Precious Predicaments

Precious Predicaments


The show is designed to educate, encourage provide resources and empower individuals as they discuss their life challenging issues with a therapist.

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460 episodes

Women Health Concerns

The month of March is Women in history month. There are many women that have made and are still making a difference in the lives of many. Today I will be discussing a topic that concerns women health. Do you or can you trust your doctor?  I really can't say that times have changed however, I am noticing that individuals are dying at all ages. Life expectancy is becoming questionable as well as women's quality of life. There are disparities in healthh care. There are also many concerns that women have as it relates to their health. Women have reported that they are often not heard or neglected by their doctors. Many have been misdiagnosed or not taken seriously. They are also concerned about the medications they are being prescribed. Gaslighting in women's health is also becoming an issue. We must do better. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT

1h 6m
Mar 25
Immature Adults

It has been said that maturity does not come with age. When it comes to dealing with an immature of childish adult what is the best response? Also what is considered immature behaviors when it comes to engaging in a relationship with another? Accountability and responsibility looks different for everyone. Often individuals may engage in childlike behaviors that may not have an impact on another however what is one to do if they find themself in a relationship with one that fail to thrive or accept responsibility for their actions or behaviors. The blame game is getting old. Telling an individual to grow up can mean nothing to an individual.  Join myself and others as we discuss this topic. Maturity is reflected on how one problem solve, engage in relationships as well as communicate with others. I want to hear your thoughts. To jon in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 16m
Mar 20

It is said that maturity does not come with age. However, when a person experience pain be it internal or external such will be displayed in a number of ways. At times it could look like one may be ignoring things other times one may blame or project things onto others. It could be on purpose as a way to deflect or it could be unconscious to protect themself. However, when it it done to a love one or within a relationship such can destroy communication as well as the relationship.  Join myself and others as we discuss projection. Let's take accountability for one's action and not project it onto others. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT. 3/12/24 6pm Pacific.

1h 4m
Mar 13
Women On The Move

March is Women In History Month. There are many women in the world that have done some amazing things and have made great contributions within their communities, the world and within their families. Often, such contributions are not recognized yet the impact has made a difference in the lives of others. If you are a woman on the move or would like to share about a woman that has made a big impact in your life I want to hear from you. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 2m
Mar 11
Being Raised By A Narcissist

Parenting is not an easy job. Individuals have different parenting styles as well as personailty types. When an individual is raised by a parent that may have an addiction, mental health issue or personality disorder such can be very challenging. Join myself and others 3/5/24 at 6pm Pacific as we discussed being raised by a narcissist. Individuals don't have the ability to choose their parents however, surviving childhood should not have to be difficult. One must also be aware of the behaviors that may be related to their childhood experience. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT

1h 21m
Mar 06
Toxic Attachments

Have you ever wondered why one keeps choosing the same type of toxic relationships?  It seems like one will get into a relationships with individuals that possess the same behaviors just with a different name. As a therapist I have seen this far too often. As one explore their role the term toxic attachment comes to mind.  Toxic attachment denotes the way in which one form their closest and most intimate bonds. More often than not the toxic attachment is about the behaviors like jealousy, dominance, manipulation, selfishness and desperation. These behavioral patterns that destroys and undermines the connection that maakes for a healthy relationship. Many have learn to accept these behaviors as they saw them as a child or while young. Many believe that they now have no way out or feel helpless as they want the other person to change yet not relaize that such behaviors may change them.  Lets talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914.

1h 30m
Mar 04

We are still honoring Black History Month. Today I would like for you to join myself and guest callers as we provide insiight into colorism. Colorism is a prejudice or discrimination against individuals with dark skin tone typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. Coorism within the Black community has been a serious emotional and psychological battle. Join myself and others as we discuss this topic as we must put and end to colorism and to do so will require a sense of awareness. Many families have experienced colorism. The impact may have left emotional scars as well as destroyed relationships. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 12m
Feb 28
The Crown Act

Join myself and others as we discuss The Crown Act. I will discuss what it is as well as how it is being viewed today. In light of a case in Texas. What are your thoughts as it relates to denying a student an education due to the length of their hair? This has been an issue for individuals within the school system and within their employment.  To join in on the conversation call 561 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 5m
Feb 26
Restoring Families

The month of February is Black History Month. In honor of such join myself and others as we will be talking about restoring families. Last week we had a very interesting discussion which led to the question as to, " What happen to the black families?" Also how can we bring the black families back together? What is the importance of family? Relationships can be compicated. In may cases the death of a family member, the aging or illness of a family member can cause discord and friction with family members. Join myself and others as we will be discussing this very important topic. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. I want to hear your thoughts. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 2m
Feb 14
The Black Families

The month of February is Black Histoey Month. In honor of such I will be honoring black families. It was estimated in 2022 that there were about 10.44 million Black families living in the United States. While the black family has been describe by some as a microcosm of the entire race. Its complexity as the foundation of African American life and history can be seen in numerous debates over how to represent its meaning and typical lifestyle is something that is often misunderstood however, many individuals fail to see in their own families the value and history that many of their family member have played yet was not honored for their contribution..  When it comes to famous black families there are a few that will come to the mind of individuals however, what about the history within your family. In honor of Black History Month let's talk about the Black Families. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversatin call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 18m
Feb 07
Is The Church Keeping Women Single

For some many have said that being single with faith could be a challange. This could be for a number of reasons. However it appears that their are more single women than men attending church. Church should not be a dating place. However a question has been in the minds of some as to if the church is keeping women single?  Join myself and others as we address this concern. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 33m
Jan 24
Intentional Dating

The dating concepts seems to be constantly changing. When it comes to dating what are people really looking for? Despite the many up and downs that individuals have experienced within relationships it seems that many individuals are still eager to continue to search for love but still find the marketplace harder to navigate. There are different types of daters. Some individuals may be chronic daters. Others many be dating looking for help. While there are those that may be intentional daters. What type of dater are you? Let's talk about it. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT

1h 4m
Jan 22
Change Is Possible

With every New Year comes promises and attempts at making changes within one's life. However, do many individuals follow through? Change is a process. Changing one's habits or behaviors can be a challenge. Many individuals don't want to change unless asked by another, forced or may do so as an attempt to manipulate another.  How can a person go about changing a habit or behavior? Is change even possible? What are the stages of change? Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. To call in and share your thoughts. Call 516 387-1914.Hosted by Jeaanette Abney LMFT

1h 4m
Jan 10
Relational Trauma

How would you define relational trauma? Many individuals have experienced trauma while in a relationship with another and did not realize the trauma until years later. Relational trauma is trauma that occurred within a close relationship. It may not be caused by just a single event but perhaps ongoing events. The trauma can be from the result of ongoing abuse, abandonment or enmeshment just to name a few. It can happen within childhood and even as an adult. The impact can last a lifetime without help. When experenced at a young age it can also affect how one relate to other individuals later in life as well as cause difficulties in adult relationships . Relational Trauma can  cause anxiety, depression as well as PTSD. Help is available. Let's talk about it. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. I want to hear your thoughts. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 4m
Dec 11, 2023
Fake Friends

How did you determine if a person is a true friend? Many individuals have been connected with individuals for so many years until they view them as a family member. How did you maintain that relationship? And what are some of the characteristics that you found beneficial to the relationship?  Join myself and others as we talk about fake friends. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. I want to hear your thought.

1h 4m
Dec 04, 2023
Lifetime Partnership

When it comes to relationships many individuals have their own perspective as to how it should go. One would say that is should be 50/50. Others believe that the man should pay all of the bills. While one may agree to having two incomes. Communication is key. Honesty is a must. Traditional relationships are changing. What is your thought? Social media has been an outlet for individuals to express their views about relationships. Let's talk about it. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 29m
Nov 29, 2023
Character Traits

How woud you define character traits? Who are you and how did you become that way? When most individual think about character traits a person character flaws or defects are what often come to mind. However, what about the positive character traits that an individual possess. Also it is possible for an individual to change once they become aware that a trait they possess is not helping them grow in life. Join myself and others as I talk about character traits. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914 at 2pm. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 13m
Nov 27, 2023
Helping Others

When it comes to helping others there can be some benefits. However when has your help gone too far? We are approaching the holiday seasons and there are individuals that are in need or some assistance in a variety of areas. Many individuals can be family members, friends, coworkers or total strangers. One of the issues that many individuals struggle with is helping others as they are not sure if they are helping, hurting or enabling.  Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914.

1h 1m
Nov 20, 2023
Chemistry Versus Compatibility

Relationships are becoming very complicated. Many individuals are entering into relationships with different intentions and expectations. Join myself and others as today we will be talking about what attracts individuals into a relationship chemistry or compatibility? As well as what is needed to keep the relationship going? Often times one may say they was attracted to the individual. However what were they attracted to? Did the person have potential? Or could it be it was all in your head? Let's talk about it. Live 11/13/23 at 2pm Pacific. Hosted by Jeanette Abney. I want to hear your thoughts.

1h 5m
Nov 13, 2023

How would you describe a friendzone relationship? Have you been friendzoned with someone that you would like to have a dating or romatic relationship with?  In popular culture it is said that friendzone is a relational concept, describing a situation in which one person is in a mutual friendship wishes to enter into a romatic or sexual relationship with the other person, while the other person does not. This concept can be confusing and may frustrate a person as they may be holding on waiting to be noticed for their good deeds only to watch the other person engage in relationships with another or others. The term friendzone was originally popularized in the sitcom television series Friends. The term can also be confused with a platonic friendship. Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

Nov 06, 2023

How do you define insecurity? Being perfect takes too much work and is difficult to achieve. However, many individuals are struggling with feeling insecure about a variety of things. Insecurity is an uncertainty or having an anxiety about onself. It is also considered a lack of confidence. Individuals can handle a certain level of insecurity from time to time however when such is impacting one's self esteem or self worth or perhaps causing difficulties within the relationships with others it may be time to address it.  Join myself and other as we talk about insecurities and ways to overcome one's insecurities. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 21m
Nov 01, 2023
Cheating And Adultery Behaviors

When it comes to cheating or adultery what is the difference? Relationships and marriages can be complicated however cheating and infidelity are not the only things that can cause a breakup or end the relationship. When it comes ot being a cheater it does it comes from watching others perhaps in one's family or circle? Or is it the partners fault? Too often the partner will blame themself however this behavior can be for many different reasons. Let's talk asbout it. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 2m
Oct 30, 2023

Many individuals have a false sense of the word loyalty. One may also struggle with the quality of being loyal to another. How do one show or demonstrate loyalty. And what does the Bible say about loyalty? If you struggle with loyalty or feel that you are more loyal to others than they are to you let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversation call. 516-387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 10m
Oct 25, 2023
Breaking Family Cycles

Being a cycle takes courage. One would bravely have to decide to stand up against the status quo. In such case it is family traditions, habits, attitudes and beliefs. When one become sick and  tired and start to realize that certain things are not working in their life or may perhaps may be causing chaos as they relate to others it may be time to go back to where things may have originated. One may then decide to pursue their own values and needs even if so may cause chaos within their family. Being seen as the scapegoat is not fun. Nor is being told by others that one act like their parents. The change to breaking the cycle is possible. It can be challenging for many reasons but the growth to heal the emotional trauna, improve relationships, develop effective parenting skills, improve one's financial stability as well as their spiritual growth is worth it. Forgiveness is a must. Also setting healthy boundaries teaches others how to treat you. Let's talk about it Some behaviors are an excuse. They can also  be a habit. Let's relearn and break the cycle to live a happier healthy life. I want to hear your thoughts. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 25m
Oct 23, 2023
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Join myself and others as I will be providing information and sharing information as it relates to breast cancer. In 2008 at the age of 59 my mother passed away from breast cancer. A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Treatment options have changed over the years.If you are someone you know is dealing with breast cancer I want to hear your story. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914 at 6pm Pacific. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 7m
Oct 18, 2023
Ending Domestic Violence

The month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This evolved from the "Day of Unity" in October 1981 conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. Domestic violence is prevalent in every community, and affects all people regardless of age, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality. Physical violence is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior. Domestic violence can result in physical injury, psychological trauma, and even death. Domestic violence does not only happen to women, men can also be abused. There are different types of abuse: physical, verbal, sexual, emotional, financial and sexual. Children that witness domestic violence also can have a long term affect. There is a cycle of abuse. Many individuals also stay in their abusive relationship for different reasons. Help however is available. If you are someone you know is in an abusive relationship call 800 799-7233. Join myself and Janice Freeman author of "She Got Up" as we discuss this sensitive topic. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. I want to hear your thoughts.

1h 5m
Oct 16, 2023
Cheating Spouse

Infedility can be traumatic and can be one of the most challenging problems faced in a relationship. While many individuals can be blindsided when they find out about the spouse or partner cheating others may have suspected the infidelity because of actions that are out of the norm. Many have used the excuse that I was accused which is why I stepped out of the marriage or relationship. Others may just be a chronic cheater or may have felt that there would be no consequences or perhaps it was a learned behavior as their parents never divorced or separated. Based on a study there are many reasons why a person may cheat. Most affairs also mostly start in the workplace or with someone known to the family.The age of the individual is also interesting as most men are between the age of 50 to 59 as women were between 40 to 49. There is also stages of an affair. So how does a person heal from an affair or infidelity? Can the marriage or relationship survive? I want to hear your thoughts. Let's talk about it. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT

1h 14m
Sep 27, 2023
Stress And Grief

When it comes to grief many individuals process it differently however, there may be expectations by others as it relates to how an individual should feel. However what most individuals fail to realize is the impact that stress may have on the individual which could at times lead to death of perhaps prolong the grief process.  Join myself and others today as I provide information regarding stress and grief. If you are dealing with either of them you do not want to miss this show. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 11m
Sep 25, 2023
Self Defeating Behaviors

Self defeating behaviors can be your own worsr enemy. It is common to retreat to negative behaviors when under stress or during challenging times. Such behaviors can vary such as alcohol and drug abuse, procrastination, becoming defensive, complaining, blaming others, negative self talk, people pleasing behaviors, and stubbornness.These behaviors can destroy lives as well as relationships. Self awareness and coping skills are important. One's thoughts and beliefs can be part of the problem. Acknowledging the behavior, reducing the stressors, redirecting the thought patterns is a start to replacing the negative habits. Let's talk about it. I want to hear your thoughts. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT. To join in on the conversation call 516 387-1914.

1h 12m
Sep 20, 2023
From The Pit To The Palace

Many individuals have experienced some type of trauma. There are three types of trauma acute trauma, chronic trauma and complex trauma. Symptoms can range from intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood and changes in physical and emotional reactions.Trauma can have signs and symptoms. While going through it is difficult to find purpose. Join myself and others as I interview Dr. Gail James an acclaimed Clinical Christian Therapist and Inspirational Speaker. Dr. Gail James will share her personal tale of her triumph over trauma and sexual abuse. She comes from a survivor's perspective. She talks about pain and trauma as she share about her rise from pain to purpose.  From The Pit To The Palace is expected to be released September 15, 2023. Dr. Gail James will share her lifeline for healing and growth and the courage it took to go from the depts of pain and darkness into the life of purpose. If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse you do not want to miss this show. The abuse can be one time or ongoing. You can also call National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1 800 656-4673. Healing is possible. Support is available. The journey from the pit to the palace is possible. It does take courage. Let's support Dr. Gail James as she share her journey.  To join in on the conversation call 561 387-1914 at 6pm Pacific. Hosted by Jeanette Abney LMFT.

1h 8m
Sep 13, 2023