Klagetoh Veterans Podcast

Klagetoh Veterans


Open forum regarding subject matters of Military Veterans in the Klagetoh Community, the Navajo Nation, and beyond the state of Arizona.

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788 episodes

Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E15 (5 of 5)

Agenda Pundits -this segment explores how far some people are willing to go in order to save or protect certain ideologies by ignoring certain stories in the news that they can twist and spin to fit what they want viewers to know.

Apr 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E15 (4 of 5)

Mainstream Backlash -the segment explores how each and every news story that goes against Donald Trump just seems to end up backfiring and exposes more of the hidden agenda of control.

Apr 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E15 (3 of 5)

Tribal Nepotism -this segment explores how progress is going on the Navajo Nation with new political fat faces and that compares to having in competent leaders who are just faces and not decision makers.

Apr 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E15 (2 of 5)

Era of Diversity Hires -this segment explores the failures of the modern day accepted hiring system that has led to embarrassments and cover ups all to keep the public from knowing the truth of what's being planned for them.

Apr 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E15 (1 of 5)

Double Standards -this segment explores how the narratives of the Democratic party are used to make Trump the bad guy while control of information like news networks set the standards.

Apr 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E14 (5 of 5)

Buck & Dex -this segment explores the many possibilities and opportunities 2 morning radio hosts from Albuquerque helped the Native Ravager find the Narrative needed to help poverty stricken Navajo Veterans.

Mar 31
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E14 (4 of 5)

Nora Vincent -this segment is about what stides of uncomfortableness this young lady endured with her research on the differences between men and women and the end result of her challenging research.

Mar 31
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E14 (3 of 5)

Horntoad -this segment looks at what stories go along with the Horntoad in Navajo mythology that make it a modern day influencer against all the modern political agendas being pushed infront of all tribes.

Mar 31
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E14 (2 of 5)

Native Female Leaders -this segment is about what Navajo Leader Annie Dodge Waneuka and Apache Warrior Lozen done for their people and how modern day laziness is undoing all that progress.

Mar 31
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E14 (1 of 5)

General Cincinnati -this segment is about the way a simple farmer had agreed to join the Roman Army to fight battles, become General, then retire back to being a farmer once again and how that relates to the Nonprofit that was started.

Mar 31
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E13 (5 of 5)

Shapeshifters Of WW3 -this segment explores how this upcoming Presidential US Election will favor certain negative agendas or favor positive ones all while entertaining the masses with trickery as the World of Witchcraft continues to grow.

Mar 18
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E13 (4 of 5)

Open Agenda -this segment explores what planning phases took place for the Elites to push for all these changes we now experience and how easily controllable the Rez and it's inhabitants are.

Mar 18
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E13 (3 of 5)

Depopulated Shapeshifters -this segment explores how modern human will evolve into sexual slaves for the future by looking at all the body changes we have been thru as well as those that do body modifications to stay young.

Mar 18
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E13 (2 of 5)

Global Currency -this segment explores how things are going since the Great Reset started with our current currency and how it is all leading to population control.

Mar 18
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E13 (1 of 5)

Bacterial Sustenance -this segment explores what kinds of microscopic things we consume when we eat either eat fast food or junk food.

Mar 18
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E12 (5 of 5)

Pow Wow Cringe -this segment looks at how the recent academy awards had a pow wow drum performance at the beginning and why it should have been avoided for culture purposes.

Mar 12
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E12 (4 of 5)

Fundamental Rez Law -this segment explores why Navajos may not care about a democratic or republic party as long as their ways of life continue undisturbed.

Mar 12
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E12 (3 of 5)

Class Presentation -this segment is about the possibility of subjects and topics that could be presented to a 7th grade Navajo class that might change the trajectory of Navajo culture for future generations.

Mar 12
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E12 (2 of 5)

Alien Trade Routes -this segment is about expanding the experience that Barney and Bettie Hill stated about how their Alien Abductors explained what really goes on beyond space & travel.

Mar 12
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E12 (1 of 5)

Imagination Expansion -this segment is about how boredom can spawn many ideas to either start a new movement or can be turned into desirable gains depending on how the person's mind works.

Mar 12
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E11 (5 of 5)

Clones And Drones -this segment is about how the constant surveillance of modern humans contradicts the elite agenda of control when too many celebrity clones are released into the public.

Mar 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E11 (4 of 5)

Social Creaturing -this segment explores how the history and evolution of humankind's networking skills has been tampered with by incarcerating the nonconformists with punishments of isolation when it just causes adaptations.

Mar 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E11 (3 of 5)

Manly Contradictions -this segment is about how modern man is faced with many challenges of being a provider and defender for women and children while simultaneously being judged and degraded by women who don't see all the trials and tribulations men go thru.

Mar 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E11 (2 of 5)

A Planned Dud -this segment explores the theory of replacing Joe Biden with Gavin Newsome due to all the terrible decisions being made and how that was the plan all along while Propaganda shows are getting canceled.

Mar 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E11 (1 of 5)

Political Skinwalkers- this segment is about the possibility of having a Mike Obama and Kamala Harris presidency as the rigged political football game of Donald Trump's presidential campaign continues on with a growing support base.

Mar 01
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E10 (5 of 5)

Decline Of Entertainment -this segment looks at how the general public doesn't seem to care much for Hollywood films with agendas and how people have lost interest in rap music.

Feb 28
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E10 (4 of 5)

Navajo Adoption -this segment explores what the future of the Rez Kids will look like if more Foster Homes on the Rez are provided and what a few negative issues might come from it.

Feb 28
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E10 (3 of 5)

Death Of A Rothschild -this segment is about the unreported death of the man old man that runs the world and what that means to our money system.

Feb 28
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E10 (2 of 5)

New Programs -this segment is about new opportunities that are rising and the timeframes of when these will take place but could always not happen.

Feb 28
Klagetoh Veterans Podcast S7 E10 (1 of 5)

Museum Director Retirement -this segment is about the retirement of Navajo Nation Museum Executive Director and the tv pilot that came from it.

Feb 28