our world in humility!  Pastors and leaders may register for Breaking the 500 Barrier Conference with Pastor Gerald Brooks on Monday, August 22 at Victory Family Church.  The conference places emphasis on developing team skills and building staff leadership. Register here for the Breaking the 500 Barrier Conference with Pastor Gerald Brooks We also invite you to join us for our services on October 15 or 16 when John Maxwell will be at Victory as our Guest Speaker.  For service times visit For more information on the Reawaken Womens Conference, click here 

Aug 04, 2022
Values: Surrender to the Holy Spirit

Learn how to rely on the Holy Spirit for teaching, guidance, and direction.

Jun 02, 2022
Values: Make It Count - John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

How do you make it count for every individual in your sphere of influence? Hear the values upon which Pastor John Nuzzo has based his ministry and personal life.

May 04, 2022
Values: Expect Multiplication – John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

How do you multiply the Kingdom of God with limited ability and resources? Join Pastor John for personal stories of his journey leading a church from 33 people to thousands of people.

Apr 06, 2022
Values: Start with People - John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

This month, Pastor John explains the importance of loving people and putting them first in every area of your life.

Mar 03, 2022
Values: Let Love Lead - John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

Pastor Nuzzo uses personal, transformational experiences to define how he and Michelle have founded their lives and how they lead their ministry on six simple values.

Feb 21, 2022
Intimacy with God - John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

Why does a dynamic and relational devotional life seem to be so difficult—even for leaders and pastors? Learn how to experience a life-giving intimacy with God that you’ve never known before.

Jan 05, 2022
Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier - John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

Learn pitfalls to avoid from a seasoned pastor and leader, Cere Muscarella, who has “been there and done that.”

Dec 03, 2021
Mentoring from a World-Class Kingdom Builder - John Nuzzo Leadership Podcast

Learn valuable life lessons from a masterful leader, John Maxwell, that will help you grow and help you to grow others.

Nov 04, 2021