Preply Talks: The Language Podcast



Gain a real-life understanding of the language you want to learn through casual interviews, insights, and personal experiences shared by our hosts. Get ready to explore all the intricacies of learning!

Aprende de verdad todo sobre una lengua con entrevistas, perspectivas y experiencias personales de mano de nuestros invitados. ¡Prepárate para descubrir todos los entresijos del aprendizaje!

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13 episodes

From Prep to Pro 🇬🇧 🇪🇸

[The episode is in English and Spanish | El episodio está en inglés y en español.] 🇬🇧 In the very first episode of “From Prep to Pro”, language learning experts Sylvia and Carrie discuss their experiences of learning a new language, and dive deeper into common mistakes that English learners make when trying to master workplace English.  Learn to speak like a Pro with Preply! Perfect your English for work, leisure, travel, or everyday communication with an expert tutor today. Download the Preply app in the ⁠APP STORE⁠ OR ⁠GOOGLE PLAY STORE⁠, or visit ⁠PREPLY.COM⁠ to begin your learning journey. #PREPLYTOBEPRO ABOUT THE HOSTS SYLVIA AND CARRIE are language experts, taking the learning methodology and curriculum at Preply to the next level and empowering thousands of tutors around the globe to build engaging, personalized 1-on-1 lessons that help language learners reach their goals.  🇪🇸 En el primer episodio de "From Prep to Pro", las expertas en aprendizaje de idiomas Sylvia y Carrie hablan de las experiencias que han tenido al aprender un nuevo idioma y analizan los errores más comunes que cometen los estudiantes cuando intentan dominar el inglés en el lugar de trabajo.  ¡Aprende a hablar como un profesional con Preply! Perfecciona tu inglés para el trabajo, el ocio, los viajes o para comunicarte de forma diaria con un profesor experto hoy mismo. Descárgate la aplicación de Preply en la APP STORE O GOOGLE PLAY STORE O VISITA PREPLY.COM para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje. #PREPLYPARAPRO QUIÉNES SON NUESTRAS INVITADAS SYLVIA Y CARRIE son expertas en idiomas, llevan la metodología de aprendizaje y el plan de estudios de Preply al siguiente nivel y permiten a miles de profesores  de todo el mundo crear clases personalizadas e interesantes  que ayudan a los estudiantes de idiomas a alcanzar sus objetivos. 

Jul 08
Episodio 5. Pica-palabras: Las mejores letras de canciones del 2024

Sylvia y Albert hablan de LAS FRASES MÁS ICÓNICAS DE ALGUNAS DE LAS CANCIONES QUE MÁS HAN SONADO EN 2024, exploran cómo sonarían en diferentes idiomas y el posible significado que esconden sus versos. ¡Ponte a tono porque tus letras favoritas están a punto de dar un giro inesperado! ¿Sabías que tu profesor de Preply puede adaptar las clases de inglés A TUS AFICIONES E INTERESES? Descubre más sobre la cultura pop, la música o tus artistas favoritos mientras aprendes al DESCARGARTE LA APLICACIÓN DE PREPLY EN LA APP STORE⁠⁠ o  ⁠⁠GOOGLE PLAY STORE⁠⁠ o visita ⁠⁠PREPLY.COM para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje. #PREPLYPARAPRO

Jun 20
Episodio 4. Pica-palabras: Adivina la película del 2024 por la frase

¿Has estado al tanto DE LOS ESTRENOS DE CINE DE ESTE AÑO? Nuestros invitados, Sylvia y Albert, ponen a prueba sus conocimientos cinematográficos en este episodio al intentar adivinar la película a partir de una sola frase.  Apúntate a clases de inglés adaptadas a tus necesidades con un profesor de Preply. Descárgate la aplicación de preply en la APP STORE⁠⁠ o  ⁠⁠GOOGLE PLAY STORE⁠⁠ o visita ⁠⁠PREPLY.COM para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje. #PREPLYPARAPRO

Jun 20
Episodio 3. Pica-palabras: Nuevas palabras inglesas del 2024

El año 2024 nos ha dejado en lo que va de AÑO NUEVAS Y FASCINANTES FRASES EN INGLÉS que no olvidaremos tan fácilmente. Sylvia y Albert hablan de algunos de los términos más utilizados que han surgido este año, y analizan sus significados y orígenes.  Amplía tu vocabulario en inglés y sumérgete de lleno en el idioma al DESCARGAR LA APLICACIÓN DE PREPLY EN LA APP STORE⁠⁠ o  ⁠⁠GOOGLE PLAY STORE⁠⁠ o visita ⁠⁠PREPLY.COM para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje. #PREPLYPARAPRO

Jun 20
Episodio 2. Pica-palabras: Palabras que existen en inglés, pero no en español

Seguramente te hayas topado con más de una PALABRA INGLESA SIN EQUIVALENTE EN OTROS IDIOMAS, como el español. ¿Por qué pasa esto? Sylvia y Albert analizan cómo surgieron algunas de estas palabras y por qué no tienen un equivalente adecuado. Descubre las diferencias más complejas entre el inglés y el español con tu profesor ideal AL DESCARGARTE LA APLICACIÓN DE PREPLY EN LA APP STORE⁠ o  ⁠GOOGLE PLAY STORE⁠ o visita ⁠PREPLY.COM⁠ para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje. #PREPLYPARAPRO

Jun 20
Episodio 1. Pica-palabras: Jerga de la Generación Z

¿Cómo hablan las generaciones más jóvenes? En este episodio retamos a nuestros invitados de hoy, Sylvia y Albert, a adivinar el significado de algunas de las frases de la jerga inglesa más utilizadas por LA GENERACIÓN Z en la actualidad. ¿Te atreves con el reto?  Descubre MÁS TÉRMINOS DE LA JERGA INGLESA con tu profesor experto en la materia hoy mismo. Progresa más rápidamente y DESCÁRGATE LA APLICACIÓN DE PREPLY en la APP STORE o  GOOGLE PLAY STORE o visita PREPLY.COM para empezar tu viaje de aprendizaje. #PreplyParaPro

Jun 20
How to create a language study plan

Sylvia and Iris discuss how you can tap into your language learning superpowers and commit to a study plan to facilitate effective learning, enabling you to reach your goal faster. Sylvia and Iris are part of the methodology team at PREPLY, where they assist the community of 35k tutors in creating engaging, personalized 1:1 lessons that empower learners to make confident progress in their language learning journey. If you're looking for the right tutor to guide you, visit ⁠⁠ to find your ideal match!

Nov 08, 2023
How to memorize vocabulary

Sylvia and Iris discuss how you can tap into your language learning superpowers and commit to a study plan to facilitate effective learning, enabling you to reach your goal faster. Sylvia and Iris are part of the methodology team at PREPLY, where they assist the community of 35k tutors in creating engaging, personalized 1:1 lessons that empower learners to make confident progress in their language learning journey. Would you like to try the Preply flashcards? DOWNLOAD the Preply App on the ⁠App Store⁠ or on the ⁠Google Play Store⁠ If you're looking for the right online tutor to guide you, VISIT ⁠⁠ and find your ideal match!

Oct 26, 2023
Podcasts for learning English

Sylvia and Iris discuss how podcasts can help you accelerate your learning and share tips and tricks for making the most of them. They also share their top learning podcasts. Sylvia and Iris are part of the methodology team at PREPLY, where they assist the community of 35k tutors in creating engaging, personalized 1:1 lessons that empower learners to make confident progress in their language learning journey. If you're looking for the right tutor to guide you, visit ⁠⁠ and find your ideal match!

Oct 26, 2023
How to create a language study plan

Sylvia and Iris discuss how you can tap into your language learning superpowers and commit to a study plan to facilitate effective learning, enabling you to reach your goal faster. Sylvia and Iris are part of the methodology team at PREPLY, where they assist the community of 35k tutors in creating engaging, personalized 1:1 lessons that empower learners to make confident progress in their language learning journey. Would you like to try the Preply flashcards? DOWNLOAD the Preply App on the App Store or on the Google Play Store If you're looking for the right tutor to guide you, VISIT find your ideal match!

Oct 10, 2023
How to learn a language through stories with Olly Richards

Stories are an incredible way to learn a language according to Olly Richards, polyglot and creator of the StoryLearning® method. Olly says his near-death experience on a mountain in Argentina got him started with reading stories in Spanish. Since then, he has used this method to learn 8 foreign languages and has authored over 30 books on language learning. Through his books and website,, Olly teaches languages using the StoryLearning® method, a unique method that helps people learn languages faster using the power of story.  You’ll have the chance to ask Olly questions live, and learn: 📖 How to learn like polyglots do—through stories 🧠 Why stories help our memory of a language 🥊 How Olly would coach you to learn a language from scratch Subscribe to Preply’s Youtube channel for more live talks. Explore Olly’s books and resources.​ Get 70% off your first 1-on-1 online language lesson with Preply.​ 🕰️TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 - Intro 02:10 - Why Olly started ‘I Will Teach You a Language’ 03:50 - How to learn a language in 90 days 09:51 - How did Olly discover the StoryLearning method? 14:27 - How to find good reading content 17:16 - Why are stories effective to learn a language? 21:30 - How to make reading more useful 28:00 - The importance of “Tolerance for ambiguity” 32:20 - Why start with pronunciation first 34:00 - Is Harry Potter great language learning material? 36:25 - How Olly overcomes the intermediate plateau 40:05 - What are “language islands?” 41:40 - Can you learn a language while you sleep? 42:05 - Using parallel texts to learn a language 45:05 - Why Olly doesn’t recommend TV as a core method 47:43 - Can you learn multiple languages at the same time? 51:25 - Find out what works for you 52:25 - Outro

Mar 31, 2021
English speaking practice: Tips to learn English with JenniferESL

Learn to sound more natural, confident, and comfortable with English (in the times you need it most!) in this live Q&A with YouTube English teaching star, Jennifer Lebedev. Jennifer is an English language teacher with over twenty years of experience. She has been online since 2007, and her YouTube channel,English with Jennifer, has 87 million views to date. In addition, she has an award-winning blog for teachers, is a frequent conference presenter, and has published English vocabulary and grammar textbooks.  In this conversation, you’ll learn: 🙈 The most common English speaking errors (and how to avoid them) 💬 How to remember great phrases for real-life situations 👤 How to use “shadowing” techniques for English speaking practice Get the show notes and top tips from this podcast. Subscribe to Preply’s Youtube for more live talks. Get 70% off your first 1-on-1 online language lesson with Preply. Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 03:12 - Jennifer’s YouTube journey 05:00- Is it important to improve your pronunciation? 07:15 - What are the most common pronunciation mistakes? 12:00 - How can you improve your speaking skills at home? 17:30 - What are language learning drills? 18:40 - How to understand verb forms 23:35 - How to practice individual sounds 27:15 - How to speak 'business English' 31:40 - Using TV and movies to practice speaking 35:40 - Are idioms important? 38:45 - Understanding different accents 40:32 - What activities should you do every week? 44:50 - Understanding English on the phone 47:10 - How to think in English? 49:50 - Final words of wisdom from Jennifer  

Mar 30, 2021
How to master a language from home with John Fotheringham

Want to learn a language by yourself, but not sure how? Find out how to learn a language from home with John Fotheringham, who has spent two decades learning what works—and what doesn’t. John is an author, linguist, teacher, and creator In 2009, John started The Language Mastery Show podcast, where he has interviewed some of the world’s top language experts. Since then, he has written two books on his “Anywhere Immersion™” approach to achieving language fluency.  In this discussion, you'll find out: 🔝 The top habits of effective independent language learners 🧠 How to optimize your memory to make new vocabulary stick 📚 How to choose resources that fit your interests, goals, and learning style Get the show notes and top tips from this podcast. Subscribe to Preply’s Youtube channel for more live talks. Get 70% off your first 1-on-1 online language lesson with Preply. Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 02:20 - John’s language journey 06:22 - What are ‘Anywhere immersion’ techniques? 12:00 - Netflix for language learning (+ how to make it more useful) 19:45 - How can we better use language apps? 22:45 - Why create your own flashcards? 27:34 - Learning vocabulary in context with cloze deletion 30:17 - Improving speaking skills from home 39:11 - The habits and methods of top language learners 45:40 - Video games to learn a language 47:20 - Common mistakes and staying motivated 57:00 - John's weekly language learning routine 1:01:00 - Final words of wisdom

1h 2m
Mar 29, 2021