Pursuit of Gold with Laura Wilkinson

Laura Wilkinson


Olympic and World Champion diver, Laura Wilkinson seeks to equip athletes with the most effective tools that will help them reach their biggest goals in sport through conversations with elite and Olympic athletes, sports professionals, coaches, and experts. In these conversations we unlock the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tools that shape the whole athlete and generate peak performance.

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111 episodes

Overcoming Nerves & Gaining Confidence with Elite Gymnast Dulcy Caylor

Laura delves into the dynamic world of elite gymnastics with the prodigiously talented Dulcy Caylor on the podcast this week. Highlighting the essential blend of physical prowess and mental fortitude, Dulcy's journey from clinching gold medals at a tender young age to aiming for the 2024 Olympic trials encapsulates the essence of determination and resilience. As you will hear, today’s episode not only uncovers the universal battle with nerves that athletes face but also emphasizes the crucial role of mental training alongside physical preparation.  Dulcy's candid insights into overcoming competition anxiety, her strategic approach to training, and the invaluable support from figures like Simone Biles exemplify the intricate tapestry of challenges and triumphs defining an athlete's journey to excellence. Her narrative further reveals the profound bond of camaraderie among gymnasts, transcending age and experience, fostering a united front in the pursuit of their Olympic dreams. Through detailed discussions on the Olympic trials process, the significance of a supportive ecosystem, and Dulcy's personal strategies for combating nerves, listeners are offered a unique glimpse into the relentless pursuit of gold. Her insightful dialogue with Laura here today stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, mentorship, and the indomitable spirit of young athletes such as Dulcy, who navigate the complexities of elite sports with grace and steadfast ambition. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "Even the most elite athletes battle with fear, nerves, anxiety, impostor syndrome...they are overcomeable." "I am obsessed with gymnastics, but once I started getting into level nine, level eight...I really wanted to go as far as I can with this." "Age doesn't matter in this now. It's 16 and up and you just have to compete with it." "You can't let anything spiral...I care too much that I'm not going to care." "It's those tiny little changes sometimes that are the hardest because you have to focus so differently." "Keep your dream in mind every day. If you really want it, work for it every time, as much as you can." "Work hard and work smart." "Have fun with it every single day. It's still the sport that you loved as a kid." "I would love to do something that helps people." "I'm keeping my options open, but I also have my eyes on ‘28." "If you set your mind to something, it's going to happen." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH DULCY: __ __

Mar 28
Celebrating the Stories of Women Athletes with Flame Bearers Founder Jamie Mittelman

Joining Laura on the podcast this week is Jamie Mittelman, the visionary founder of Flame Bearers, a groundbreaking platform dedicated to amplifying the voices of women Olympians and Paralympians worldwide. Through immersive podcasts, compelling videos, and dynamic live events, Jamie breathes life into champion stories, illuminating their triumphs, tribulations, and the societal issues that shape their paths. Today, our guest shares profound insights into her mission, underscoring the transformative power of narratives and the indomitable spirit of athletes.  As you will hear, Jamie's unwavering commitment to storytelling and championing women athletes has propelled her to spotlight their remarkable odysseys, from renowned icons to unsung heroines across the globe. Together, she and Laura embark on a deep dive into the realms of women's sports, entrepreneurship, and the transcendent influence of storytelling, unraveling the essence of Flame Bearers' mission and the compelling narratives driving positive change in the athletic sphere. Jamie's journey from athlete to entrepreneur uncovers the vital steps to success, from crafting robust business strategies to fostering resilient communities, all while championing authenticity, resilience, and empowerment in the pursuit of athletic excellence. Join Laura and Jamie here today for this inspiring and instructive examination into the intricate tapestry of women's sports, and the boundless potential of storytelling. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "Historically, 95% of sports coverage has gone to male athletes, but we're making progress. There's a quantity and a quality issue when it comes to women's sports coverage." "The best way to get people to care is to build an emotional connection, and I think the best way to do that is with stories." "Share who you actually are, not just the highlight reel. Sponsors gravitate towards people who are being vulnerable because fans can relate to them." "Flame Bearers' vision is to become the go-to storytelling platform for elite women athletes, centering their stories through podcasts, videos, and live events." "No one person can do it all... Surround yourself with people who could have your back and who can fill those holes." "I want to make sure that we don't forget how we got there... Acknowledging those first trailblazers and making sure they feel validated and seen." "Literally every piece that I do, it's kind of like a love letter to that athlete... I want to tell their story how they want it told." "One reason I started the podcast was I had just come back to diving after retirement... I started the podcast to bring people on and start asking questions." "You can have the best story in the world, but if nobody hears it, does it make a difference?... Jamie is giving them the opportunity to connect, and that's huge." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Jamie: __ __

Mar 21
Rising Above with Olympic Gold Medal Volleyball Player Jon Root

This week, Laura introduces us to the remarkable Jon Root, a volleyball luminary whose journey to success defied expectations at every turn. From an unforeseen introduction to volleyball in West Los Angeles to clinching prestigious All-American accolades at Stanford University to achieving Olympic and international glory, Jon's trajectory epitomizes the indomitable spirit of passion and perseverance in the sporting realm. Through Laura's engaging dialogue with Jon, listeners are immersed not only in Jon’s many spectacular achievements but also in the intricacies of athletes' transitions beyond the competitive sphere, delving into themes of identity, purpose, and personal growth post-athletics. From his storied collegiate career at Stanford University, where he navigated the rigorous demands of both academics and athletics with aplomb, to his triumphant representation of the United States on the international volleyball stage, Jon's journey is a testament to unwavering determination and dedication. As he candidly shares his experiences, Jon unveils the myriad challenges athletes encounter upon bidding farewell to professional sports, emphasizing the paramount importance of self-discovery, resilience, and adaptability in charting a course through the uncharted waters of post-athletic life. Through their illuminating discourse, Laura and Jon offer invaluable insights and inspiration, urging athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts to embrace change, forge supportive networks, and leave an enduring legacy that transcends the boundaries of the sporting arena. This episode stands as yet another poignant reminder of the transformative power of sports, guiding listeners on a journey of empowerment and self-discovery as they endeavor to realize their fullest potential, both on and off the field. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "Sports kind of saved me from myself." "I was a good mess, but I was kind of a mess." "There's more to this than just the bread and butter." "You're allowed to have your own journey, and that's what makes it beautiful." "I think I was just so lost in the humility and the kind of what just happened." "If you're good at performance but you're not great at change, can you look at change in a different way? In changing, we do perform. In performing, we do change. It's inherently part of the walnut." "You're going to have to get out there and try a couple of things. The first thing may not be the only thing, and it may not be the best thing." "We need to let athletes know that we are more than just athletes. There's so much more involved in our stories and in who we are as people." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __

Mar 14
My Untold Journey Through Trials with Pursuit of Gold Host Laura Wilkinson

In this special episode, listeners are invited to explore Laura's journey to Olympic triumph, shaped by resilience and determination. Approaching the 24th anniversary of a pivotal moment in her life, personal audio clips, as shared here today, recount significant moments along her journey that profoundly impacted her path. Laura’s tale of being a young diver filled with Olympic dreams and facing momentous decisions at times of relative uncertainty inspires many of the episode's themes such as overcoming adversity, embracing gratitude, and finding strength in challenges. Using this momentous event as a springboard, the episode delves into resilience amidst adversity, from life-altering decisions to recovering from injuries. Through this intimate account, listeners gain insights into how resilience shapes Laura's responses to life's trials, and how gratitude emerges as transformative amidst setbacks, shifting her focus towards opportunities and fostering a positive mindset. As you will hear, community support proves vital in overcoming obstacles, brilliantly highlighting the importance of unity, and each setback becomes a chance for growth, paving the way towards Olympic success. As the world looks ahead to the upcoming Paris Olympics, Laura’s very personal reflection here today offers timely, hard-earned lessons and insights from her own stellar career that will prove invaluable to all those engaged in their own Pursuit of Gold. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "Every cloud really does have a silver lining. If you open your eyes, you'll find it." "Recognize that although you may not be happy with the competition, there is more to life than that competition." "Sometimes we will win that amazing gold medal and sometimes we'll miss it. But amazing things still happen because I didn't give up." "Every obstacle that we face, there is an opportunity inside of it, but we have to be willing to find it." "It's easy to say inspiring stuff and work really hard when things are going well and when things like you're healthy and things are just kind of normal and easy in that sense." "Find things to be grateful for. In the middle of the tough, in the middle of the painful, in the middle of the hard, there is something to be thankful for. Fill your mind with that and focus on those things." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __

Mar 07
Navigating Life After Sport with Athlete Transition Coach Robyn Eckersley

In yet another impactful and empowering episode of The Pursuit of Gold podcast, Laura delves into the all too often-overlooked topic of life after competitive sports. Joining her for this important discussion is Robyn Eckersley, CPC, ELI-MP, a dedicated life expansion coach who specializes in helping high performing women create huge, meaningful change within themselves, their personal lives, and their professional lives. Together, this dynamic duo navigates the emotional rollercoaster of retiring from elite athletics, discussing the challenges of finding purpose and passion beyond sports.  Throughout their candid conversation, Laura and Robyn uncover practical strategies for tackling financial challenges, prioritizing mental health, and embracing gratitude as a pathway to personal fulfillment. Exploring the journey of transitioning from the pinnacle of athletic achievement to a new chapter in life, they emphasize the importance of setting meaningful targets, reframing mindset, and finding strength in community support networks. Through the insights that Robyn and Laura share here today, they redefine success on individual terms, encouraging listeners to approach change with confidence and optimism as they embark on life beyond the sports arena. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "There are too many stories of unsuccessful retirement experiences where athletes suffer immensely with mental, emotional, physical, and financial repercussions once they hang up their jersey." "What is life about? I had no answers. And so, honestly, my mental health did start to take a major toll." "A lot of these athletes, if they had the privilege of generating a good amount of income over the course of their career, are without financial advising and the appropriate kind of financial counseling to help set them up for the long term." "I think it's really healthy to go through those emotional ups and downs afterward. That's a healthy grief process." "A lot of times people think I'm grieving... I grieve the routine I had training every day in the gym." "We're not created to be alone. We need community for sure." "We need to recognize all the value that we have intrinsically as each individual human being on top of what you can do in your sport." "Lean into the fact that you get to experience the Olympic village, the camaraderie, and the opportunity to connect with fellow athletes on a human level." "Struggling after retirement shouldn't be the norm; we're changing those metrics and creating a supportive community for athletes." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Robyn: __ __

1h 3m
Feb 29
Discovering a Life Without Limits with Paralympian Kyle Coon

Welcome to another captivating episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast, where, this week, Laura engages in an inspiring conversation with Kyle Coon, a paralympian, author, speaker, and a truly  extraordinary individual who has surmounted formidable challenges to chase his aspirations. Kyle's journey commenced at a very early age, when retinoblastoma robbed him of his sight. From experiencing this loss to conquering Mount Kilimanjaro to representing Team USA in the Paralympics, Kyle's narrative epitomizes resilience and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. Throughout the episode, Kyle shares poignant anecdotes from his childhood encounter with cancer, his navigation of the sightless realm, and the pivotal influence of mentor Eric Weihenmayer. He delves into the intricacies of competing as a blind athlete, his collegiate wrestling exploits, his affinity for communal fitness pursuits, and the transformative allure of running and triathlon. As Kyle recounts his extraordinary journey, listeners are given the opportunity to contemplate the significance of resilience, mentorship, and purpose amidst life's challenges, and to partake in a narrative underscored by perseverance and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Kyle's evolution from a visually impaired athlete to a Paralympic contender is explored here today with depth and insight, showcasing the indomitable human spirit's capacity to transcend obstacles and achieve greatness no matter what the odds. Episode Highlights: __ __ QUOTES: "I was diagnosed with a very rare form of eye cancer when I was ten months old. Essentially, I had cancer in both of my retinas, and the doctors immediately wanted to remove my eyes." "I fell in love with running, which morphed into a love and passion for triathlon.” "I strive for excellence. I like to be a high achiever.” "I hated running until I got good at it. It took me about six or seven years to really love it. But I enjoy pushing myself and putting the puzzle of swim, bike, run together." "It's about pushing yourself, finding your breaking point, and then pushing beyond it." "The pursuit of gold, whether in sport or life, drives us to be excellent." "Every time I reached my edge, I was able to push myself a little bit further." "I've had to learn how to cope with not achieving my goals." "The journey to the Paralympics is as much about resilience as it is about performance." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH KYLE: __ __

Feb 22
Scaling New Heights with 2024 Sport Climbing Olympian Natalia Grossman

At just 22 years old, Natalia Grossman’s incredible track record of success includes winning Gold and Silver at the 2021 International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) Climbing World Championships, 19 podium finishes at World Cup events and, most recently, qualifying for the 2024 Paris Olympics. Today, this rapidly rising superstar sits down with Laura to candidly discuss a number of topics, including her awe-inspiring journey to the pinnacle of her sport, the trials of relocating for climbing, facing online criticism, and the transformative experience of turning pro. Diving into the complexities of competitive athletics, Laura and Natalia illuminate the mental fortitude required to navigate the highs and lows of elite sports. From the weight of expectations to the quest for balance and mental well-being, they dissect the emotional journey with honesty and vulnerability. The episode unfolds with a raw exploration of the toll of external scrutiny and the healing power of open communication within a strong support network while also offering insights on discipline, resilience, and the profound joy of pursuing one's passion. Sharing her experiences here today, Natalia joins Laura in taking listeners on an inspirational journey of self-discovery that embraces the pursuit of excellence with renewed determination and purpose, serving as a beacon of inspiration for all those seeking to conquer their own challenges and achieve greatness in their endeavors. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "I was just training for fun, and I ended up winning. Then I thought, 'Well, now I have to keep doing them!'" "I think one of the biggest things that drew me to the sport was how the community was so close and it's a lot smaller of a sport." "It was just new to me to be going to new countries every month with my team and just getting to compete." "You never forget your first World Cup win. It was just so cool having everyone there." "Don't google your name... I think having people around you that have got your back is a big deal." "Getting it out and talking to people who, you know, love and care about you no matter what, I think that's really important." "I'm a lot more than just a climber.” "You can't control what the other person is doing, especially if it's not like a combat sport. You know what I mean? You're not really like controlling the other person necessarily." "When you go, I guess, pro, and then you have sponsors and you feel like you're supposed to perform to their wants and your income can be based on performance, that can sometimes add another layer of pressure." "What's done is done. We can't go back and change it, right. So now this is a new opportunity." "Just listen to your body and if you feel tired, take that rest day. It's okay to take rest days." "If I'm not having fun, it's not worth it. And if I'm not having fun, I'm not going to perform very well." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH NATALIA: __ __

Feb 15
Precision Path to Gold with 4-time Olympic Champion Swimmer Ryan Murphy

Laura’s guest this week is none other than six-time Olympic Medalist and World Record holder, Ryan Murphy, who details his simply remarkable journey to, and within, the world of elite swimming. From his early days in the pool, following in the footsteps of his competitive siblings, to becoming an internationally revered leader in the realm of swimming, Ryan’s steadfast dedication, intense focus, and unmatched work ethic have elevated him to the status of a true champion in the sport. In today’s very special episode, he and Laura cover it all, including what’s next in his formidable journey, in particular, his preparation for the upcoming 2024 Olympics. Throughout the episode, listeners become privy to valuable insights into the life and mindset of an Olympic champion, as this legendary duo explores such themes as building confidence, managing distractions, handling pressure, and the importance of teamwork. They dive deep into the world of competitive swimming and uncover the invaluable lessons it has to offer, including the significance of perseverance, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence in the face of extraordinary challenges. You definitely do not want to miss this fascinating conversation that provides a rare and invaluable glimpse into the mental and physical preparation that goes into reaching the pinnacle of athletic achievement, achieving Olympic glory, and, above all, pursuing and fulfilling your dreams. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "I just wanted to be the best at everything." "If I perform the way that I'm capable of, I'll make the team." "You can't just show up to the meet and expect to be able to focus. You have to practice that focus leading up to it and know what you're going to focus on." "In the ready room, you might be nervous, but that's just the baseline of the room." "I'm a product of some of the people I've been around and the people that have helped me." "That's the Olympics; when you're five years old, you see that. Being able to achieve something you had very loose dreams of when you're young, that's a really cool thing to fulfill." "I've never gotten out and been like, 'I shouldn't have pushed myself so hard.'" "That was special for everyone. We knew that was Michael's last race. To have the icon of your sport swimming with you in his last race, that's really special." "I think there's just really quality people in the sport. I really do appreciate that." "The goal for me is always very simple: I like to win. At the same time, if I'm second in the world or third in the world, that's something to be really proud of." "You have to do what's best for you." "Maintaining a healthy perspective is crucial." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Ryan: __ __

Feb 08
From the Platform to the Podium with Olympic Silver Medalist Jessica Parratto

Two-time Olympian, Olympic Silver Medalist, twelve-time National Champion, NCAA Champion, and World Championship Bronze Medalist, Jessica Parratto, is Laura’s very special guest on the podcast this week. With deep aquatic roots in her family, Jessica’s journey was almost inevitable, as her mother was her coach until age 14, and her father once coached Olympic legend Jenny Thompson. Jessica shares her remarkable story in this episode, from her daring decision to leave home at 14 to train at the National Training Center to her tumultuous Rio Olympics experience, partnership with Delaney Schnell, pursuit of Olympic medals, and specialization in synchronized diving. Jessica’s candid conversation with Laura details her unique upbringing, the parental support in choosing her path, and her journey to becoming an elite diver. Showcasing the power of passion, determination, and strong team support, her journey epitomizes determination and resilience, from pivotal synchronized diving partnership decisions to her comeback from retirement. Her collaboration with Delaney Schnell highlights teamwork, trust, and the relentless pursuit of Olympic glory, and beyond the pool, Jessica's story illuminates her life outside diving, emphasizing her supportive family and deep friendships with fellow divers. Tune in here today to share in this truly fascinating tale of all the sacrifices and joys of chasing Olympic dreams from two superstars who have experienced them firsthand. Episode Highlight: __ __ Quotes: "I did a lot of sports growing up. I did swimming, I did diving, gymnastics, soccer, dance. I mean, I did it all." "My parents made me and my sister feel so comfortable in just wanting to do whatever we wanted to do in life." "I just remember Drew being like, 'Do you think that you can make an Olympic team right now?' And I was just like, 'No.' And he was like, 'Well, I do.'" "I think crazy things can happen in a small amount of time, so don't ever count yourself out.” "It literally changes everything when you think differently, right? And you're like evidence of that right here." "It's so important. It is definitely a difference-maker. And even if you have to preface it like, 'Hey, I don't want to hurt your feelings, I love you guys, but this is just what I need right now. And I just really would love and appreciate that support.’" "It's never just yourself, it's always this army that you have behind you. And so that's what makes it really special." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Jessica: __ __

1h 11m
Feb 01
Learning To Be in the Moment with 5-time World Medalist Diver Katrina Young

Welcome to the latest exciting episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast, where Laura is joined by the remarkable Katrina Young, a two-time Olympian and five-time world medalist in diving for an inspiring journey through Katrina's life and career. Starting with her outstanding achievements in both gymnastics and diving during her formative years, Katrina's story reflects her steadfast ambition throughout as, despite the fact that her college dreams in sports didn't come to fruition, she persevered, ultimately propelling herself towards Olympic greatness. As she now prepares for the 2024 World Aquatic Championships in Doha and aims for her third Olympic appearance in Paris, Katrina's path is filled with highs, lows, and a focus on authentic competition. Laura and Katrina embark upon this remarkable voyage of ambition, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of Olympic gold by delving into Katrina's gymnastics-to-diving transition, her familial inspiration from her Olympian grandmother, her transformative mindset shift, and her candid discussion on handling performance anxiety. This inspiring conversation provides invaluable insights into the trials of Olympic competition, the post-Olympic challenges athletes face, the pursuit of a music career alongside diving, life-altering decisions, and the significance of trust and authenticity in the competitive arena. Katrina Young's captivating journey, balancing both diving and music careers, reminds us that the pursuit of passion and authenticity is the true path to greatness. Don't miss out on this engaging episode, as it resonates with ambition, offers inspiration, and underscores the relentless pursuit of one's dreams. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quote: "When you're going after your dreams, you don't feel like you have a choice." "No matter what great things our coach says or our friends say, it's our voice in our head 24/7." "It felt a little bit scary to have that much time to think about the possibilities." "I felt like I had to change who I was to become an Olympian, and that's not the truth." "For me, it's more of a performance than anything." "It's a very ironic mix of emotions for me. Every time going into it, I'm like, “I'm going to throw up.”” "Fear is totally normal. It's a totally human thing. But that is also the only time that you can be courageous." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Katrina: __ __

Jan 25
Golden Reflections on 100 Episodes of Wisdom, Growth and Pursuit

Welcome to a monumental 100th episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast! In this milestone episode, Laura shares her story, her vision, and the invaluable lessons she has gathered from hosting the podcast.  From the momentous start of this podcast in the challenging year of 2020, Laura's mission has been clear: to bring together the tools, knowledge, and inspiration that athletes need to achieve their greatest goals, both in sports and in life. Through insightful conversations with athletes, coaches, and experts from various disciplines, Laura unveils the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects that fuel champions' journeys. As Laura reflects on her own experiences, you'll discover the wisdom gained from overcoming setbacks, finding new pathways, and redefining one’s identity beyond sports. Her pursuit of gold goes far beyond the physical medals to the pursuit of self-discovery, fulfillment, and resilience.  As you will hear, this 100th episode truly encapsulates the very heart and soul of the Pursuit of Gold podcast, reminding athletes that it's not just about the destination but the incredible journey that transforms them into champions, both on and off the field. Thank you for joining Laura Wilkinson on this epic journey, and here's to the next 100 episodes! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "Because as I often say to people, I went to three Olympic games but I only brought home one medal, but it didn't make the other two Olympics failures or regrets or I wish I hadn't gone after it." "Finding fulfillment in your sport carries a lot of weight outside of your sport, too, outside of the pool or the track or the gym or whatever it is. To find that fulfillment in your sport also helps you feel fulfilled outside of your sport." "You don't stand up on the podium and become a champion. You have to become a champion in the dark when nobody is watching in those days, weeks, months, years leading up to that moment that you get to stand on top of the podium." "Gold is a great goal. It is something admirable to work for and to try and achieve. But it's the pursuit that makes you who you are, that makes you incredible." "You don't get to the top of the podium and suddenly everything changes. You have to change in order to stand on top of that podium. You have to change in the pursuit. It's the pursuit of gold that makes you a champion." “I want you to grow into the athlete and the person that you want to be. I am your biggest fan.”  “By listening and sharing this show with your friends, you make it possible to continue on and impact so many people. So a huge, heartfelt thank you for listening and for being here and being a ‘Pursuit Peep.’” LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __

Jan 18
Battling Counterfeit Comforts with Author, Expert and Coach Robia Scott

In the latest episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast, actress, author, emotional coach, and Hollywood professional dancer turned iconic musician Prince’s muse, Robia Scott, takes center stage. Her riveting and candid conversation with Laura here today delves into her storied career, the highs and lows of the entertainment industry, and the sacrifices and life-altering choices made by high achievers in pursuit of their dreams. Beneath all the glitz and glamor, they uncover the emotional and mental struggles that often accompany success, particularly the damaging relationship between body image, food, and self-worth. Throughout the episode, Laura and Robia explore the complex world of emotional eating and its roots in societal pressures and personal insecurities as Robia shares her two-decade-long journey to recognize and address these underlying emotional wounds. Together, they stress the critical significance of seeking help, mentorship, and guidance while underscoring the role of accountability and the power of vulnerability in the healing process. Advocating for self-awareness through journaling and investing in personal growth, this episode is a profound journey into emotional healing and self-discovery, providing valuable guidance for those seeking happiness and fulfillment amid the demands of high achievement and success. Don't miss this opportunity to join Laura and Robia’s insightful conversation today so you, too, can continue on your own path to emotional well-being and self-empowerment. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "In many of our sports, there's this elephant in the room that people don't want to talk about because we're high achievers, we're tough, we think we should be impenetrable, like some kind of superhero." "These escapes might offer temporary relief and comfort, but they can easily become addictive, enslaving, and destructive patterns." "The feelings we're not dealing with are dealing with us." "Awareness is the first step of change. You can't change what you don't know." "If I'm overweight, you just, like, go on a diet. You try to white knuckle things. You try to quit the smoking. You try to stop the addiction. You try to stop drinking the alcohol. But if you don't deal with the root, it just parlays into a different addiction." "I call them counterfeit comforts because they're those comforts that we turn to, that they're an imposter, they give us some temporary satisfaction, some temporary relief, but they're really a counterfeit." "You don't have to be controlled by these…counterfeit comforts. You can overcome that and move past it." "It's important because like you said, we all struggle with it in some ways, so we have to talk about it." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH ROBIA: __ __

Jan 11
The Wild West of NIL with Dr. Matt Bowers

This week Laura is excited to present Dr. Matt Bowers, an associate professor and the director of the Sport Management Program at the University of Texas at Austin. As an expert in athlete development and sports management, Matt is here  to unravel the complexities surrounding the Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) regulations that have recently reshaped college athletics.  Throughout the episode, Dr. Bowers unpacks the history and development of NIL regulations, illustrating how they have evolved from initial concepts to the powerful influence they now exert in college athletics. He explores the various advantages NIL offers athletes, such as new avenues for personal branding and financial opportunities. But the discussion isn’t limited to the benefits; Dr. Bowers also delves into the challenges and complexities accompanying these regulations. The conversation sheds light on how NIL has transformed the way college athletes engage with and profit from their sports careers. Additionally, the episode delves into the intricate relationship between NIL regulations and the overall infrastructure of college sports. Dr. Bowers discusses how these regulations have prompted a reevaluation of traditional collegiate sports models and spurred inclusivity, opening doors for diverse revenue streams. However, he also highlights the challenges in valuing athlete contributions and the urgent need for consistent, national-level guidelines to ensure fair practices across all college sports Whether you're a current or future college athlete, parent, coach, or just a sports enthusiast, this episode offers a critical perspective on navigating the new landscape of college sports thriving within the NIL era.  Episode Highlights:  __ __ Quotes:   "Sports are this incredibly powerful context, not inherently good or bad, but one of the most powerful contexts for human development."  "I think long-term happiness and fulfillment and wellbeing come from really having a clear sense of who you are, and then how you pursue that."   "There are a number of lawsuits in process right now that I could see fundamentally altering the relationship between student athletes and universities here in the not too distant future." “I recognize this could be transformative for some families… for their kid to be able to pursue an NIL deal in high school that could change the trajectory of an entire family.” “We've jumped the shark in terms of what we require of an athlete to even be able to put themselves in a position to get to a school like Texas. And so now we're layering on, on top of that.” Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Matt: __ __

1h 5m
Dec 14, 2023
When Your Hobby Becomes Your Profession with Rugby Olympian Naya Tapper

Joining Laura on the podcast this week is Naya Tapper, a thoroughly remarkable 2020 Olympian and professional women's rugby player who, after earning All-American track and field honors in high school, began her rugby career at UNC Chapel Hill where she starred from 2012-2016. Having turned professional in 2016, Naya has since become the All-Time leading try scorer for USA Women’s Eagles, and some highlights from her illustrious career include the 2017 Sydney Sevens Player of the Final, 2017 Sydney Sevens Dream Team, 2017 Vegas Sevens Dream Team, 2018 Rugby World Cup second leading try scorer, and 2018 HSBC Dream Team. She has also earned a silver medal at the 2017 Dubai Sevens Tournament, a gold medal at the 2019 Biarritz Olympique Pays Basque, a silver medal at the 2019 Pan American Games, and was a member of USA Rugby’s 2020 Olympic team that competed in Tokyo. Naya's incredible odyssey from her collegiate discovery of rugby to Olympic glory, as shared here today stands as a resounding testament to her steadfast resilience and dedication. Together, she and Laura discuss navigating the challenges of professional rugby, the mental toughness of elite athletes, appearing on Project Runway, and the journey to the Tokyo Olympics. Naya's passion for supporting youth rugby players through the Naya Tapper Scholarship and her dynamic brand, "Naya on Fiya” shine brightly throughout the episode, and listeners will also gain a glimpse into her aspirations beyond her athletic career, particularly in the realm of sports business. Naya's remarkable story is one that resonates far beyond sports, exemplifying the power of unwavering perseverance and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "It was destiny because my college coach had connections with the national rugby team." "I got cut from the team. My immediate reaction was, 'I'll just go back to North Carolina and start applying for PT schools.'" "It's always for me, like, 'Okay, what's the next move? How do I get back on my feet?'" "It was nice to be able to chill and relax and let my body decompress and spend time with family and friends that you miss out on a lot when you're full time in this type of profession." "As long as I can stay healthy and continue performing at the level I am, I have the best shot I can possibly provide myself." "Sports have literally changed my life. So to be able to provide that opportunity for people who also want to have that experience, I think was really important to me." "Nobody really knows how to sell you better than you can sell yourself." "I've officially strayed away from PT school mainly because I really don't want to go back to school." "I think something that I've gained a passion for is just sports business." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Naya: __ __

Dec 07, 2023
How to Create a Thriving Team Culture with Coach J.P. Nerbun

HOW TO CREATE A THRIVING TEAM CULTURE WITH COACH J.P. NERBUN Laura’s very special guest this week is J.P. Nerbun, founder and co-host of the highly acclaimed sports leadership podcast, Coaching Culture. With an accomplished career as a professional basketball coach spanning over a decade, J.P. Nerbun has become a world-renowned leadership coach, sports consultant, and visionary founder of TOC, a leading global sports-consulting and coaching business. Throughout his career, he and his team have provided personalized coaching and practical resources to hundreds of leaders across various industries, including sports, education, medicine, and business. He is also the acclaimed author of Calling Up: Discovering Your Journey to Transformational Leadership and The Culture System: A Proven Process for Creating an Extraordinary Team Culture. J.P.’s ‘The Culture System Online Training Platform’ launched earlier this year. Drawing from his unique perspective as a former athlete, J.P. provides actionable guidance tailored for coaches, athletes, and parents alike seeking to elevate their leadership and culture-building skills. He goes on to share his personal journey and rich leadership experience, and offers insights into effective coaching practices, parental involvement, strategies for handling challenging situations, and the keys to achieving success. Together with Laura, J.P. also delves into the critical role of team culture, crafting coaching philosophies, nurturing relationships in youth sports, and addressing abuse in sports with a positive approach. Brimming with a wealth of wisdom on fostering exceptional team cultures and honing leadership abilities in the sports world, the insights discussed by J.P. and Laura here today will undoubtedly ignite your passion to create positive and impactful experiences in the realm of sports and beyond.  EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "If someone is tearing you down as a human being, they criticize your play, that's one thing. But especially to be critical of you as a human being constantly, that you feel less, you feel like you're not worthy... just walk away." "I wish I could go back so much and just tell that younger self to, hey, just tell him to stop. Just tell him, this doesn't work for me." "I'm passionate, so I can be really high, and I can be really low. That used to be my excuse.” "We want to create an environment that's intrinsically motivated for athletes, where they just want to show up and work hard and have a good attitude because that's who they want to be." "My job as your coach is not to make you an Olympic gold medalist. My job is to create an atmosphere and an environment where you can become the very best that you can be." "Your philosophy is like the outline; you allow the players to come in and color it in." "Share it as an observation, not as a judgment. Be curious, not judgmental." "The best way to invite change in others is to first change yourself." "A great leader creates a future that wasn't possible without them." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ Connect with J.P.: TOC Culture https://www.tocculture.com/

Nov 30, 2023
Courage is a Learned Skill with High Diver David Colturi

COURAGE IS A LEARNED SKILL WITH HIGH DIVER DAVID COLTURI Laura joins forces with professional cliff diver, coach, and performance expert, David Colturi for this week’s installment of the Pursuit of Gold podcast. One of the standout cliff divers over the last decade, David has accumulated 14 podiums in 52 starts, including becoming the youngest ever winner of a World Series event at the age of 24. After returning from the enforced World Series break, he was narrowly edged out of the permanent places in 2021 and will return to the 27m platform as a wildcard this year. David also currently serves as a coach, runs high performance workshops, and is a gifted public speaker. Together with Laura, David embarks on an exhilarating journey that delves into such topics as his awe-inspiring transformation from a budding diver to an experienced professional, the pivotal role of balance in the pursuit of one's dreams, and the fearless approach required to confront and conquer personal fears head-on. From being determined to conquer the heights of high dives to the heart-pounding moments during his debut at the Red Bull Cliff Diving event in Corsica, this episode is a treasure trove of adrenaline-pumping narratives and invaluable life lessons. Our dynamic duo also go on to share intimate anecdotes and profound insights into the psychological and emotional battles they've waged during their illustrious careers, from grappling with fear and self-doubt to contending with the physical toll exacted by high-speed impacts. Today’s conversation transcends the realm of diving and touches upon the profound importance of setting well-defined objectives, aligning actions with one's authentic values, and embarking on a purpose-driven journey throughout our lives. If you’ve been wanting to make some crucial mindset shifts like David, in order to perform better, love your sport again or grow your confidence, start getting excited for my awesome Black Friday bundles that are here now but only for a limited time! Every single amazing bundle also comes with a FREE ticket into a new workshop I’ll be hosting in January called Turning Obstacles into Opportunities. Make sure you don’t miss this window of opportunity- go check out these special bundles at LauraWilkinson.com/blackfriday http://laurawilkinson.com/blackfriday! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "Courage is a learned skill just like anything else." "These tough days, these are the ones that define you. This is the good stuff." "You're just competing against yourself... all you've got to do is be better than you were yesterday." "You’ve just got to sometimes do what you’ve got to do. And it can be a scary road, but I think you learn a lot of lessons in that, too." "So it's kind of just learning to take those skills we learn in our sport and applying it into our life." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH DAVID: __ __

1h 3m
Nov 16, 2023
How to Let Go of Expectations with Olympic Gold Medalist Laura Wilkinson

HOW TO LET GO OF EXPECTATIONS WITH OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALIST LAURA WILKINSON Laura goes solo today to speak directly with listeners regarding the intricate issue of expectations that can plague athletes across all levels. Her wealth of experience shines through as she adeptly guides us all through the nuanced landscape of expectation management, providing not only invaluable insights but also practical strategies to shift focus from the burdensome weight of unrealistic pressures to the exhilarating pursuit of goals and personal growth. Laura also delves into the emotional ramifications of expectations, shedding light on how their emotional nature can lead to disappointment, potentially eroding athletes' self-esteem and confidence. A key theme highlighted in this episode is the essential distinction between goals and expectations, with Laura emphasizing that goals should be concrete, measurable, and underpinned by a well-defined plan, while expectations often manifest as vague desires devoid of concrete strategies. By encouraging athletes to view their goals as destinations and expectations as the vehicles of their journey, Laura inspires a profound mindset shift that enables athletes to sidestep undue pressure and instead immerse themselves in the rewarding process of athletic excellence. A truly essential listen, today’s episode is a beacon of guidance in particular for athletes seeking to master the art of expectation management and cultivate a goal-oriented mentality along their path to athletic success.  More outstanding guidance will also be available through Laura's upcoming Black Friday Sale, where she will unveil a trove of valuable resources designed to reshape mindsets and elevate athletic performance. Join the Black Friday Waitlist here https://www.laurawilkinson.com/black-friday-waitlist to ensure you're among the first to access these transformative offerings. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "So many of us are carrying the weight of either our own expectations or the expectations of others, whether it be a coach, a parent, teammates, the media, whoever." "Expectations are desires, but they don't have any precise shape or boundaries.” "I really despise the term ‘realistic goals’ because when people say ‘realistic’, they're trying to say, “Set a goal you can already do,” and that's not a goal." "Goals are stable, yet they're pliable enough to adapt to changing circumstances." "Your goal is where you are aiming. That is your final destination." “The secret to not confuse expectations with goals is to let your expectations direct the quality and effort of your training, not your end result.” "Let's be goal-oriented and goal-focused and really just expect that we are going to train with quality, that we are going to train with integrity, every single day." Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __

Nov 09, 2023
Getting Creative with Olympic Diver Brandon Loschiavo

GETTING CREATIVE WITH OLYMPIC DIVER BRANDON LOSCHIAVO This week, Laura shines the Pursuit of Gold spotlight on Brandon Loschiavo, an exceptional athlete whose journey is truly a compelling one, and whose impressive resume includes Big Ten championships, NCAA championships, seven U.S. national titles, a World Cup bronze medal, and a coveted spot as an Olympian. Following a brief retirement period post-Tokyo Olympics, Brandon has resurfaced with a resolute focus on competing in the men's ten-meter platform diving event at the 2024 Paris Olympics. Together with Laura here today, he addresses a number of pivotal themes, including unwavering determination, resilience in the face of adversity, the power of a positive mindset, and the art of adapting to life's challenges. Throughout the episode, Brandon delves into his college years, which were far from a straightforward path to success, and his diving career which was marred by knee injuries that threatened to halt his progress. Rather than succumbing to these setbacks, however, Brandon relates how he embarked on a journey filled with creativity and proactive injury management. He also goes on to share with listeners a wealth of wisdom on such topics as life after competitive sports, strength training, coaching, and the unique challenges faced by elite athletes when transitioning into new roles. Tune in and join these two legendary athletes for this powerful reminder that success often stems from embracing challenges head-on - an invaluable lesson so very pertinent to all aspects of life. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "Simple mental skills and mindset shifts can make a huge difference in your confidence." "I had that goal, I had that aspiration to make it to the Olympics, and I just put my head down and grinded for the long haul." "It's not the last dive that matters. It's all 18. And I did 17 out of 18 well enough to just keep me not just in the game, but, like, well above second." "I want to walk into the prelim feeling like it's the final. You don't want to just kind of, like, mosey through the prelim, because then you'll do terribly, and it's a cumulative event, so every list counts." "When you're a hyper-focused athlete on these huge goals, there's life outside of it, but you kind of forget how to live." "It felt good to find a new community, and I did for at least probably, like, the first two, three months. I made it a goal to not be defined as a diver when I was outside of diving." "Coaches need coaches. And so I decided to have the team USA strength coach be my strength coach, write my programs." "Strength training is a slow burn, just like getting an Olympic pursuit. it's a long-term investment that pays off at the end." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH BRANDON: Brandon's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/brando_loschiavo/ Brandon's Linktree https://linktr.ee/brandoloschiavo

Nov 02, 2023
Paving Your Own Path with 2x Olympic Skier Tricia Mangan

PAVING YOUR OWN PATH WITH 2X OLYMPIC SKIER TRICIA MANGAN In this week’s captivating episode of The Pursuit of Gold, Laura welcomes the truly remarkable Tricia Mangan, a trailblazing skier who defied conventional norms to ascend to the pinnacle of her sport. As a two time Olympian, the 2023 US. National champion, six time North American Cup title winner, NCAA All American and All Academic Team member, and recent Dartmouth College Mechanical Engineering graduate, Tricia's story is a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and the pursuit of dreams regardless of challenges encountered. Today’s episode immerses listeners in the multi-faceted world of athletic excellence, exploring the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual tools that empower athletes like Tricia to achieve greatness.  As you will hear, Tricia’s journey to the Olympics was nothing short of extraordinary. Initially an alternate, she received a last-minute call to join the Olympic team and faced the whirlwind of preparations. The episode highlights her emotions and experiences during this roller-coaster ride, from the excitement of Olympic swag shopping to dealing with self-imposed pressure and doubt. As you dive into this episode, you will gain invaluable insights into Tricia's underdog mindset, her meteoric rise to becoming a two-time Olympian and 2023 US National champion, and her tireless dedication to inspiring the next generation of athletes to relentlessly pursue their dreams. Throughout their conversation, Tricia and Laura also shed light on the inspiring connection between Tricia and her brother (and guest on The Pursuit of Gold Episode 84), para rower Andrew Mangan. Tricia’s incredible journey, as shared here today, serves as a shining example of relentless commitment and the drive to succeed, reaffirming that even amidst the most formidable challenges, athletes can evolve, learn, and continue to pave their own path in their pursuit of gold. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "I knew that my path made me an underdog, but it was that very mindset that fueled my passion for always improving on and off the hill." "My twin brother and I were six when we started ski racing. I just loved it because all of our friends did it, kind of the cool kids at the club did it." "Growing up, I always knew that there were so many better girls out there, so I truly just focused on myself." "I've learned the most about myself, and I still feel it's just a never-ending challenge." "Everyone has their own lived experiences, and there's nothing wrong with feeling bad about a race. Like, you put a ton of work into that." "I just feel so thankful and grateful for all the support I've received, and the most special moments are definitely for me being able to give back and share my journey." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH TRICIA: __ __

1h 0m
Oct 26, 2023
Think Big, Act Small with 2x Olympic Medalist Skier Shannon Bahrke

THINK BIG, ACT SMALL WITH 2X OLYMPIC MEDALIST SKIER SHANNON BAHRKE Two-time Olympic medalist and three-time Olympian in skiing, Shannon Bahrke, joins Laura for this week’s fascinating episode of The Pursuit of Gold podcast.  In addition to her Silver and Bronze Olympic medals, Shannon’s achievements over her astonishing 12-year career include being a member of the U.S. “A’ Team, earning 7 World Cup victories and 6 U.S. National titles, and winning the Overall World Cup title in 2003, despite enduring multiple major injuries. Since retiring from her sport, she has gone on to create the Team Empower Hour made up of Olympians who empower corporate leaders and teams around the globe through leadership development, team building, keynote speeches, and fitness workout classes.  Today, Shannon shares details of her extraordinary journey, and, together with Laura, explores such themes such as purpose, resilience, and the power of mental training in sports. The episode delves into Shannon's early introduction to aerial skiing, her childhood in Lake Tahoe, and her love for adventure sports. It highlights her transition to mogul skiing and the pivotal role of community and freedom in her skiing passion. Shannon's journey from the University of Utah to competing at the World Cup level sheds light on the challenges she faced, and her accounts of using journaling and visualization in training and competitions underscore the roller coaster of success that defined her Olympic path. Shannon's story, as told here today, serves as a testament to the importance of mental and emotional resilience, seizing opportunities, and embracing unity and patriotism on a global scale. You owe it to yourself to join in on this remarkable journey, as Shannon's inspiring tale exemplifies the indomitable spirit of athletes who choose resilience and triumph, leaving an enduring legacy in the world of sports and beyond. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "It was hard, it was difficult, it had so many challenges, but it had all of these super crazy and wild people just like me, so it seemed like a perfect fit." "I'm a natural problem solver, and I like when people tell you can't do it." "That was the moment that I first started to use visualization, closing my eyes and experiencing and seeing what it is that I wanted." "We can be the best at our sport, but the difference is in your mental and emotional resilience." "I could be the person that could change the world as a female to do these things." "When you have a purpose that's greater than yourself, that gives you the ability to do things you wouldn't normally be able to do." "Our destiny isn't given to us; we have the choice to make it." "This is the resilience that I need right now to dig deep and be my best self and show the world what I am truly made of." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH SHANNON: Shannon's Website https://www.shannonbahrke.com/ Shannon's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/shannonbahrke/ Shannon's LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonbahrke/

1h 4m
Oct 19, 2023
S1E90 - Honor Your Goals with 2x World Champion Water Polo Player Jaime Komer

HONOR YOUR GOALS WITH 2X WORLD CHAMPION WATER POLO PLAYER JAIME KOMER Welcome to yet another elite episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast, as Laura takes the plunge into the remarkable journey of Jaime Komer, two-time World Champion and Olympic Silver Medalist in water polo. Drawing from this storied Olympic career and her own personal journey of self-discovery, Jaime has gone on to guide Olympians, Paralympians, professional athletes, women's groups, business executives, parents and entrepreneurs alike through challenging transitions they’ve encountered, all with compassion and an open mindset. The Founder of Consciously Connected, a personal growth consultancy, our multifaceted guest has also created a new and unique practice for self-exploration and personal growth known as The Kampfire, and, as if that’s not enough, serves as the host of the Consciously Connected Podcast. This girl gets things done! As you will hear, Jaime's narrative is nothing short of inspiring, encompassing a journey of transcending boundaries in Central California by initially joining a boys' water polo team to eventually achieving global acclaim. What truly distinguishes Jaime, though, is her transition from the pinnacle of sports to becoming a facilitator, guiding individuals and groups to embrace authenticity and prioritize emotional well-being. Today’s conversation unravels the spectrum of Jaime's insights, including the importance of setting ambitious goals and unleashing the power of creative imagery and visualization techniques. Uncovering the peaks and valleys of Jaime's athletic odyssey - from the heights of Olympic Silver glory to the emotional turbulence of facing rejection - her narrative embodies the indomitable spirit required to chase dreams while imparting invaluable wisdom for all. Join Laura and Jaime here today for this testament to resilience and determination, and immerse yourself in the wealth of knowledge, advice, inspiration and motivation to be found in this riveting installment of the Pursuit of Gold podcast. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: __ __ QUOTES: "It's really hard because you're like this tight-knit family, and at the same time, there's a very competitive energy in it because you don't know who or what's going to happen." "It felt like such an honor. It felt like such a proud moment in my life, and for our team to be there. And then at an individual level, I'm kind of working with my own emotions, my own mental health." "It is a funny experience because you are feeling so many things, and it's so exciting at the same time." "We went in going big. And I think that's why it was so hard, actually when we did get silver.” "Through coaching, by asking people questions and helping them find their own answers, you're way more motivated to do stuff." "There's so much that can happen when we do share it, even if it's maybe not the most comfortable thing to start." LINKS: __ __ LAURA’S SOCIAL MEDIA: __ __ CONNECT WITH JAIME: Jaime's Website https://www.jaimekomer.com/ Jaime's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jaimekomer/ Consciously Connected Podcast on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@consciouslyconnected

Oct 12, 2023
S1E89 - Fall in Love with Failing with 3x World Champ Softball Player Haylie McCleney

In this week’s captivating episode, Laura is joined by the outstanding Olympic Silver medalist and softball legend, Haylie McCleney, for an entertaining and informative conversation chock-full of ‘mic drops and truth bombs’. Haylie's extraordinary journey began early in her life, fueled by an insatiable passion for sports and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Graduating with a degree in Human Performance from the University of Alabama and attaining a Master's in Exercise Physiology at Florida Atlantic University, Haylie's dedication has ultimately led to her becoming a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with membership in the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Throughout her discussion with Laura today, Haylie shares invaluable insights touching on her approach to thriving as a leadoff hitter, embracing relentless presence, and the profound significance of playing the long game. Key takeaways from the episode reveal Haylie's emphasis on prioritizing personal growth over mere trophies as well as valuing the role of a supportive teammate in boosting morale. She also illuminates the transformative power of journaling as a means to navigate emotions, set goals, and express intentions, offering an enriching perspective on personal growth and competition. While recounting her journey to the Olympics, which saw the unique challenge of softball's temporary removal from the Games, Haylie's tenacity shines through in her work to realize her dream of representing the USA in Tokyo. The complexities posed by the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed as well, emphasizing the importance of stability during uncertain times. Haylie McCleney's inspiring narrative, as shared here today, stands as a testament to relentless dedication, unwavering commitment, and the unending pursuit of excellence - a truly inspiring tale brimming with invaluable wisdom born out of extensive and elite experience. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Haylie: __ __

Oct 05, 2023
S1E88 - Hitting New Heights with High Jump Olympian & Pro Volleyball Player Erin Aldrich-Shean

In today's very special episode, Laura is honored to welcome Erin Aldridge-Shean, a true multi-sport athlete extraordinaire whose many achievements include being a 2000 US Olympian in track and field as well as a five-time US National Volleyball Team member. In this riveting conversation, Erin recounts her inspiring journey, shares insights into crucial issues within the NCAA system, and offers valuable guidance to athletes and heartwarming tales of transformation along the way. Our guest’s remarkable career shines a spotlight on the potency of multidisciplinary athleticism and perseverance in the pursuit of Olympic aspirations. Together, she and Laura uncover the advantages and hurdles of engaging in multiple sports, the significance of setting audacious goals, and the paramount importance of ensuring a safe experience for all involved in sports. Erin's perspectives on the realm of collegiate sports and her dedication to helping individuals unlock their inner Olympian provide invaluable lessons for budding athletes and those in search of inspiration. Join Laura and Erin here today for this thought-provoking discussion on resilience, career transitions, and the importance of addressing misconduct in sports. Episode Highlights __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Erin: __ __

Sep 28, 2023
S1E87 - Your Sport is Not Your Identity with Olympic Weightlifter Carissa Gordon Gump

Welcome to yet another captivating episode of The Pursuit of Gold podcast, where, this week, Laura Wilkinson reconnects with Carissa Gordon Gump, USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame inductee, the first 63 Kilogram American woman to qualify and compete at the Olympic Games, multiple American record holder, and five time consecutive American Open Champion. Carissa currently serves as the Executive Director for the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation and is part of the United States Anti-Doping Agency Athlete Presenter Team, so you know she has a lot of knowledge and experience to share with everyone. Her journey, as shared here today, serves as a powerful reminder of the potential challenges athletes face during their transition from elite sports to retirement, and emphasizes the importance of having a well-thought-out plan and discovering new passions to lead a fulfilling post-athletic career. She also highlights The National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation's role and her own dedication to staying active and healthy, even after retiring from competitive weightlifting. Overall, this episode offers valuable insights into the world of Olympic weightlifting, the pursuit of Olympic dreams, the critical importance of clean sport advocacy, and the potential fate of weightlifting in the Olympics. You do not want to miss this one. And you do not want to miss Laura’s transformative program, Confident Competitor, which is designed to empower athletes to enhance their mental game, improve performance, and rise to challenges. Be sure to check out this comprehensive online program which offers 19 lessons on mindset, mental game, and performance skills, alongside practical activities, bonuses, and group coaching to equip athletes with the tools for success.  Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: "’We can guarantee you a spot in February of 2001, but, like in June when you graduate high school, I don't know if we're going to have anything available for you.’ And I said, ‘I'll be there.’" "I need to prepare for life after sport, and so that's what going to school was doing for me." "What I would really encourage athletes to recognize, is: your sport, yes, it is a part of who you are, but it is not you. It doesn't define who you are for the rest of your life. You have other identities as well." "I am still part of sport but just in a very different way." "You still need to have a plan to make sure that you, as a person, are fulfilled and have some sort of direction in your life." "Unfortunately, doping issues have been very common in the sport of weightlifting." "You don't just disappear. You still need to have a little sprinkle of whatever in your life." "Weightlifting is on the chopping block for 2028.” "I like to say we're the science behind strength and conditioning." Links: The Pursuit of Gold http://thepursuitofgold.com/ Website Confident Competitor https://www.laurawilkinson.com/course Laura’s Social Media: Laura’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lala_the_diver Laura’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheLauraWilkinson Connect with Carissa: Carissa's Instagram https://www.instagram.com/carissa_oly_2008/ Carissa's Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/gordongump/ National Strength and Conditioning Association https://www.nsca.com/

Sep 21, 2023
S1E86 - Mastering Visualization: 8 Common Mistakes Athletes Must Avoid

Laura goes solo here today to unravel the intricacies of visualization, an indispensable mental tool that underpins athletic success. With her trademark eloquence and expertise, she dissects the eight common missteps athletes often make when navigating the realm of visualization, emphasizing its paramount role in achieving sports-related aspirations. Laura transcends the conventional wisdom that physical prowess alone suffices, acknowledging the array of challenges athletes face, from injuries to burnout, mental roadblocks, and performance anxiety.  As the episode unfolds, visualization is heralded as a transformative skill that can reshape  athletes’ journeys, and with our host’s seasoned guidance and personal anecdotes, listeners gain the tools needed to unlock their full potential, not only in sports but also in life beyond the arena. She reminds us all that excellence doesn't solely hinge on physical exertion but also on cultivating a resilient and strategic mindset. Join Laura here today as she unveils the secrets to successful visualization, affirming that the pursuit of gold demands not only physical dedication but also the bolstering of mental fortitude—a journey well worth embarking upon. More key components for this journey can be found in Laura’s transformative program, Confident Competitor, which is designed to empower athletes to enhance their mental game, improve performance, and rise to challenges. Be sure to check out this comprehensive online program which offers 19 lessons on mindset, mental game, and performance skills, alongside practical activities, bonuses, and group coaching to equip athletes with the tools for success.  Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __

Sep 14, 2023
S1E85 - Sobriety, World Records & Fighting for Women's Sports with Powerlifter April Hutchinson

This week, Laura is joined by the remarkable April Hutchinson, reigning North American Deadlift record holder in the domain of powerlifting, who shares her inspiring tale of resilience that has led to her ascending to the global stage in a remarkably short time span. Utilizing powerlifting as a catalyst to conquer addiction and mental health challenges, April has also emerged as a vocal advocate for women's rights in sports. Today, she candidly addresses the complexities of competing against male athletes, the significance of providing a platform for women's voices, and the need to preserve the integrity of women's sports. With Laura, April explores the controversies arising from the inclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports, and highlights the importance of standing up for women's rights and equitable competition, even in the face of opposition.  Their discussion also delves into the impact of transgender athletes on women's sports, the differentiation between competition categories, and the empowerment of athletes to advocate for change.  April goes on to recount her own experiences competing against male athletes, and her aspirations for gold in future competitions. With April's journey as the backdrop, today’s episode fosters a compelling dialogue about the healing power of sports, gender equity, and the unwavering spirit of athletes dedicated to preserving the integrity of women's athletics. In more great news, Laura is reintroducing her transformative program, Confident Competitor, which is designed to empower athletes to enhance their mental game, improve performance, and rise to challenges. Be sure to check out this comprehensive online program which offers 19 lessons on mindset, mental game, and performance skills, alongside practical activities, bonuses, and group coaching to equip athletes with the tools for success.  Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with April: __ __

Sep 07, 2023
S1E84 - Keep Moving Forward with Para Rower Andrew Mangan

Laura’s truly remarkable guest this week is Andrew Mangan, an exceptional rower whose journey through adversity is nothing short of inspirational. Born into an athletic family, Andrew's passion for rowing bloomed alongside his siblings' quests for sporting excellence. However, when he was just 17 years old, a profound spinal cord injury left him paralyzed from the chest down, altering his trajectory. Through candid narration here today, Andrew walks listeners through the pivotal moments of that transformative night, his arduous route to recovery, the emotional difficulties he has faced, and his quest to qualify for the 2024 Paralympics. As you will hear, with resolute determination, he has seized each incremental victory, masterfully turning challenges into opportunities while pursuing his dreams. Along the way, he has also taken the time to create a spinal cord outreach platform, and author a book about brain computer interfaces - a topic of crucial importance to him. Andrew’s odyssey of surmounting daunting challenges to achieve his goals resonates as a testament to indomitable resilience and unwavering determination. His journey from grappling with a life-altering spinal cord injury to scaling the precipice of Paralympic aspirations paints a vivid picture of the human spirit's triumph over adversity. Listen in to this fascinating conversation today and witness how the ripples of life's trials are navigated with skillful grace, morphing aspirations into gleaming realities, beckoning with the allure of gold. Be sure to tune into this captivating Pursuit of Gold dialogue filled with inspiration and insights that once again transcend the arena of sports, empowering us all to face multifaceted challenges in every aspect of our lives with unshakable resolve.  Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Andrew: __ __

Aug 31, 2023
S1E83 - Growing into a Leader with Swimming Olympic Medalist Elizabeth Beisel

In today’s episode, Laura engages in a captivating conversation with none other than Elizabeth Beisel, the 3-time Olympian and 2-time medalist, who was voted by her teammates to be the 2016 Captain of the US Olympic Team. Elizabeth’s journey, marked by her Olympic debut at the age of 15 and extensive subsequent success, unfolds as a tapestry of determination, resilience, and triumph over adversity. The episode offers a deep dive into Beisel's formative experiences, her trajectory towards becoming a swimming champion, and the transformative shifts in mindset that propelled her to her remarkable achievements. Throughout the discussion, themes of tenacious determination, the significance of self-belief, and the profound influence of mentorship are interwoven, presenting an inspiring illustration of the pursuit of excellence in both athletic and broader life contexts. Elizabeth’s voyage within the realm of swimming serves as a testament to the confluence of ambition and unwavering dedication. Accomplishing feats both in and out of the pool, Beisel adeptly balanced her academic pursuits, emerging with a distinguished 3.9 GPA and clinching the esteemed 2011 NCAA Division One Scholar Athlete All American of the Year award before moving on to her storied Olympic career. Ultimately transcending the competitive sphere, Beisel found a new vocation as a talented and insightful media contributor, commentator and author, adding depth to audiences' engagement with the sport. Noteworthy among her endeavors is her charitable initiative, Block Cancer, wherein Beisel embarked on a remarkable nonstop swim that raised an impressive $600,000 for cancer research and clinical trials. A luminary both within the world of sport and beyond, Elizabeth’s tale, as shared here today, is as fascinating as it is inspiring - definitely one you do not want to miss. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Elizabeth: __ __

1h 0m
Aug 24, 2023
S1E82 - The Next Best Run with 2-Time Olympian Kim Conley

Two-time Olympian and renowned runner, Kim Conley, joins Laura on the podcast this week to share her incredible story of defying all odds to reach the pinnacle of her sport. From facing disappointments in college to becoming an Olympian with her first endorsement deal within just three years, Kim's tale is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief. In addition to her prowess on the track, she also operates a successful coaching company which caters to runners of all abilities across the nation. Today, this very special guest details the many powerful lessons she has learned during her unforgettable journey of passion, triumph, and dedication. Throughout this fascinating conversation, Kim recounts her road to the Olympics, her transition to marathon running, the challenges she faced during her athletic career, and how she balanced her personal life with her professional ambitions. She highlights the significance of teamwork in running, where even middle-of-the-pack athletes play crucial roles in team scores, and notes that her love for running and the joy she finds in the sport have been the driving forces behind her success and continued dedication to the marathon. The life-changing grant that allowed her to devote herself wholly to training for the Olympic Trials, and the sheer determination and courage she demonstrated in securing her place in the Olympics by a razor-thin margin are also discussed. Kim goes on to introduce her coaching business, "Next Best Run," and her plans for the future, including her quest for the 2024 Paris Olympics. As you will hear, Kim Conley’s story, as shared here today, is a truly remarkable one of grit, passion, and seizing the moment that will undoubtedly leave you inspired to pursue your own dreams, no matter what obstacles you may encounter in your path. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Kim: __ __

Aug 17, 2023
S1E81 - Building Your Athlete Brand with CG Sports CEO Cejih Yung

Cejih Yung, Founder and CEO of CG Sports Company, one of the premier sports marketing firms in the industry, joins Laura for a fascinating conversation on this latest episode of the Pursuit of Gold podcast. Having developed his love for sports at a young age growing up as a competitive swimmer in the greater Seattle area, Cejih has gone on to earn an MBA from the University of Washington and a certificate in Negotiation Mastery from Harvard Business School. He has been leading CG Sports since 2016 and writes a weekly blog called Cejih Explains about all things athlete branding, sponsorship, and sports marketing. Given his unique ability to break all these things down into simple, easy, doable steps, Laura has invited him onto the podcast to show everyone exactly how they can get started building their own brand.  Together, Laura and Cejih explore various themes, including the art of building a personal brand as an athlete and seizing the recent name, image, and likeness (NIL) opportunities for college athletes. Along the way, Cejih details how his team empowers athletes to thrive not only in sports but also as influential figures in their field by strategically telling their story, creating an engaging social media presence, and using email marketing to forge meaningful connections with followers and sponsors Throughout their conversation, they unravel the significance of athlete branding, delve into the benefits of crafting a unique brand identity, and share practical tips to grow a dedicated audience and engage with potential sponsors. Cejih also recounts the journey of his CG Sports Company, the comprehensive services it provides to athletes, and highlights its advice to athletes to maintain consistent effort and authentic connections while avoiding the fleeting allure of viral social media posts. Listen in today as this undisputed leader in his field reveals absolutely all that sports professionals need to know about redefining their sports journey by building a brand that reflects their unique story and purpose. Episode Highlights: __ __ Quotes: __ __ Links: __ __ Laura’s Social Media: __ __ Connect with Cejih: __ __

Aug 10, 2023