What do you see when you think about Jesus? What is the picture in your imagination? When we talk about SEEING JESUS is this what we mean? Seeing Jesus is not seeing what He looks like, but it's seeing who He is. For that, we need faith. Speaker: Stuart Blount
Momentum is a moving force that overcomes resistance. Thoughts have momentum, behaviours have momentum, relationships have momentum. Sometimes everything seems to be working great and life is on a roll. Sometimes nothing seems to be working —it never rains but it pours! = MOMENTUM. Which elements of momentum is God most drawn to? Speaker: Leon Evans
What are the signs of striving, then also the markers of a life-lived gracefully? Speaker: Cathy Madavan
"If only I had more time..." —Ever said that? Could we watch more box sets? We binge! That dopamine hit gives us a high for a time but let’s be honest, how many of us really, truthfully could say we feel more rested, energised, peaceful or optimistic?!! Then there’s life... "How are you doing?" Response... "busy". You and I have time for what we choose to have time for. The choice we often have before us is to choose the Important over the Urgent. I CHOOSE - Week 4: 'Important over the Urgent' with Speaker, Leon Evans.
Why is it so difficult for us to trust these days? We want control, but the more we control the more we’re afraid of losing control, and the more we’re afraid, the more we try to control - a cycle of fear! What do we need to surrender today to make a better choice tomorrow? 'I Choose - Surrender over Control' with speaker, Leon Evans.
In this episode of the Lifecentral Podcast, I sit down with our Lead Pastors Leon and Allison Evans as we discuss the topic ‘Changes and choices: Making godly decisions in a chaotic world’. We look at societal changes, the effects they can have on us and the intentionality with which we should make all of our decisions. Ultimately we explore how we can still make Godly decisions despite the chaos that may surround us.
Imagine a world where everyone likes you (nay LOVES you!) ... People approve everything you do, applaud everything you say and do —it’s not possible right? And yet we live like it could be?! We post our best side and hide the worst , we scroll for the likes and the comments, we live for the applause of many when life should be lived for the applause of one. I CHOOSE - Week 2: Purpose Over Popularity with Speaker, Leon Evans.
It’s been said we are often the result of our decisions. Every day we are faced a barrage of choices and decisions from what to wear, what to think, where to go and who to trust. At the start of another year it’s the perfect time to review the bigger decisions of life and explore what God has to say about those bigger choices. Choose Discipline over Regret. Speaker: Reed Moore (Lead Pastor, Gwinnett Church, Atlanta, USA).
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
It’s great to think about Christmas and the first coming of Jesus, but are we ready for the second coming? Join Leon Evans for this 8-part series as he teaches in depth around Luke 1:33 - “He will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”
Take the pressure off! ... The pressure stacks up as we wonder about so many things at Christmas. Whilst so much of it is good and full of delight, Christmas can be difficult for many people in various ways. Underneath the layers of personal experience and the condition of your circumstances sits a bedrock of reality addressing the fundamental existence of Christmas. You're invited to wonder...
Getting to know Lifecentral’s newest staff member! Join Debs for this month’s episode as she sits down with Gaz Blount over a cuppa to help us all get to know our new Assistant Pastor. Come to hear his story and journey of faith, stay for the wisdom on what it means to follow Jesus today.
How to deal with loneliness... Why do we continue to build walls when Jesus invites us to build tables? The table is a powerful symbol of community and connection, intimacy and memory, story and story telling. A place where we get to relax, unwind, be ourselves; laugh, cry, sigh, vent... A place unique to human beings —no other animal gathers round a table to eat! We’ve lost the art of a slow meal with people we care about and it matters. Speaker: Leon Evans.
Don’t you want Living Water to come out when the world shakes you? Forget the God stuff, don’t you desire to be patient when your kids are nagging you? To be kind when there’s so much hate? To be self controlled when things don’t go your way? If you’re not a Christian - surely these are things that are admirable right? Jesus says he wants to plant this stuff in you! If you are a Christian - Jesus has already planted it in you, it’s about giving him more and more authority in your life to produce this in you. Whether you respond or walk away, Jesus is ALWAYS inviting you to come and drink.
You're Invited to REST... How easy do you find it to find rest? Our world doesn’t seem to sell us the idea very well that we can find it OR that we can obtain it. Often, the very things that led us to Jesus can be the very things that keep us coming back to Him —battles with burdens, the anxieties and pressures of life, and the weight of responsibilities. Let’s receive the invitation to rest in God's hands. Speaker: Jayne Sargeant.
Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." When you sign up to follow Jesus you are not signing up to be a divider, you are signing up to be a uniter. Speaker: Keith Spurgin - Lead Pastor, New Hope Church, Wylie, Texas.
Why do we bother with Christmas? Lifecentral Midweek, November 2023. Speaker: Andy Hancock.
In this two-part episode of The Lifecentral Podcast, Debs has a chat with Mark, Hannah and Andy as they discuss the topic of 'Invitation'. They look at why inviting others can be difficult, some practical steps we can take to make inviting others easier and how to deal with the answer 'no'. They also take a look at 'invitations to the altar' and how we can position ourselves before God in readiness for what he wants to do in our lives. About our guests: Mark is a retired teacher and has been coming to Lifecentral for 15 years. His favourite place is Whitby and their amazing fish and chips Hannah works in hospitality and has been coming to Lifecentral since 2018. Her favourite places are New York City and Home. Andy is the Executive Pastor of Lifecentral Church. His favourite place is the Glastonbury Festival! Episode resources: Living for Jesus at work PDF: https://www.eauk.org/assets/files/downloads/Living-for-Jesus-at-work-A5-WEB.pdf https://finds.life.church/heres-easy-way-invite-people-church/ https://studentministry.lifeway.com/2015/03/23/stop-inviting-people-to-church/ https://barnadev.wpengine.com/research/spiritual-openness/ https://www.communicatejesus.com/post/dont-invite-friends-to-church
In this two-part episode of The Lifecentral Podcast, Debs has a chat with Mark, Hannah and Andy as they discuss the topic of 'Invitation'. They look at why inviting others can be difficult, some practical steps we can take to make inviting others easier and how to deal with the answer 'no'. They also take a look at 'invitations to the altar' and how we can position ourselves before God in readiness for what he wants to do in our lives. About our guests: Mark is a retired teacher and has been coming to Lifecentral for 15 years. His favourite place is Whitby and their amazing fish and chips. Hannah works in hospitality and has been coming to Lifecentral since 2018. Her favourite places are New York City and Home. Andy is the Executive Pastor of Lifecentral Church. His favourite place is the Glastonbury Festival! Episode resources: Living for Jesus at work PDF: https://www.eauk.org/assets/files/downloads/Living-for-Jesus-at-work-A5-WEB.pdf https://finds.life.church/heres-easy-way-invite-people-church/ https://studentministry.lifeway.com/2015/03/23/stop-inviting-people-to-church/ https://barnadev.wpengine.com/research/spiritual-openness/ https://www.communicatejesus.com/post/dont-invite-friends-to-church
Most people love receiving invitations —we eagerly open them (or click on them) to find out who's doing the inviting, what the invitation is to and most importantly, what am I going to wear?!! The God who wants us to write a better story is also the God of invitation... will you follow? Speaker - Stuart Blount.
How To Forgive When It Hurts - Elona Prroj (Albania). Elona is Vice President of the Evangelical Alliance of Albania and the lead pastor of Word of Christ church. After the terrible murder of her husband, Pastor Dritan Prroj, because of a vendetta, she forgave the killer and founded No to Blood Feud – Yes to Life Foundation, a foundation that is active in the fight against blood feud and actively providing holistic care for families that suffer from this phenomenon in the north of Albania.
How do you cope when you lose something valuable or precious? What about when you lose your joy or hope? Well, you lose your strength! However Joy is not merely a WHAT —it's always connected to a WHO: Jesus. Speaker: Leon Evans
In this episode of The Lifecentral Podcast, Debs chats with Andy, Bola and Vicky as they discuss the question “How do I parent through Halloween?”. They look at its origins and history; discuss their own childhood experiences; and, importantly, spend time discussing how we talk to our children, the practical things we can do during this time of year and how we raise children who are deeply rooted in their faith.
We are the most connected generation in history – almost everyone is contactable through the device in their pocket. And yet somewhere between 1 in 5 and 1 in 3 men say they have no close friend. Phil Knox shares with us three lessons he believes Jesus has for us when it comes to being the best of friends.